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why? whenever you get an error response with an error code between 1 and 299 that means it's coming from vangav backend (usually an invalid request param, bad properties config, bad utility method argument, ...); this tutorial/index is the easiest and fastest way to get to the bottom of why you got that error response - we recommend you bookmark this page

vangav backend error codes

  • vangav backend detects various types of errors; this tutorial lists all of vangav backend's error codes/sub-codes with reference to the code producing them for ease of tracing if you get one

  • when the service is running, these codes along with the exception class/type, message, stack trace and trace id are returned in an error response json object

  • code 0 is the default VangavException code (e.g.: when a thrown exception isn't given a code)

  • code -1 is the default ResponseBodyError code (e.g.: when sending back error_code is set to false in response_error_properties.prop)

  • code -2 is the default ErrorResonse code that comes from a vangav backend generated client

codes up to 299 are reserved for use by vangav backend, use codes 300 and up for your service's exceptions

  • each package has an error code as follows:
code package
11 backend_client_java
21 cassandra
22 compression
23 content
31 data_structures_and_algorithms
32 dispatcher
41 exceptions
51 files
61 geo
81 ids
82 images
121 math
122 metrics
131 networks
151 play_framework
152 properties
153 public_apis
154 push_notifications
181 security
182 system
191 thread_pool
211 vangav_m
  • each exception (error) thrown by vangav backend has a code and a sub-code as follows:
pkg/class code : sub_code explanation
pkg: backend_client_java
11 : 1 can't have more than one controller with the same name
11 : 2 can't have more than one request param with the same name within one controller
11 : 3 can't have more than one response param with the same name within one controller
11 : 4 can't have more than one error response with the same name
11 : 5 an error response must have at least one http status code
11 : 6 an error response http status codes can't have a value of 200
11 : 7 a single http status code is owned by more than one error response
11 : 8 an error response can't have more than one response param with the same name
11 : 9 unknown ParamType
pkg: cassandra
21 : 1 couldn't prepare prepared statement
21 : 2 couldn't execute query statement
21 : 3 invalid multi-deployment topology
21 : 4 invalid deployment mode
21 : 5 can't have more than one keyspace with the same name
21 : 6 a keyspace must have at least one replication method
21 : 7 can't have more than one table with the same name
21 : 8 duplicate column-name within one table
21 : 9 a table's partition key must be one of its columns
21 : 10 a table's compound partition-keys can't have duplicate columns
21 : 11 a table's secondary key must be one of its columns
21 : 12 a table's compound secondary-keys can't have duplicate columns
pkg: compression
21 : 1 invalid compression
pkg: content
23 : 1 a cql name must have a length between 1 and 32 (inclusive)
23 : 2 a cql name must start with a letter or an underscore
23 : 3 a cql name can consist only of letters, digits and underscores
23 : 4 a java identifier must start with a letter or an underscore
23 : 5 a java identifier can consist only of letters, digits and underscores
23 : 6 a java individual package name must start with a letter or an underscore
23 : 7 a java package name/path can consist only of letters, digits and underscores
23 : 8 null string isn't one of the valid values
23 : 9 string isn't one of the valid values
23 : 10 string isn't one of the enum values
pkg: dispatcher
32 : 1 property workers_topology isn't defined in the dispatcher_properties.prop file
pkg: exceptions
41 : 1 wrong class type
41 : 2 object can't be null
41 : 3 string can't be empty
41 : 4 object array can't be empty
41 : 5 short array can't be empty
41 : 6 int array can't be empty
41 : 7 long array can't be empty
41 : 8 float array can't be empty
41 : 9 double array can't be empty
41 : 10 generic collection can't be empty
41 : 11 generic map can't be empty
41 : 12 int can't be out of range
41 : 13 int can't be less than minimum limit
41 : 14 long can't be less than minimum limit
41 : 15 double can't be NaN or infinite
41 : 16 invalid ip-v4
pkg: geo
61 : 1 can't initialize earth's latitude range
61 : 2 can't initialize earth's longitude range
61 : 3 can't get distance between two GeoGrid objects with different configuration
61 : 4 can't get center-distance between two GeoGrid objects with different configuration
61 : 5 can't get the line segment connecting two GeoGrid objects with different configuration
61 : 6 can't get surrounding grids for an invalid grid
61 : 7 grid dimension, map width and map length must all have the same unit
61 : 8 grid dimension can't be greater than the map's width or length
61 : 9 invalid latitude range
61 : 10 invalid longitude range
