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Valtimo Carbon List

The valtimo-carbon-list is a component to make building lists faster and easier.

There are a few options for defining lists, besides the Simple List defined below:

Setting up a simple list

To use the CarbonListComponent there is a series of steps.

  1. Import the CarbonListModule into your module:


    import {CarbonListModule} from '@valtimo/components'
      imports: [
    export class SampleModule
  2. Add the valtimo-carbon-list tag in your template (this example displays a simple list):


  3. Define your attributes in the component code:


    import {ColumnConfig, ViewType} from '@valtimo/components';
    export class SampleComponent {
     public fields: Array<ColumnConfig> = [
         viewType: ViewType.TEXT,
         key: 'title',
         // this could be a translation key or just a static label
         label: 'sample.translation.title',
         viewType: ViewType.TEXT,
         key: 'description',
         label: 'sample.translation.description',
     public items: Array<any> = [
         title: 'sample-title-1',
         description: 'sample-description-1',
         title: 'sample-title-2',
         description: 'sample-description-2',

This will create a simple list that shows the two items.


Clicking on rows

The (rowClicked) property is used to add an action when the user clicks on a row

The property must be added with a reference to a method



The method must be defined in the component


public sampleCallback(item: any) {
    // Code to process item

No results view

The CarbonListComponent has a default message that displays whenever there are no results: list-no-results-default.png

However, the no results view can be customized like this:


  This is a custom no results view.

  This can be any template or component.

This will create a custom no results message: list-no-results-custom.png

Overview of the @Input and @Output fields of the CarbonListComponent


Property Type Required Default Description
items Array<any> yes [] The data displayed in the list.
fields Array<ColumnConfig> yes [] The object that defines the header and displayed fields of the items. The ColumnConfig interface is defined in the '@avaltimo/components' library
loading boolean no false Flag that defines wether or not the list displays a loading state.
header boolean no false Flag that defines wether or not the list displays a header.
isSearchable boolean no false Flag that defines wether or not the list is searchable. Without any (search) event listener, the search is done in the FE by default.
initialSort SortState no undefined Object that defines if there is an initial sorting applied to the list. The SortState is an interface defined in the '@valtimo/config' library.
pagination Pagination no undefined The object that defines BE supported pagination. The Pagination interface is defined in the @valtimo/components library.
paginatorConfig CarbonPaginatorConfig no DEFAULT_PAGINATOR_CONFIG The object that defines the options for pagination size and if a page input is displayed. The CarbonPaginatorConfig interface is defined in the @valtimo/components library.
paginationIdentifier string no undefined An identifier for storing pagination size in localStorage.
tableTranslations CarbonListTranslations no DEFAULT_LIST_TRANSLATIONS The object that defines translations for the multi-select bar and the pagination. The CarbonListTranslations interface is defined in the @valtimo/components library.
showSelectionColumn boolean no false Flag that defines wether or not the list has multi-select enabled.
striped boolean no false Flag that defines wether or not the rows in the list are striped.


Property Type Description
rowClicked EventEmitter<any> Emits the item corresponded to the clicked row.
paginationClicked EventEmitter<number> Emits the current page selected.
paginationSet EventEmitter<number> Emits the page size of the list.
search EventEmitter<string> Emits the search string. If this event listener is added, then the search should be provided by the BE.
sortChanged EventEmitter<SortState> Emits the new SortState. The SortState interface is defined in @valtimo/config