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Prolog implementation of music theory & jazz guitar.



The note record is defined as:

record note(name:atom, accidental:atom=natural, octave:integer=4).

Use the mk_note(Name, Note), mk_note(Name, Accidental, Note), or mk_note(Name, Accidental, Octave, Note) to create a new note variable. Alternatively, you can use the literal syntax:

note{name: c, accidental: natural, octave: 4}

Pretty print a list of notes using pretty_print/1.

Sharps and Flats

The sharp/2 predicate raises a note by a semitone. The flat/2 predicate behaves in a similar way.

To normalize a note from potential flat to sharp/natural only, use sharpify_flats/2.


Two notes are enharmonic if they share the same pitch. The predicate enharmonic/2 captures this.


The interval/3 predicate is defined as:

interval(First, Second, Semitones) :- ...

It uses a lookup table of all notes (in sharpified form) to compute the distance between the indices of the given notes.

Interval names are available using the interval_name/2 predicate.

Example: Using interval/3 to find the distance between notes


?- mk_note(c, natural, 4, C4), 
   mk_note(e, flat, 4, E_flat), 
   interval(C4, E_flat, Semitones), 
   interval_name(Semitones, IntervalName).


C4 = note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:4},
E_flat = note{accidental:flat, name:e, octave:4},
Semitones = 3,
IntervalName = minor_third.

Example: Using interval/3 to find the note a given distance away


?- mk_note(c, Root), interval_name(Semitones, minor_third), interval(Root, SecondNote, Semitones).


Root = note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:4},
Semitones = 3,
SecondNote = note{accidental:sharp, name:d, octave:4}.


There are two important concepts in scales.

A pattern is the set of intervals that makes up the scale. For example, a major scale has the pattern "whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half", or-- expressed as semitones above the tonic, [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]. This pattern is available as major_scale_pattern/1. There is also minor_scale_pattern/1.

A scale degree is an array index into a scale. The Nth scale degree in a given key is the Nth note of that scale. The scale_degree/4 predicate works like this:

scale_degree(Tonic, Pattern, Degree, Note) :-
    nth1(Degree, Pattern, Interval),
    interval(Tonic, Note, Interval).

The shortcut major_scale_degree/3 is also provided, eliminating the Pattern argument.

The scale/3 primitive generates degrees 1 through 7 in a given pattern, starting with a given tonic:

scale(Tonic, Pattern, Notes) :-  % generates list of intervals above tonic, by scale degree
        scale_degree(Tonic, Pattern, Degree, Note)
    ), Degrees, Notes).

The shortcuts major_scale/2 and minor_scale/2 are also provided, eliminating the Pattern argument.

Example: Generating a D major scale:


?- mk_note(d, Tonic), major_scale(Tonic, Notes), pretty_print(Notes).

Output (manually formatted for readability; pretty_print result is the first line):

d_natural_4 e_natural_4 f_sharp_4 g_natural_4 a_natural_5 b_natural_5 c_sharp_5 
Tonic = note{accidental:natural, name:d, octave:4},
Notes = [
   note{accidental:natural, name:d, octave:4}, 
   note{accidental:natural, name:e, octave:4}, 
   note{accidental:sharp, name:f, octave:4}, 
   note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:4}, 
   note{accidental:natural, name:a, octave:5}, 
   note{accidental:natural, name:b, octave:5}, 
   note{accidental:sharp, name:c, octave:5}


The chord record type is defined as:

:- record chord(root:note, pattern:list, degrees:list, adjustments:list).

degrees represents a list of scale degrees making up the chord, starting from the givn root note of the chord as 1.

The pattern and adjustments arguments can be combined in flexible ways to produce different chords. The scale degrees making up the chord will be mapped onto the provided pattern, so using a minor pattern with no adjustments will yield a minor chord. The adjustments are applied after this, and can be used to reference tones outside the key. For example, to represent a diminished chord, we would request scale degrees [1, 3, 5], a minor pattern, and the adjustments [natural, natural, flat]. This will yield a tonic (1), a minor third (m3) from the pattern, and a diminished fifth (b5) from the flat adjustment applied on the top note.

