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File metadata and controls

120 lines (88 loc) · 7.36 KB


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Reads events in redis, downloads image data from the cloud, and send the data to TensorFlow Serving via gRPC. The prediction is post-processed, zipped up, and uploaded to the cloud.

This repository is part of the DeepCell Kiosk. More information about the Kiosk project is available through Read the Docs and our FAQ page.

Custom Consumers

Custom consumers can be used to implement custom model pipelines. This documentation is a continuation of a tutorial on building a custom job pipeline.

Consumers consume redis events. Each type of redis event is put into a separate queue (e.g. predict, track), and each consumer type will pop items to consume off that queue.

Each redis event should have the following fields:

  • model_name - The name of the model that will be retrieved by TensorFlow Serving from gs://<bucket-name>/models
  • model_version - The version number of the model in TensorFlow Serving
  • input_file_name - The path to the data file in a cloud bucket.

If the consumer will send data to a TensorFlow Serving model, it should inherit from redis_consumer.consumers.TensorFlowServingConsumer (docs), which has methods _get_predict_client() and grpc_image() which can send data to the specific model. The new consumer must also implement the _consume() method which performs the bulk of the work. The _consume() method will fetch data from redis, download data file from the bucket, process the data with a model, and upload the results to the bucket again. See below for a basic implementation of _consume():

    def _consume(self, redis_hash):
        # get all redis data for the given hash
        hvals = self.redis.hgetall(redis_hash)

        with utils.get_tempdir() as tempdir:
            # download the image file
            fname ='input_file_name'), tempdir)

            # load image file as data
            image = utils.get_image(fname)

            # preprocess data if necessary

            # send the data to the model
            results = self.grpc_image(image,

            # postprocess results if necessary

            # save the results as an image
            outpaths = utils.save_numpy_array(results, name=name,
                                            subdir=subdir, output_dir=tempdir)

            # zip up the file
            zip_file = utils.zip_files(outpaths, tempdir)

            # upload the zip file to the cloud bucket
            dest, output_url =

            # save the results to the redis hash
            self.update_key(redis_hash, {
                'status': self.final_status,
                'output_url': output_url,
                'output_file_name': dest

        # return the final status
        return self.final_status

Finally, the new consumer needs to be registered in the script by modifying the function get_consumer() shown below. Add a new if statement for the new queue type (queue_name) and the corresponding consumer.

    def get_consumer(consumer_type, **kwargs):
        logging.debug('Getting `%s` consumer with args %s.', consumer_type, kwargs)
        ct = str(consumer_type).lower()
        if ct == 'image':
            return redis_consumer.consumers.ImageFileConsumer(**kwargs)
        if ct == 'zip':
            return redis_consumer.consumers.ZipFileConsumer(**kwargs)
        if ct == 'tracking':
            return redis_consumer.consumers.TrackingConsumer(**kwargs)
        raise ValueError('Invalid `consumer_type`: "{}"'.format(consumer_type))

For guidance on how to complete the deployment of a custom consumer, please return to Tutorial: Custom Job.


The consumer is configured using environment variables. Please find a table of all environment variables and their descriptions below.

Name Description Default Value
QUEUE REQUIRED: The Redis job queue to check for items to consume. "predict"
CONSUMER_TYPE REQUIRED: The type of consumer to run, used in "image"
CLOUD_PROVIDER REQUIRED: The cloud provider, one of "aws" and "gke". "gke"
GCLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET REQUIRED: The name of the storage bucket used to download and upload files. "default-bucket"
INTERVAL How frequently the consumer checks the Redis queue for items, in seconds. 5
REDIS_HOST The IP address or hostname of Redis. "redis-master"
REDIS_PORT The port used to connect to Redis. 6379
REDIS_TIMEOUT Timeout for each Redis request, in seconds. 3
EMPTY_QUEUE_TIMEOUT Time to wait after finding an empty queue, in seconds. 5
EXPIRE_TIME Expire Redis items this many seconds after completion. 3600
METADATA_EXPIRE_TIME Expire cached model metadata after this many seconds. 30
TF_HOST The IP address or hostname of TensorFlow Serving. "tf-serving"
TF_PORT The port used to connect to TensorFlow Serving. 8500
TF_TENSOR_NAME Name of input tensor for the exported model. "image"
GRPC_TIMEOUT Timeout for gRPC API requests, in seconds. 30
GRPC_BACKOFF Time to wait before retrying a gRPC API request. 3
MAX_RETRY Maximum number of retries for a failed TensorFlow Serving request. 5


We welcome contributions to the kiosk-console and its associated projects. If you are interested, please refer to our Developer Documentation, Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines.


This software is license under a modified Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE for full details.


Copyright © 2018-2020 The Van Valen Lab at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), with support from the Paul Allen Family Foundation, Google, & National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant U24CA224309-01. All rights reserved.