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Laravel 101

This is a basic setup for getting laravel up and running locally and on a server (media temple).

Download MAMP

Download latest version of MAMP and install it, we need at least php 5.5.*. I recommend MAMP Pro, there are some really nice features like multiple servers and versions of PHP. But for this tutorial we can use the free version of MAMP.

Open Terminal utilities/

Lets see what version of PHP we have running type: php -v

If this is a off the shelf mac you will probably get this.

PHP 5.3.26 (cli) (built: Jul  7 2013 19:05:08) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

We can also check the location of php by typing: which php We should get /usr/bin/php

Open MAMP_MAMP_PRO_3.0.5.pkg and install MAMP. Now open /Applications/MAMP/ We need PHP 5.4. to run Laravel. Make sure you have the latest version of MAMP. When you open MAMP click on the PHP tab and make sure 5.5. is selected.

Lets create a folder where we will build our Laravel app. Lets just put it on our Desktop. In Terminal type:

cd ~/Desktop
mkdir laravel
cd laravel

Install Composer

We need to install composer to create Laravel apps. In terminal make sure you are inside ~/Desktop/laravel.

cd ~/Desktop/laravel
curl -sS | php -d detect_unicode=Off
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Note: You may need sudo access to mv. and if you do not have detect_unicode=off you may need to disable them. The above commands handle this.

Now lets test to make sure Composer was installed. In terminal type, composer. you should get the following output.

  / ____/___  ____ ___  ____  ____  ________  _____
 / /   / __ \/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ (__  )  __/ /
\____/\____/_/ /_/ /_/ .___/\____/____/\___/_/

Setup PHP

we want php to point to the version we are running in MAMP lets edit our .bash_profile and fix this.

Open MAMP and start the server. Open the startup page and click on phpinfo. We want to get the path for php. If you look down at the row Configuration File (php.ini) Path you will see the path copy the line /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10 without the conf.

###.bash_profile Lets see if you have a profile already for your computer. Type this in terminal. cat ~/.bash_profile

If you get No such file or directory just create a profile. nano ~/.bash_profile

This will open the file in the vim editor. Add the following lines at the end of the file. The MAMP_PHP is what you copied from phpinfo plus /bin.


Save the file. Hit ctr+x then y then (enter)

Reload bash profile. source ~/.bash_profile

Now see what you have for php, type: which php You should get./Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin/php

Make a new app

This will take a few minutes the first time you run the command.

composer create-project laravel/laravel app
cd app

Add Ways Generators

I love to make things faster so right off the bat you should install Jeffery Ways Generators

You can watch a nice video on how this addon can be user here.

If you ls all the files in /app you should get this.	

To install addons open app/composer.json You can open the whole directory in sublime text by typing. requires sublime commands to be installed subl .

on line 6: of composer.json you will see "require" add "way/generators": "dev-master"

The final result should look like this.

"require": {
		"laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
	    "way/generators": "dev-master"

Now update composer. composer update --dev

Note: You may get this warning Fatal error: Allowed memory… You can fix this in MAMP Pro by editing the php.ini File -> Edit Template -> php -> php 5.5.3 ini line 233 change memory_limit to memory_limit = -1

Service Provider

You need to add the service provider. Open up app/config/app.php on line 97. Add the line: ’Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider’

Now in terminal type php artisan and you will see a bunch of helper commands to build your app.

Ready to make you app

At this point you have a basic installation of laravel installed locally. We can test out the site by visiting the document root of MAMP. i.e: localhost:8888

Note: Laravel needs to point to the public directory of your /app do this by changing to document root in MAMP Pro to app/public

Now visit http://localhost:8888/

Now lets start a simple app that inserts data

MAMP Database

We need a database. MAMP will hook us up with this, visit. http://localhost:8888/MAMP/?language=English

I like using Sequel Pro, login with your credentials MAMPs defaults are:

host: localhost
user: root
pass: root

It may ask you to connect via socket click yes click the top left menu dropdown -> add database (name it whatever you want, I did app)


open app/config/database.php line 29: should say mysql, this is our default database type

add the credentials to line 55:

'mysql' => array(
			'driver'    => 'mysql',
			'host'      => 'localhost',
			'database'  => 'app',
			'username'  => 'root',
			'password'  => 'root',
			'charset'   => 'utf8',
			'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
			'prefix'    => '',

Now our database is connected to Laravel. Note that this is a local database only, we will later need to change this to our media temple database.