This is a very flexible system, for example it is possible to create a minor chord at least two ways:

chord{root: _, pattern: <minor pattern>, degrees: [1, 3, 5], adjustments: [natural, natural, natural]}
chord{root: _, pattern: <major pattern>, degrees: [1, 3, 5], adjustments: [natural, flat, natural]}

Available Chord Shortcuts:

  • major_chord/3
  • minor_chord/3
  • diminished_chord/3
  • augmented_chord/3
  • major_minor_major_7_chord/3
  • sus2_chord/3
  • sus4_chord/3
  • nine_sus4_chord/3

Chord Notes

The chord_notes/2 primitive converts between a chord and a set of notes.

Example: Building a chord with major_chord/2 and getting the notes with chord_notes/2:


?- mk_note(c, Root), major_chord(C, Chord), chord_notes(Chord, Notes), pretty_print(Notes).

Output (manually formatted for readability) -- the pretty_print is the first line:

c_natural_4 e_natural_4 g_natural_4 
Root = note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:4},
Chord = chord{adjustments:[natural, natural, natural], 
              degrees:[1, 3, 5], 
              pattern:[0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11], 
              root:note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:4}},
Notes = [note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:4}, 
         note{accidental:natural, name:e, octave:4}, 
         note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:4}] .

Chord Progressions

The chord_progression/4 predicate has the signature:

chord_progression(Tonic, Pattern, Degrees, Chords)

Example: Creating a I-vi-ii-V chord progression in G:


?- mk_note(g, Tonic), major_scale_pattern(Pattern), chord_progression(Tonic, Pattern, [1, 6, 2, 5], Chords).

Output (manually formatted for readability):

Tonic = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:4},
Pattern = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11],
Chords = [
   chord{adjustments:[natural, natural, natural], 
         degrees:[1, 3, 5], 
         pattern:[0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11], 
         root:note{accidental:natural, name:g, 
   chord{adjustments:[natural, natural, natural], 
         degrees:[1, 3, 5], 
         pattern:[0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9|...], 
         root:note{accidental:natural, name:e, 
   chord{adjustments:[natural, natural, natural], 
         degrees:[1, 3, 5], 
         pattern:[0, 2, 4, 5, 7|...], 
   chord{adjustments:[natural, natural, natural], 
         degrees:[1, 3, 5], 
         pattern:[0, 2, 4, 5|...], 

The Angry Man

Composition by Steve Dukes, whose rules are implemented here.

Predicates can be found in

12-Tone Rows

A Tone Row is a permutation of the 12 basic notes, with unbound octave values:

tone_row_mk_12_unbound_notes(Notes) :-
    Notes = [
        note{name: a, accidental: natural, octave: _},
        note{name: a, accidental: sharp, octave: _},

tone_row(Notes) :-
    permutation(TwelveUnboundNotes, PermutedNotes),
    Notes = PermutedNotes.

The provided helper predicate unique_tones/1 holds if the tones within a given list of notes are unique (ignoring octave).

The Angry Man intervals are:


These are available as semitone counts in angry_man_intervals/1.

The predicate angry_man_next_note/2 accepts a list and a note. This predicate holds if the given note "fits" as a next note in an Angry Man tone row.

A note fits if it is either the first note in the row, or it is a second note and it is one of the above intervals away from the first note, or if it is a new (unique) tone and forms an Angry Man interval with the previous note.

The angry_man_row/1 predicate is intended to verify if a tone row is a valid Angry Man row. An experimental implementation exp_angry_man_row/1 may be much more efficient.

The predicate the_angry_man/2 (variables are ToneRows and Length) is supposed to generate all tone rows satisfying the constraints of the composition.

Some of The Angry Man predicates do not work as expected for rows longer than 5 notes. This is a known issue and work-in-progress.

The Angry Man: Analysis

Let's dive into the numbers.

The number of permutations without repetition $_nP_r$ read as "$n$ options pick $r$" is given by the formula:

$$ \text{Possible permutations} = {_nP_r} = \frac{n!}{(n-r)!} $$

In our case, there are 45 notes on the Martin DC-45. Each tone row has 12 tones. So, the number of possible 12-tone rows on the guitar is given by

$$\text{Possible 12-tone rows} = {_{45}P_{12}} = \frac{45!}{(45-12)!} \approx 1.377 × 10^{19}$$

This is around 13 quintillion, or 13 billion billion possible combinations.

However, in this composition, there are more constraints. Let's work backwards to the definition of a permutation in order to more easily introduce these constraints to the equation without having to deal with factorials.

Given a set of notes $E$ already in the tone row, let the set $N$ represent the possible next notes.

