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Releases: greyscaled/my-music-postgres


05 Aug 16:51
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v0.1.1 Pre-release

Summary Of Changes

  • improve yes/no prompts. Previously accepted only 'y', now accepts: 'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes'
  • Cleanup some hanging comments and formatting
  • When creating a new database, the output no longer includes a table RecordArtists which is not being used
  • Improve

Information for Use

WARNING: Database information is hard-coded into the script. Use at your own discretion.

You might have to use

dos2unix my-music


unix2dos my-music

depending on how you obtain the files. Cloning from Github with autocrlf set will do the conversion for you, though the same isn't true of downloading the file as-is.

Try running:

my-music --helpf

which will quickly verify if there are line-ending problems.

Furthermore, make sure you set the script as an executable:

chmod u+x my-music

First Release

05 Aug 02:14
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First Release Pre-release

My Music Postgres

This is the first release, hacked together over the week of July-29 to Aug 4, 2018. It was only tested
on Windows and likely has incompatiblities with other platforms.

WARNING: Database information is hard-coded into the script. Use at your own discretion.

You might have to use

dos2unix my-music


unix2dos my-music

depending on how you obtain the files. Cloning from Github with autocrlf set will do the conversion for you, though the same isn't true of downloading the file as-is.

Try running:

my-music --helpf

which will quickly verify if there are line-ending problems.

Furthermore, make sure you set the script as an executable:

chmod u+x my-music