Building a resource

In terminal we can run a resource command from Way Generators this will make everything we need to build a simple API for to add/delete/update data php artisan generate:resource post --fields="title:string” In this line we create a resource called post make sure to use the singular version of the resource Laravel will automatticly create the plural. We then add some fields. This can be a comma separated list of data types.

In your routes.php you will see Route::resource('posts', 'PostsController’);

This is a resource route you have all the verbs for a basic rest API.

In Terminal type php artisan routes and your will see all the possible routes to update/edit/view posts.


Open app/controllers/PostsController.php

This is were all the functionality for a Post happens. lets output all the post when you hit posts index. i.e: http://localhost:8888/posts

In the index() { } function add

return Post::all();

This will return a json list off all the Posts. Now open http://laraveldemo:8888/posts

In the create() { } we want to show a simple web form to add a post to the database. Add this to the create() { } function.

return View::make('posts.create');

Note: The dot syntax is referring to the path views/posts/create.blade.php Laravel using blade templates read more about it here.

open http://laraveldemo:8888/posts/create


now lets build the form.

here is a very simple form using the blade syntax. The {{ your code here }} is shorthand for writing <?php echo your code here ?>

{{ Form::open(array('route' => '')) }}
Title: {{ Form::text('title'); }}
{{ Form::submit('Create Post'); }}
{{ Form::close() }}

We are using the route because we will be calling the store() { } function in the PostsController.php

Save the Post

In the store() function try this

return Input::all();

and add a post in the browser with the form we just made, you will see all the inputs. open http://laraveldemo:8888/posts/create

Now we can simply just add the post.

public function store() {
	$post = new Post();
	$post->title = Input::get('title', 'no title');
	return Redirect::back();

List out all the Posts

lets add a list of all the Post in the create.blade.php view

	@foreach(Post::all() as $post)
		<li> {{$post}} </li>

Delete a Post

In the PostsController.php delete() { } function add

public function destroy($id) {
	$post = Post::find($id);
	return Redirect::back();

In the create form we can add a simple form to submit a delete request.

@foreach(Post::all() as $post)
		Title: {{ $post->title }} 
		{{ Form::open(array('url' => 'posts/'.$post->id, 'method'=>'delete')) }}
		{{ Form::submit('Delete'); }}
		{{ Form::close() }}

Modifying the Resource

What if we want to add another field to our resource. Laravel makes this very easy with migrations. Lets add another field called body to the Post model.

In terminal we are going to use another Way Generator to create a migration. Type: php artisan generate:migration add_body_to_posts_table --fields="body:text”

Note: The Way Generator generate:migration is smart enough to read the keyword add from add_body_to_posts_table so that in the migration file will add the field. If we typed create it would create the table etc.

Now migrate the database. php artisan migrate

You can now add another field to your create form like: Body: {{ Form::text(‘body’); }}. In your PostsController you will need to add the body attribute like: $post->body = Input::get('body', 'empty body');

Publish to the web - MediaTemple

This is how to publish your app to mediatemple. Most of the steps will translate to other services but this is a good start.

Setup Github

create an empty repo on github

Now in terminal.

cd into your app folder 
cd ~/Desktop/app

make sure you .ignore has /vendor we do not want to upload all of these files.

Now run.

git init
git add .
git remote add origin
git commit -m 'first push of larvel app'
git push -u origin master

Make a subdomain

Login to your mediatemple account and click on domain -> add new domain/service and create a subdomain

Turn on ssh

In terminal type: ssh

enter your password set for ssh access

You are now logged in to the media temple server via ssh. Move into the new subdomain. Note: this sometimes takes a few minutes to propagate on the GS server. cd domains/

Add SSH Key to MediaTemple Server

When logged in to you server via ssh make sure you have a .shh folder

Type: ls ~/.ssh

If not make this folder mkdir ~/.ssh

Create a ssh key on the MediaTemple server ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/github

Print out the ssh key and add it to Github. cat ~/.ssh/

Now upload the file via ssh cat | ssh 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/github

You may need to add the IdentityFile /home/server_number/users/.home/.ssh/github to your config file.