61 : 11 latitude gaps can't be smaller than 1
61 : 12 longitude gaps can't be smaller than 1
pkg: ids
81 : 1 can't generate more than 100 million new ids within one second
81 : 2 machineId can't be greater than maxMachineId
81 : 3 can't generate a new id because the clock moved backwards which would result in an out of sequence id
pkg: images
82 : 1 can't apply features, segment the image first
pkg: math
121 : 1 the number of digits in the input long exceeds the length of the output string
121 : 2 a range's max can't be smaller than its min
pkg: metrics
122 : 1 invalid: subtracting double value from distance will lead to a negative distance
122 : 2 invalid: subtracting two distance objects will lead to a negative distance
122 : 3 invalid enum DistanceUnitType
122 : 4 invalid enum DistanceUnitType, no conversion factor
122 : 5 a period can't have a negative value
122 : 6 can't set a period with a negative value
122 : 7 invalid: subtracting double from period will lead to a negative period
122 : 8 invalid: subtracting two periods will lead to a negative period
122 : 9 invalid enum TimeUnitType
122 : 10 invalid enum TimeUnitType, no conversion factor
pkg: networks
131 : 1 unknown ssl type
pkg: play_framework
151 : 1 can't have more than one controller with the same name
151 : 2 a controller can't have more than one request param with the same name
151 : 3 a controller can't have more than one response param with the same name
151 : 4 date doesn't follow any of the supported formats
151 : 5 unhandled ParamType
151 : 6 unhandled ParamType
151 : 7 invalid param
151 : 8 unhandled request type
151 : 9 invalid call for fromJsonString
151 : 10 unhandled primitive type
151 : 11 invalid call for fromQueryString
151 : 12 unhandled ResponseBody type
pkg: properties
152 : 1 missing properties-file's value
pkg: public_apis
153 : 1 invalid EdgeType
153 : 2 invalid EdgeType
153 : 3 invalid request-tracking-id
153 : 4 unhandled RequestType
153 : 5 invalid LocationType
153 : 6 wrong facebook access token
153 : 7 facebook Graph API returned 400 BAD_REQUEST
153 : 8 invalid request-tracking-id
153 : 9 couldn't get user's profile picture, async
153 : 10 couldn't get user's profile picture, sync
153 : 11 unhandled RequestType for getting user's profile picture
153 : 12 invalid request-tracking-id
153 : 13 unhandled RequestType for getting user's pictures
153 : 14 invalid request-tracking-id
153 : 15 unhandled RequestType for get-fields
153 : 16 invalid request-tracking-id
153 : 17 unhandled RequestType for get-edges
153 : 18 unhandled field type
153 : 19 unhandled edge type
pkg: push_notifications
154 : 1 singleton instance can't be used because the values in android_notification_properties.prop aren't defined
154 : 2 invalid ClientType
154 : 3 singleton instance can't be used because the values in apple_notification_properties.prop aren't defined
pkg: security
181 : 1 error while communicating with Facebook Graph API. Didn't return 200 HTTP_OK.
181 : 2 facebook-auth returned null app id
181 : 3 facebook-auth returned different app id
181 : 4 error while communicating with facebook graph api
181 : 5 error while communicating with Google API. Got 500 INTERNAL_ERROR.
181 : 6 invalid google-id-token
181 : 7 google-auth return null app id
181 : 8 google-auth returned different app id
181 : 9 error while communicating with google api
181 : 10 unhandled TokenType
181 : 11 invalid sha algorithm type
pkg: vangav_m
211 : 1 vangav mighty client built-in in vangav backend supports JAVA_JAR solutions' type only.; on vangav you can find clients that support other languages as well as standalone desktop/web clients providing solutions in all supported languages
211 : 2 can't have duplicate multi-range-input prefix
211 : 3 duplicate input name
211 : 4 input's range is too narrow; min-to-max min-range = 0.02 and min-to-mid/mid-to-max min-ranges = 0.01
211 : 5 multi-range-inputs have no corresponding input-names
211 : 6 finite input doesn't belong to solution's inputs
211 : 7 can't have duplicate multi-range-output prefix
211 : 8 duplicate output name
211 : 9 output's range is too narrow; min-to-max min-range = 0.02 and min-to-mid/mid-to-max min-ranges = 0.01
211 : 10 multi-range-outputs have no corresponding output-names
211 : 11 relation's input name doesn't belong to the solution's inputs
211 : 12 relation's output name doesn't belong to the solution's outputs
211 : 13 relation's relative-weight is greater than the maximum possible value
211 : 14 relative relation's input doesn't belong to the solution's inputs
211 : 15 a relative relation can't have the same key for max_output and min_output
211 : 16 relative relation's max_output doesn't belong to any of the solution's outputs
211 : 17 relative relation's min_output doesn't belong to any of the solution's outputs

the set of tutorials explaining in-depth with examples all the utilities provided by vangav backend (security, push notifications, geo services, periodic jobs, ...) as well as the design and src code used


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