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Diverging Bar Chart

A diverging bar chart is a type of bar chart that can be used to visualize the spread between values, generally positive and negative.

See examples.


import { DivergingBarChart } from '@vannizhang/react-d3-charts'


--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
data DivergingBarChartDataItem[] - The data used to render the bar chart.
showTooltip boolean (optional) false Determines whether to show a tooltip when the user hovers over a bar element.
showStickyLabelText boolean (optional) false if true, show label text that will be sticky to the top of chart container.
yScaleOptions YScaleOptions (optional) - Options used to customize the scale function for the y-axis.
bottomAxisOptions BottomAxisOptions (optional) - Options used to customize the x-axis at bottom.
leftAxisOptions LeftAxisOptions (optional) - Options used to customize the y-axis at left.
fill string (optional) - The fill color of the bar rectangles.
innerPadding number (optional) 0.2 The inner padding determines the blank space between bands.
width number (optional) - The width of the chart container. If not provided, it will fit the width of the parent container.
height number (optional) - The height of the chart container. If not provided, it will fit the height of the parent container.
margin SvgContainerMargins (optional) {top: 15, right: 15, bottom: 30,left: 30,} Custom margin space around the chart.
onBarClick (data:PointerEventDataItem)=>void (optional) - Emits when user clicks a Bar element. The PointerEventDataItem object contains the index of the bar element that is clicked and the x position of the click event.
onBarMouseEnter (data:PointerEventDataItem)=>void (optional) - Emits when user hovers a Bar element. The PointerEventDataItem object contains the index of the bar element that is hovered and the x position of the hover event.
onBarMouseLeave ()=>void (optional) - Emits when user moves the pointer out of Bar elements.

Basic Example

Here is an example of a Diverging Bar Chart:

      x: 'Trees',
      y: -40,
      tooltip: 'this is a tooltip',
      fill: 'green',
      x: 'Water',
      y: -10,
      tooltip: 'this is a tooltip',
      fill: 'dodgerblue',

The x field of DivergingBarChartDataItem can also be a number

      x: 2018,
      y: -40,
      tooltip: 'this is a tooltip',
      x: 2019,
      y: -10,
      tooltip: 'this is a tooltip',

Customized Style

Here is an example of customizing fill color and innerPadding for the bar rectangles; and the width, height of the chart container.

			x: 2018,
			y: -40,
			tooltip: 'this is a tooltip',

Show Tooltip And Crosshair Reference Line

Set showTooltip to true to show a tooltip when the user hovers over a bar element.

Plase make sure the tooltip field is included in each DivergingBarChartDataItem.

      x: 'Trees',
      y: -40,
      tooltip: 'this is a tooltip',
      fill: 'green',

Customized Options for X Axis at Bottom

You can provide a custom format function mapping a value from the axis Domain to a formatted string for display purposes:

    shouldRotateTextLabels: true,
      // a format function to convert default value (e.g. 'Trees') into a different format (e.g. 'Change of Trees')
    tickFormatFunction: (val: number | string) => {
      if (typeof val === 'number') {
        val = val.toString();

      return `Change of ${val}`;
      x: 'Trees',
      y: -40,

Customized Options for Y Axis at left

Here is an example of extend ticks on y axis and show them as grid lines:

    numberOfTicks: 3,
    showGridLines: true
      x: 'Trees',
      y: -40,

You can provide a custom format function mapping a value from the axis Domain to a formatted string for display purposes. Here is an example of adding '%' to the end of tick label text.

	tickFormatFunction: (domainValue, index) => {
		return domainValue + '%';
      x: 'Trees',
      y: -40,

Customized Options For Y Scale

Here is an example of using customized options for Y Scale.

You can provide a custom domain used to create the scale function for the y-axis. If not provided, the maximum value of the domain will be determined by the maximum absolute values of the y property among all items. The minimum value will be the negative value of the maximum value.

    domain: [ -200, 200 ]
      x: 2018,
      y: -40,

Show Sticky Label text

Here is an example of showing sticky label text for each bar.

      x: 2018,
      y: -40,
      labelOnTop: '2018'

Add Custom Pointer Events

Here is an example of adding custom pointer events to the Diverging Bar Chart

      x: 'Trees',
      y: -40,
      tooltip: 'this is a tooltip',
      fill: 'green',
    alert(`clicked bar element at index of ${d.index}`);
    console.log(`hovered bar element at index of ${d?.index}`)
    console.log(`pointer has left bar elements`)