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WebVR Module for PC, Cardboard, DayDream, Oculus Go and GearVR devices


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Gaining real-life experience in certain professions can be difficult to achieve, dangerous, or just plain expensive. However, WebVR can connect users with those experiences, from the most specialized skill-set training, to simple lab experiments performed by school students. VeativeWebVR is a package of 6 Interactive WebVR Modules covering topics from STEM for Cardboard, DayDream, Oculus Go and GearVR devices using A-Frame.


Technology Used

Framework : A-Frame IDE : Atom Scripting : JavaScript

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Working with VeativeWebVR

How to set up Atom

Install Atom : Download the file from and Install AtomSetup-x64 in your pc.

Install html-preview package: To show Output on editor we will have to add html-preview package to Atom editor:

Step 1. Open Atom editor.

Step 2. Go to Packages Tab >> Setting View >> Install Packages/Themes

Step 3. Search for atom-html-preview Package

Step 4. Install first one from showing list.

Step 5. After installation we can show output of web page

Use html-preview package: To use html preview Go to Packages Tab >> Preview HTML >> Enable Preview. By enabling preview you can show the output of your project.

How to create new Project

Step1: Create folder structure same as below

Module Id (Root Directory)






○index.html (welcome page)

○login.html (login form)



Step2: Create index.html text file under the root directory, it will be Game Play page.

Step3: Copy login.html, manifest.json, appdata.js file and loginform folder to your project

Step4: Open Atom editor and Select File tab then select Add Project Folder and select project directory.

Uses and Description of Downloaded Project

Step1: Open Atom editor and Select File tab then select Add Project Folder and select downloaded project directory

Login page (login.html)

If login cookie does not find in browser, Application shows Login form

Fill below detail to the form User name, user age , avatar and gender

After submitting the form user will be redirected to module. User will login for 24 hour with login name.

Creating Game play (Using Index.html)

Linking Manifest

Linking manifest file to add below line

< link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json" >

Add Module Title

Add Title to page to add below line


Load scripts

Load Script using <script> tag

<script src="scripts/aframe.min.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/utility.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/voiceover.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/gamemanager.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/cardboardjoystick.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/colorchange.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/questionmanager.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/scoremanager.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/databasemanager.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/login.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/cursorzoom.js"></script>
<script src="appdata.js"></script>

Create Scene

Create Scene by adding a-scene Tag like below line

< a-scene renderer="antialias: true;">  code here    </a-scene> >

Add Camera

Add following code:

<a-scene renderer="antialias: true;">
	<a-camera look-controls wasd-controls>
			rayOrigin= "mouse" 
			geometry="primitive: ring" 
			material="color: white;  shader: flat">

Load sound in scene

Write code to load sound inside a-scene Tag. Load sound with a-sound

Note: This is recommended if clip name is ‘click.wav’ then sound id sound be ‘s_click’ (s_NameOfClip).

<a-scene renderer="antialias: true;">
	<a-sound id="s_click" src="src: url(sounds/click.mp3)" poolSize=5></a-sound> 
	<a-sound id="s_hover" src="src: url(sounds/hover.wav)" poolSize=5></a-sound> 
	<a-sound id="s_btn_lo" src="src: url(sounds/btn_lo.wav)" poolSize=5></a-sound> 
	<a-sound id="s_btn_l1" src="src: url(sounds/btn_l1.wav)" poolSize=5></a-sound> 

Load Assets

Write code to load assets inside a-scene Tag. Load assets with a-sound

Note: This is recommended if loading file name is ‘dog.png’ then id should be ‘dog’ .

<a-scene renderer="antialias: true;">
<a-assets id="assets"  timeout="3600000">
<img id="tex_menu_off" src="images/Btn_Off.png">   // Load texture
<img id="img360" src="images/skybox.jpg">    // Load 360 Image
<audio id="bgsound" src="sounds/bg.mp3"></audio>  //Load audio
<a-asset-item id="butterFly_full" src="models/Butterfly/ButterFly_Full.glb"></a-asset-item>  // Load 3D model (.gltf)

Add Background music

Add Background music with a-sound tag in a-scene tag.