See if it has been added. cat ~/.ssh/config

If not add IdentityFile /home/server_number/users/.home/.ssh/github to the config file.

nano ~/.ssh/config
(paste) IdentityFile /home/site_number/users/.home/.ssh/github
(hit ctr+x) - (yes) 

Note: The site_number is your cluster number, you can find this number under Server Guide in account center.

Git Clone

Now that we have added the ssh key to Github and to the MediaTemple we can clone our project.

make sure your are in the cd domains/ and clone your git repo.

We now have demoapp and html. The html folder is the document root of the site. Laravel user app/public as the document root. We can create a symbolic link to bring us to this directory.

First remove the html folder. rm -rf html/

Now create a symlink. ln -s demoapp/public/ ./html

Now if you visit you should get an error but this is ok. We just need to run composer update.

###Need Composer - Media Temple First we need to install composer on the MediaTemple Server. Type via:

curl -s | php -d allow_url_fopen=1 -d suhosin.executor.include.whitelist=phar

PHP 5.5.*

We need php 5.4 or greater for Larvel 4.2. First you need to add it to the sub domain that we create. You can do this by going to Account Center - Domains -> (you main gs server). Now click on PHP Settings, find your subdomain and select (latest) in the drop down. More info here

Add Alias to Bash Profile

Add a alias to our ~/.bash_profile

nano ~/.bash_profile (Paste) alias composer="php -d memory_limit=512M -d allow_url_fopen=1 -d suhosin.executor.include.whitelist=phar composer.phar

Also add alias for the latest version of php (paste) alias php="/usr/bin/php-latest”

Save (ctr+x) Reload the profile source ~/.bash_profile

Now we can run composer commands. Move to the Laravel app. cd demoapp composer update

After the update visit your site and see if we get Hello World

Remote Database

When we visit you should get an error. We need to setup our config file to use a MediaTemple database.

In the Account Center click on Server Guide. Under Database find your external host, something like You will also need your username and password, create one if you have not.

Note: The external host is ip-blocking you may need to add your ip so that we can login via Sequal Pro. Go to Database Global Settings and add your IP at the bottom of the page.

Now in Sequal Pro login to your database and add a database like we did locally. You can create a new database or just use an existing one a set a prefix in your config/database.php file.

Update your config/data.php file (locally in sublime) It should now look something like this. Note the prefix: => ‘lavel_’,

'mysql' => array(
			'driver'    => 'mysql',
			'host'      => '',
			'database'  => 'gridservernumber_databasename’,
			'username'  => 'username',
			'password'  => 'password',
			'charset'   => 'utf8',
			'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
			'prefix'    => 'larvel_’,

Add your changes to git and push to Github.

git add .
git commit -m 'edit database to remote'
git push

In your ssh window pull the new changes. Make sure you are in the git tempo. cd domains/yourdomain/demoapp/

Now Pull git pull

This is how to push your changes to the remote server.

Are we connecting

You can test this locally because our app is connecting to the external link.

Visit your local instance of the app. http://localhost:8888/posts

Error Reporting

If you are getting an error turn on the debug so we can get a better look at what is going on. In config/app.php line 16 set 'debug' => true,

now refresh the page. The error should give you more info about what went wrong.

Migrate the database - Media Temple

If your refresh the page your will see that the Posts table is missing. We need to migrate the database. In your ssh window run. php artisan migrate

Now refresh the page. At this point you should have a local and remote version of the app working. The database is remote but you can push to it locally.

GitHub Hooks

You may find it a bit tedious to have to add/push/pull from local to remote. You can easily setup a web hook so that every time you push to your git repo your remote server will automatically pull.

In you local version of the app, create this file /app/public/github.php

Add this line of code, make sure you have the small ``` this tells php that it is a command to execute. <?php git pull`;`

Now add these files like you did before and push to github.

git add .
git commit -m 'auto pull php file'
git push

Now on your github repo page you need to connect the hook. Click on settings, then left hand menu Webhooks & Services. Click add webhook.

Under payload URL: Sercet: Leave blank Event: Just the push event

Test this by changing a file locally like in app/routes.php make it say

Route::get('/', function() {
	return 'hello world - pulled from github webhook';

Just push the code locally to github and refresh your remote webpage. Everything should be connected.


This is just a start but there is so much more you can do. Watch tutorials here:

Thanks, Todd