An upper bound for the number of options $|N|$ is given by the number of remaining available tones. Since each tone is only used once, at each decision point there are at most $45 - |E|$ choices remaining.

Following this logic we can re-write the permutations formula as

$$ {_nP_r} = \prod _{i = 0}^{r - 1} (n - i) $$

In our case, it yields the same result:

$$ {_{45}P_{12}} = \prod _{i = 0}^{11} (45 - i) \approx 1.377 × 10^{19} $$

There are 5 vaild intervals between each note in The Angry Man's tone rows.

At each step, an option is invalid if there is already a note with the same tone (note name and accidental, don't care about octave).

Let's estimate this as the number of notes already in the row, multiplied by the expected probability that a given note will fall one of the accepted intervals away from a given note.

From any given note, there are 5 options up and 5 options down. For each option (which is a tone), there are about $45/12 = 3.75$ octaves in which it could fall, meaning each note really has about $(5 + 5) * 3.75 \approx 37$ valid options for a next note. So, the probability of a given note being a valid interval away from another note is about $37/45 \approx 82.2%$.

Assuming an even distribution of tones in the guitar's range, the number of choices $|N|$ at each stage (given the existing row $E$) is now estimated by the following equation:

$$ |N| \approx \left[ 45 - \underbrace{|E| * \frac{45}{12}}_{\text{Already used}} ~ \right] * \underbrace{\frac{(5 + 5) * 3.75}{45}}_{\text{Avg probability of valid interval}} $$

In the case of our tone rows, $|E|$ is given by the iteration variable $i$ at each step.

Simplifying yields the following estimate for the total number of possible Angry Man tone rows:

$$ \text{Angry Man rows} \approx \prod _{i = 0} ^{11} \left[ \left(45 - i * \frac{45}{12}\right) * 0.8\bar3 \right] \approx 4.15468 × 10^{14} $$

This gives us about 415 trillion (or 415 million million) possible Angry Man tone rows.

That number is still based on a big hidden assumption: the probability of picking a valid (right interval away) note out of the possible options remains constant as the tone row grows. In other words, it's possible that as we pick more notes, it becomes either harder or easier to find notes that are a valid interval away. This likely depends on which notes we pick.

Example Angry Man Tone Row Generation

Users can repeatedly call angry_man_next_note/2 to build an Angry Man tone row incrementally, choosing each note from a list of possible options.

As the tone row grows, the number of options grows and shrinks non-linearly. This matches the expectation above-- each note will have its own size of future possibility space, probably not linearly related to the already chosen notes.

Prolog interactive session log (extracted section):

?- angry_man_next_note([
      note{name: e, accidental: natural, octave: 2}, 
      note{name: f, accidental: natural, octave: 3}
], Note).
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:f, octave:2} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:2} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:b, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:d, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:f, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:b, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:d, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:f, octave:4} ;       <-- (user choice)
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:b, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:d, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:f, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:b, octave:6} ;

?- angry_man_next_note([
      note{name: e, accidental: natural, octave: 2}, 
      note{name: f, accidental: natural, octave: 3}, 
      note{accidental:sharp, name:f, octave:4}
], Note).
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:2} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:g, octave:2} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:g, octave:3} ;       <-- (user choice)
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:g, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:g, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:c, octave:6} ;

?- angry_man_next_note([
      note{name: e, accidental: natural, octave: 2}, 
      note{name: f, accidental: natural, octave: 3}, 
      note{accidental:sharp, name:f, octave:4}, 
      note{accidental:sharp, name:g, octave:3}
], Note).
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:2} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:a, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:a, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:d, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:3} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:a, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:a, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:d, octave:4} ;     <-- (next The Angry Man tone)
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:4} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:a, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:a, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:d, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:g, octave:5} ;
Note = note{accidental:natural, name:a, octave:6} ;
Note = note{accidental:sharp, name:a, octave:6} ;

Future Scope / Roadmap

  • Notes
  • Enharmonics
  • Intervals-- Needs debugging (ex. cannot find the SecondNote going down)
  • Scales
  • Basic chords
  • Basic chord notes
  • Chord inversions
  • Basic chord progressions
  • Chord progression voicing
  • 4-part harmony rules
  • (WIP, commented in source) Guitar fretboard note mapping
  • Guitar finger schedule rules
  • Piano finger schedule rules


Run unit test suite:

swipl -g run_tests -t halt


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