Note: To disable autoplay change property autoplay="false"

<a-scene renderer="antialias: true;">
<a-sound src="#bgsound" autoplay="true" volume="0.5" loop='true'></a-sound>

Add Skybox

Add Skybox in with a-sky tag inside a-scene tag.

Note: Change rotation with rotation property.

<a-scene renderer="antialias: true;">
<a-sky src="#img360" rotation="0 -130 0"></a-sky>

Add Level

Add level inside a-scene tag with a-entity tag. Note: To active/deactive level as default use property setactive="value:true/false"

<a-scene renderer="antialias: true;">
<a-entity id="MainMenu" setactive="value:true"> Code for main menu level  </a-entity>
<a-entity id="LO" setactive="value:false"> Code for LO level  </a-entity>
<a-entity id="L1" setactive="value:false"> Code for L1 level  </a-entity>
<a-entity id="AS" setactive="value:false"> Code for AS level  </a-entity>

Add MainMenu

<a-entity id="MainMenu" setactive="value:true">

<!-- Title -->
<a-entity  position="0 2.5 -3"
  geometry="primitive: plane; width: 3; height: 0.35;"
  material="color: black; opacity:0.53"
  text="value: Line and Plane of Symmetry; align:center; width: 5 ">

<a-image id="btn_lo" position="-1.3 1.5 -3"
  geometry="primitive: plane; width: 1.2; height: 0.65"
  material="color: white; opacity:1 ; src: #tex_menu_off ;"
  text="value: View learning \n objectives; align:center; width: 3"
  click_sound cardboard_input vo_hover color_hover onclick="OnClickObjective();">

<!-- <a-image src="#tex_menu_off" position="0.7 1.5 -3"></a-image> -->

<a-image id="btn_l1" position="0 1.5 -3"
  geometry="primitive: plane; width: 1.2; height: 0.65"
  material="color: white; opacity:1 ; src: #tex_menu_off ;"
  text="value: Learn about lines\n and planes\n of symmetry; align:center; width: 3"
  click_sound cardboard_input vo_hover color_hover onclick="OnClickL1();">

<a-image id="btn_as" position="1.3 1.5 -3"
  geometry="primitive: plane; width: 1.2; height: 0.65"
  material="color: white; opacity:1 ; src: #tex_menu_off ;"
  text="value: Assess your \n knowledge; align:center; width: 3"
  click_sound  cardboard_input vo_hover color_hover  onclick="OnClickAS();">


Add Panel With OK Button

Note: Method execute on ok click should name PanelIdName_click(). Eg. if panel id is ‘p_comp_as’ method should be declared ‘p_comp_as_click()’

<a-entity id="p_comp_as" position="0 2 -3"
    geometry="primitive: plane; width: 2.4; height: 1.1"
    material="color: black; opacity:0.53">

    <a-text value="You have completed the assessment. 
    Here is your score:" position="0 0.3 0" align="center"  

    <a-image id="btn_ok" position="0 -0.56 0.01"
  geometry="primitive: plane; width: 0.6; height: 0.3"
  text="value: OK; align:center; width: 3; color: white"
  click_sound cardboard_input color_hover onclick="p_comp_as_click();">

Add Panel In Camera

Add panel inside tag.

Note: Panel in camera should have scale ‘0.1’ for xyz.

<a-entity id="i_nextToProceed" 
  setactive="value:false ; scale: 0.1"
  position="0 -0.13 -0.3"
  scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"
  geometry="primitive: plane; width: 1.7; height: 0.27"
  material="color: black; opacity:0.53"
  text="value:Select NEXT to proceed.; align:center; width: 2.8;">

Add Controller For GearVR, Oculus and Daydream

<!-- Controllers -->
    <a-entity setactive="value:false" gearvr-controls laser-controls="hand: right"  
           id="gvrc" line="color: #00ffff; opacity: 0.75"></a-entity>
    <a-entity setactive="value:false" daydream-controls laser-controls="hand: right" 
id="ddc" line="color: #00ffff; opacity: 0.75"></a-entity>
    <a-entity setactive="value:false" oculus-go-controls laser-controls="hand: right" 
id="oc" line="color: #00ffff; opacity: 0.75"></a-entity>
 <!-- /Controllers -->

