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馃攳 Lenses of Clarity

Focus on what matters most. Our lenses provide a crystal-clear view, allowing you to zero in on specific data points without the distraction of unnecessary details. Precision meets simplicity in every line of code.

Lenses visualized

Lenses, in the realm of optics, act as your data's precision-guided magnifying glasses. Think of them as focused spotlights that allow you to zoom in on specific details within your data without being bogged down by the noise around it. Like a photographer adjusting the lens to capture the perfect shot, lenses enable you to fine-tune your view, isolating and manipulating exactly what you need. They bring clarity to the intricacies of your data, offering a straightforward and elegant way to extract, modify, or navigate through the heart of your information with surgical precision.

Let's dive into a small example:


Given your data object looks like this:

class Item {
    public string $value;

You can create a lens that zooms in on the value property of an Item instance. When creating a lens, we don't care much about the data by itself, but rather about what the data structure looks like. A (not so safe) example lens for this example could be this one:

use VeeWee\Reflecta\Lens\Lens;

$objectValueLens = new Lens(
    get: fn (Item $item): string => $item->value,
    set: function (Item $item, string $value): Item {
        $new = clone $item;
        $new->value = $value;
        return $new;

This lens will allow you to fetch and manipulate data like this:

$item = new Item();
$item->value = 'Hello there!';

$theValue = $objectValueLens->get($item);
// > "Hello there!"
$newItem = $objectValueLens->set($item, 'Hello back to you!');
// > Item { value: "Hello back to you!" }
$newItem = $objectValueLens->update($item, fn (string $oldValue) => $oldValue . ' Have a nice day!');
// > Item { value: "Hello there! Have a nice day!" }

You can pass in any instance of Item and it will work as expected.


Things get fun once you start composing lenses. Think about this about having deeply nested objects. If you have a data structure that looks like this:

class Person {
    public Hat $hat;

class Hat {
    public string $color;

If you want to grab the color of the hat, you could compose a lens like this:

use function VeeWee\Reflecta\Lens\property;

$hatLens = property('hat');
$colorLens = property('color');
$personsHatColorLens = $hatLens->compose($colorLens);

$person = new Person();
$person->hat = new Hat();
$person->hat->color = 'green';

$theColor = $personsHatColorLens->get($person);
// > "green"
$newPerson = $personsHatColorLens->set($person, 'red');
// > Person { hat: { color: "red" }}



This function is able to compose multiple lenses into a new one. Check the chapter composability for more information. A psalm plugin is available that validates if the types of the lenses are composable.

use function VeeWee\Reflecta\Lens\compose;

$personsHatColorLens = compose(
    // ...others


This function returns an index Lens that operates on array<array-key, mixed>. You can specify either a numeric index or an index by name.

  • Get will fetch the array item by key or throw an ArrayAccessException if the key cannot be found.
  • Set will make a copy from the input array and change the index in that new version of the array.
use function VeeWee\Reflecta\Lens\index;

$dict = ['a' => 'Apple', 'b' => 'Blueberry'];
$vec = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

// > Blueberry
// > b

index('b')->set($dict, 'Banana');
// > ['a' => 'Apple', 'b' => 'Banana']
index(1)->set($vec, 'Banana');
// > ['a', 'Banana', 'c']


This function returns an optional Lens that decorates another lens. It's comparable to the null-safe operator ?-> in PHP: If the property you are trying to zoom in upon does not exist, it allows you to continue code execution with a null value. Internally, this lens will try to access the underlying lens and will return null upon errors and null returns.

  • Get will try to get() from the decorated lens and return null on failure.
  • Set will try to set() from the decorated lens and return null on failure.
use function VeeWee\Reflecta\Lens\optional;
use function VeeWee\Reflecta\Lens\property;

$optionalValueLens = optional(property('value'));

$optionalValueLens->get(new class {
    public string $value = 'hello';
// > "hello"
$optionalValueLens->get(new class {});
// > null

$optionalValueLens->set(new class {
    public string $value = 'hello';
}, 'world');
// > Object {value: "world"}
$optionalValueLens->set(new class {}, 'world');
// > null

Since this is a very common lens, a shortcut got added to any Lens instance in order to make it optional:

$optionalLens = $lens->optional();


This function will create a lens that can zoom in on an object's properties (with any visibility).

  • Get will find all properties from the given object and return a array<string, mixed> that contains the property name as key and the property value as value.
  • Set will create a copy of the provided object and will use the provided array<string, mixed> to store back the values onto this new cloned object.
use function VeeWee\Reflecta\Lens\properties;

class Item {
    public string $value = 'hello';

$propertiesLens = properties();

$propertiesLens->get(new Item());
// > ["value": "hello"]

$propertiesLens->set(new Item(), ['value': 'world']);
// > Item { value: "world" }


This function will create a lens that can zoom in on one named object's property (with any visibility).

  • Get will find the value of the requested property in the provided object.
  • Set will create a copy of the provided object and will set the provided value of the requested property into this new object.
use function VeeWee\Reflecta\Lens\property;

class Item {
    public string $value = 'hello';

$propertyLens = property('value');

$propertyLens->get(new Item());
// > "hello"

$propertyLens->set(new Item(), ['value': 'world']);
// > Item { value: "world" }