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User's guide

The goal of this role is the customization of FreeBSD installation images. FreeBSD provides the users with the option of Release Building. The usage of this powerful tool to make small changes, e.g. the configuration of wireless network (see Quick start guide), would be an overkill. Instead, this role provides the users with the options to mount released images and development snapshots, and customize them. The role can be easily configured and extended. The users are expected to write playbooks and additional customization tasks when needed. When you decide to customize the functionality consider Ansible role vbotka.config_light instead of creating additional custom tasks. The advantage would be unified configuration data in config_light. Create custom tasks if config_light is not able to do what you want. Contributions are welcome. See the examples in the directory contrib.

Many of the tasks in the workflow are disabled by default and can be enabled and run one by one to accomplish standalone tasks (see tasks/main.yml and defaults/main.yml). By default, sanity, mount, customize, and umount are enabled. All included customization tasks are disabled by default (see tasks/customize). See :ref:`ug_tags` Examples and :ref:`ug_bp` on how to enable and run tasks one by one.

By default, the role is not idempotent. In the standard workflow, an image is always mounted when the role starts and unmounted when completes. To speedup repeating execution of a playbook, it's possible to disable the unmounting of the image by setting the variable bsd_cimage_umount=false. This would make the role idempotent. Unmount the image before dumping it to a disk.

The most convenient way how to install an Ansible role is to use :index:`Ansible Galaxy` CLI ansible-galaxy. The utility comes with the standard Ansible package and provides the user with a simple interface to the Ansible Galaxy's services. For example, take a look at the current status of the role

shell> ansible-galaxy role info vbotka.freebsd_custom_image

and install it

shell> ansible-galaxy role install vbotka.freebsd_custom_image
  • Install the library vbotka.ansible_lib

    shell> ansible-galaxy role install vbotka.ansible_lib
  • Install the collections community.general and ansible.posix

    shell> ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
    shell> ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
.. seealso::
   * To install specific versions from various sources see `Installing content <>`_.
   * Take a look at other roles ``shell> ansible-galaxy search --author=vbotka``

Below is a simple playbook that calls this role (10) for a single host (2)

shell> cat playbook.yml
- hosts:
  gather_facts: true
  connection: ssh
  remote_user: admin
  become: true
  become_user: root
  become_method: sudo
    - vbotka.freebsd_custom_image


gather_facts: true (3) must be set to test sanity ansible_os_family

.. seealso::
   * For details see `Connection Plugins <>`__ (4-5)
   * See also `Understanding Privilege Escalation <>`__ (6-8)

Some tasks will display additional information when the variable :index:`bsd_cimage_debug` is enabled. Enable debug output either in the configuration

bsd_cimage_debug: true

, or set the extra variable in the command

shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e bsd_cimage_debug=true


The debug output of this role is optimized for the yaml callback plugin. Set this plugin for example in the environment shell> export ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=yaml.

.. seealso::
   * `Playbook Debugger <>`_
   * `Debugging modules <>`_
   * `Python Debugging With Pdb <>`_

The :index:`tags` provide the user with a very useful tool to run selected tasks of the role. To see what tags are available list the tags of the role with the command

  • Display the variables. Use the tag bsd_cimage_debug. Enable :index:`debug` (bsd_cimage_debug: true)
 shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_debug -e bsd_cimage_debug=true
  • Download images
 shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_download
  • Unpack images
 shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_unpack
  • Create memory disk and mount the image
 shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_mount
 shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_mount
  • Customize the image
 shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_customize
  • Umount the image
 shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_umount

The description of the customization's tasks is not complete. The role and the documentation is work in progress. Feel free to share your feedback and report issues.

Contributions are welcome.

.. seealso::
   * Source code :ref:`as_customize.yml`

All customization tasks are disabled by default. The default variables of these tasks are stored under the same file-names in the directory defaults/main. Enable, configure and run these tasks as needed. Keep this arrangement when you add custom tasks.

.. toctree::



Instead of creating additional custom tasks, consider Ansible role config_light. See :ref:`ug_example_001`

There are two categories of variables. The variables that control the workflow of the role (see default/main/main.yml) and variables of the customization tasks (see other files in default/main).

.. seealso::
   * `Ansible variable precedence: Where should I put a variable?

  • Create a playbook and test the syntax

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml --syntax-check
  • See what variables will be included

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_debug \
                                         -e bsd_cimage_debug=true \
                                         -e bsd_cimage_debug_classified=true
  • Download images. To make the task idempotent use the attribute checksum in the items of the list bsd_cimage_download. See :ref:`ug_vars_defaults`

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_download
  • Unpack the images

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_unpack
  • Create memory disk and mount image

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_mount
  • Dry-run the customization of the image and see what will be changed

    shell> ansible-playbook  playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_customize --check --diff
  • Customize the image. Run the playbook and keep the image mounted. Review the changes. Repeated execution of the customization should be idempotent

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_customize
  • Umount the image and detach the memory disk

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t bsd_cimage_umount
  • Dump the customized image to a disk and boot it

    shell> dd image.img of=/dev/mmcsd0 bs=1m conv=sync status=progress
  • Keep the image mounted if you want to run the playbook periodically. In this case, repeated execution of the playbook should be idempotent

    shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e bsd_cimage_umount=false

    However, the mountpoint is not configured in /etc/fstab and won't survive a reboot. If this is a problem put the configuration of the memory disk into /etc/rc.conf and configure the mountpoint in /etc/fstab.

.. toctree::
   :name: examples_toc
