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Github repository for our paper - "GCPNet:A Novel Generic Crystal Pattern Graph Neural Network for Predicting Material Properties"

Table of Contents

Software Architecture

Alt text

We have developed a novel Generic Crystal Pattern graph neural Network (GCPNet) model, which is based on crystal pattern graphs and utilizes the Graph Convolutional Attention Operator (GCAO). This model effectively learns the atoms and their intricate interactions within materials, resulting in a significant improvement in the prediction accuracy of various material properties. The file descriptions in the software code repository are as follows

├──             # baseModule for construct the model
├── config.yml                # default settings
├── figs 
│   └── image.jpg
├──                   # main file for running the code
├──                  # GCPNet model for training
└── utils
    ├──      # dataset utils for loading data
    ├──       # fastprogress for progress bar
    ├──              # flags for command line arguments
    ├──            # helpers for construct crystal pattern graph
    ├──    # keras_callbacks for training
    ├── node_representations  
    │   └── atom_init.json    # the initial atom representations
    ├──        # train_utils for training
    └──         # pyg transforms for data processing

Necessary Installations

We use the PyTorch Framework for our code. Please install the following packages if not already installed.Also you can a virtual environment using conda or pip for this purpose (recommended). We will give you a brief example on how to install the packages.

  1. Create the virtual environment:
    conda create -n py310 python=3.10
    conda activate py310
  2. Install the packages use Conda:
    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
    conda install --channel conda-forge pymatgen
    conda install --channel conda-forge ase
    conda install pyg -c pyg
    conda install pandas
    conda install -c conda-forge  wandb torchmetrics accelerate
    conda install -y -c conda-forge tensorboard 
  3. Install the other packages use pip:
    pip install torch_sparse -f
    pip install torch_scatter -f
    pip install torch_cluster -f
    pip install torch_spline_conv -f


The experimental dataset is stored at GCPNet. Please download the dataset and place it in the code repository in the following format:

├── 2d
│   └── raw
│       └──
├── mof
│   └── raw
│       └──
├── mp18
│   └── raw
│       └──
├── pt
│   └── raw
│       └──
└── surface
    └── raw


I. Training

To train a model on a dataset, the command should be something like the following:

python --config_file ./config.yml --task_type train 

Default settings are saved in a file named config.yml. config_file is a required parameter used to specify the file path for config.yml. Another essential parameter is task_type, which supports five task types: train, test, predict, visualize, hyperparameter, CV.

Support for the log_enable parameter (default is True) is available to record the training process, but it can also be manually disabled to save training time. If we want to specify dataset name, the total number of data points, training epochs, project_name, here is an example of modifying these default parameters (order can vary):

python --config_file ./config.yml --task_type train --dataset_name 2d --points 2000  --epochs 300  --project_name GCPNet_2d --log_enable False

Here, all the arguments are taken from the deafult settings of the config.yml file if not specified. For example, if we do not specify the batch_size, it will take the value 64 by default from the config file. By default the data format is But we can use other types of data as well, such as cif files. We just need to set the dataset_name toc cif. The model file that performs best on the validation set during the training process is by default saved in the folder specified by the output_dir* parameter.

II. Cross validation

When the dataset has a small sample size, we can use cross-validation by simply changing the value of the task_type parameter to CV. Additionally, the num_folds parameter can be specified to determine the number of folds for cross-validation. An example command is as follows:

python --config_file ./config.yml --task_type CV --dataset_name 2d --epochs 300 --project_name GCPNet_cv 

5 fold cross validation (default from the config file) result on the 2d-materials dataset for our model will be record in the log file.


Predition on a dataset

If we have a model path file (.pth file), we can make prediction on a dataset using that saved model path file. The command should be something like the following command:

python --config_file ./config.yml --task_type predict --model_path 'path/to/trained/model.pth'

For example, we want to predict the results on the 2d-materials dataset using a pretrained model which is saved in a file named 'dir/to/saving/trained/model', then the command would be:

python --config_file ./config.yml --task_type predict --dataset_name 2d --dataset_path ./data --model_path 'path/to/trained/model.pth' --output_path output.csv

then you will get an output file named 'outputs.csv'. the output file will contain the predicted results of the 2d-materials dataset.(format:material_id, target_value, predicted_value)

Predition on an unseen dataset

We can also use out trained model files to make prediction an unseen dataset. We have to just include the dataset path in the argument. The command should be something like this:

python --config_file ./config.yml --dataset_path 'path/to/unseen/dataset' --dataset_name 'name/of/dataset' --project_name 'Predition Unseen' --task_type 'predict' --model_path 'path/to/trained/model'

Property prediction of a new material

Let's say, we have a new material and we want to predict some propeties of it. Then we need to place the structure file of that material inside the 'data' folder (such as, a .cif file). Currently there are 3 structure files already inside the data folder which can be used for testing purpose. We need the following command:

python --config_file ./config.yml --dataset_path 'dir/to/cif/files' --dataset_name cif --project_name 'cif predictions' --task_type predict --model_path 'path/to/trained/model/file'

then you will get an output file named 'outputs.csv'. the output file will contain the predicted results of the new materials.(format:material_id, target_value(Set all to 0), predicted_value)

IV. Visualization

After we finish model training, we can gain insights through t-SNE visualization. We can perform visualization by specifying the model_path parameter to indicate the trained model file, the dataset_path parameter to specify the dataset's path, the dataset_name parameter to specify the dataset's name, and setting the task_type parameter to visualize. For more default parameters, please refer to the visualize_args section in the 'config.yml' file. An example command is as follows:

python --config_file ./config.yml --task_type visualize --model_path '/path/to/trained/model' --dataset_path ./data --dataset_name cubic

V. Hyperparameter tuning

We can also support hyperparameter search by modifying or specifying the entity parameter to get permission. The default hyperparameters for tuning include lr, batch_size, dropout_rate,hidden_features etc. (see config.yml). Other parameters like n_neighbors,optimizer can also be manually added to the config.yml file in sweep_args.An example command is as follows:

python --config_file ./config.yml --dataset_path ./data --dataset_name 2d --task_type hyperparameter --project_name tuning --entity 'your_entity' 


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create Feat_xxx branch
  3. Commit your code
  4. Create Pull Request


  • [] add matbench
  • [] add matbench hyperparameter tuning
  • [] add matbench ddp


  1. hengda Gao(hendaGao)
  2. Genglin Li
  3. Xiao-W. Guo


This work is part of the MatPlat project, a sophisticated deep learning platform adapted from the MatDeepLearn project, designed for predicting material properties. We would like to thank the authors of the MatDeepLearn project for their great work.


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  • Python 100.0%