Controller setting for different platforms (Cardboard,DayDream,GearVR and OculusGo)

Add below code in index.html file at last

	    var assetsId = '#assets';
	    var entity = document.querySelector(assetsId);
	    var controllerId = null;

    if (entity != null) {
        entity.addEventListener("loaded", function() {
            console.log("All Assets loaded");
            setTimeout(ShowMainMenu, 2000);
            setInterval(ActivateController, 1000);


        entity.addEventListener("timeout", function() {
            console.log("Time up to load assets");
            setTimeout(location.reload.bind(location), 500);

    } else {
        console.log("Exception : Id not found ID: ", assetsId);

    function ShowMainMenu() {
        SetActive('#MainMenu', true);
        if (!login_isReferred()) {
            SetActive('#btn_close', false);

    function ActivateController() {
        let cId = "";

        if (AFRAME.utils.device.isGearVR()) {
            cId = '#gvrc';
            app_device_platform = "GearVR";
        } else if (isDayDream()) {
            cId = '#ddc';
            var gvrc = document.querySelector('#gvrc');
            var oc = document.querySelector('#oc');
            SetActive('#cursor', false);
            app_device_platform = "Daydream";
        } else if (AFRAME.utils.device.isOculusGo()) {
            cId = '#oc';
            app_device_platform = "OculusGo";
        } else {
            cId = '#cursor';

            let isMobile = /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent);

            if (isMobile) {
                app_device_platform = "Cardboard";
                let scene = document.querySelector('a-scene');
            } else {
                app_device_platform = "Desktop";
                let scene = document.querySelector('a-scene');


        if (cId != controllerId) {
            SetActive(controllerId, false);
            controllerId = cId;
            SetActive(controllerId, true);
            console.log("controller id is ", controllerId);

    function isDayDream() {
        let isDayDream = false;
        let gamepad = navigator.getGamepads()[0];
        if (gamepad != undefined) {
            let gamepadId =;
            isDayDream = gamepadId.includes("Daydream") || gamepadId.includes("daydream");
        return isDayDream;

    window.onload = function() {


        if (!login_isUserAuthenticated()) {
            window.location.href = "login.html";
        } else {
            console.log("User Name : ", login_getCookie('unicef_name'));

Sending user activity on Impact analysis platform


API: /api/app-activity

Used parameter

function questiondata() {
    this.USER_OID = "mango";
    this.GL_MODULE_ID = "SSD";
    this.GL_MODULE_NAME = "Disability Statistics";
    this.GL_LEVEL_ID = 1;
    this.GL_LEVEL_NAME = "L1";
    this.GL_LEVEL_KNOWLEDGE_DOMAIN = "Seeing";
    this.GL_LEVEL_TYPE = "T1";
    this.GL_QUESTION_ID = "1";
    this.GL_QUESTION_COGNITIVE = "dsgdsgsdg";
    this.GL_QUESTION_ACTION_VERB = "sdgdgdfg";
    this.LL_QUESTION_TYPE = "QT1";
    this.TR_USER_SCORE = "1";
    this.HOST_IP = "";
    this.DEVICE_MODEL = "NA";
    this.DEVICE_PLATFORM = "";
    this.ATTEMPTED_ON = "";

Save data to local DB in Json format

function saveScoreToLocalDB() {
    let dataInJson = JSON.stringify(data);
    data = new datamodel();
    localStorage.setItem("UserScoreData", "");
    localStorage.setItem("UserScoreData", dataInJson);

    if (app_unicef_user_id != null) {
        setTimeout(sendDataToServer, 1000);

Sending data to server

function sendDataToServer() {, url.concat(saveActivity), true);
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(userNamePassword));
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
    let scoreDate = localStorage.getItem("UserScoreData");

Cookie parameters



WebVR Module for PC, Cardboard, DayDream, Oculus Go and GearVR devices



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