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Releases: validator/validator

03 March 2016

03 Mar 07:19
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3 March 2016.
This release fixes the checker behavior such that no error is incorrectly emitted any longer for minlength attributes on input[type=text] and input[type=password], and no error is incorrectly emitted any longer for integrity attributes containing multiple values. Also added in this release is a new error for the case where a <time> element has children but no datetime attribute. The CSP-checking behavior was also improved.


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of HTML documents from the command line and from other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at

01 January 2016

01 Jan 02:32
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1 January 2016.
Java8 is now required to run the checker jar and service. This release fixes a
long-standing bug such that errors are no longer reported for ampersands in
cases that the spec does not define as invalid; for example, an error will no
longer be reported for a case like <a href="foo/?bar=1&baz=2">. Also new in
this release is support for Content Security Policy syntax checking in values of
content attributes in <meta http-equiv=content-security-policy content="…">
elements as well as in Content-Security-Policy HTTP headers, and support for the
CSP-related nonce attribute. Support for Subresource Integrity-related syntax
checking has also been added, for the integrity attribute. Other changes
include a refinement of error-reporting for cases of URLs that contain invalid
characters, so that the error message now includes an explicit indication of
which specific characters in the URL are invalid. Various refinements to
checking of ARIA role attributes have also been made.


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html
Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of HTML documents from the command
line and from other scripts/apps, as documented at,
or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over
the Web—similar to and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such
as Tomcat, as documented at

29 June 2015

29 Jun 06:07
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29 June 2015.
This release fixes a bug that caused a spurious error to be emitted for ID
references in aria-controls and aria-labelledby attributes with trailing
whitespace, along with fixing a bug that prevented the command-line checker
from being able to check URLs when run in a Windows environment. It
adds spec-conformant support for <rb> and <rtc> elements and updates
checking of the accept attribute for input[type=file] to allow file
extensions in the value (per spec). It makes the use of data-* attributes
for SVG & MathML elements non-errors, as well as the use of HTML content in
the SVG <desc>, <title>, and <metadata> elements. And it adds error
messages for deprecated CSS media types/features (per spec).


The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html
Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of HTML documents from the command
line and from other scripts/apps, as documented at,
or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over
the Web—similar to and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such
as Tomcat, as documented at

12 April 2015

12 Apr 11:54
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12 April 2015.
What’s new: This release fixes two regressions in the 15.3.28 release: A bug that caused spurious errors for input[type=email], and a dependency-configuration issue that broke gzip handling in the the war release. Previous “What’s new” notes from the 15.3.28 release: This release drops all meta[name] checking and adds: improved error messages for input[type] attribute mismatches; support for checking object[typemustmatch]; new error message for title elements that only have whitespace; new useragent request param, to allow you to specify any arbitrary user-agent string for the checker to use when fetching remote documents; new nu.validator.messages.limit Java system prop to control limit on maximum number of messages the checker service will report for a single doc before stopping with a "Too many messages" fatal error. This release also adds full support for checking documents at SNI origins & changes the API/CLI (command-line interface) to emit source extracts + “hilite” info when you set the --format option to json, xml, xhtml, or html & fixes regression that caused CLI/API to parse .xhtml docs as text/html instead of using the XML parser.

The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html
Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of HTML documents from the command
line and from other scripts/apps, as documented at,
or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over
the Web—similar to and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such
as Tomcat, as documented at


28 Mar 01:51
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28 March 2015
What’s new: This release drops all meta[name] checking and adds: improved error messages for input[type] attribute mismatches; support for checking object[typemustmatch]; new error message for title elements that only have whitespace; new useragent request param, to allow you to specify any arbitrary user-agent string for the checker to use when fetching remote documents; new nu.validator.messages.limit Java system prop to control limit on maximum number of messages the checker service will report for a single doc before stopping with a “Too many messages” fatal error. This release also adds full support for checking documents at SNI origins & changes the API/CLI to emit source extracts + “hilite” info when you set the --format option to json, xml, xhtml, or html & fixes regression that caused CLI/API to parse .xhtml docs as text/html instead of using the XML parser.

The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Html
Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of HTML documents from the command
line and from other scripts/apps, as documented at,
or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over
the Web—similar to and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Html Checker through a servlet container such
as Tomcat, as documented at

16 February 2015

16 Feb 08:52
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What’s new: This release adds the --skip-non-html option and alters default handling of non-HTML files (see & The release also adds a check to require the sizes attribute if the srcset attribute specifies a width, and updates ARIA checking to allow li[role=separator] & time[role=timer]. More:

The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu HTML Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of HTML documents from the command line and from other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu HTML Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at

07 February 2015

06 Feb 21:54
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What’s new: This release drops the error for meta[http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible][content=IE=Edge] and adds support for checking ARIA markup in SVG content.

The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Markup Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of HTML documents from the command line and from other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Markup Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at

13 October 2014

13 Oct 13:51
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What's new: This release adds checking for bad IDs in form attributes.

The files in this release provide a portable standalone version of the Nu Markup Checker in two different forms: as a Java jar file, and as a Java war file.

Use the jar file either for batch checking of HTML documents from the command line and from other scripts/apps, as documented at, or as a self-contained service for browser-based checking of HTML documents over the Web—similar to and

Use the war file to deploy the Nu Markup Checker through a servlet container such as Tomcat, as documented at