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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
199 lines (115 loc) · 5.57 KB

API Reference

.. module:: veilchen
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: WSGI micro framework
.. moduleauthor:: Marcel Hellkamp <>

This is a mostly auto-generated API. If you are new to veilchen, you might find the narrative :doc:`tutorial` more helpful.

Module Contents

The module defines several functions, constants, and an exception.

.. autofunction:: debug

.. autofunction:: run

.. autofunction:: load

.. autofunction:: load_app

.. autodata:: request

.. autodata:: response

.. autodata:: HTTP_CODES

.. function:: app()

    Return the current :ref:`default-app`. Actually, these are callable instances of :class:`AppStack` and implement a stack-like API.


Veilchen maintains a stack of :class:`Veilchen` instances (see :func:`app` and :class:`AppStack`) and uses the top of the stack as a default application for some of the module-level functions and decorators.

.. function:: route(path, method='GET', callback=None, **options)

   Decorator to install a route to the current default application. See :meth:`Veilchen.route` for details.

.. function:: error(...)

   Decorator to install an error handler to the current default application. See :meth:`Veilchen.error` for details.

WSGI and HTTP Utilities

.. autofunction:: parse_date

.. autofunction:: parse_auth

.. autofunction:: cookie_encode

.. autofunction:: cookie_decode

.. autofunction:: cookie_is_encoded

.. autofunction:: yieldroutes

.. autofunction:: path_shift

Data Structures

.. autoclass:: MultiDict

.. autoclass:: HeaderDict

.. autoclass:: FormsDict

.. autoclass:: WSGIHeaderDict

.. autoclass:: AppStack

   .. method:: pop()

      Return the current default application and remove it from the stack.

.. autoclass:: ResourceManager

.. autoclass:: FileUpload


.. autoexception:: VeilchenException

.. autoclass:: Veilchen

.. autoclass:: Route

The :class:`Request` Object

The :class:`Request` class wraps a WSGI environment and provides helpful methods to parse and access form data, cookies, file uploads and other metadata. Most of the attributes are read-only.

.. autoclass:: Request

.. autoclass:: BaseRequest

The module-level :data:`veilchen.request` is a proxy object (implemented in :class:`LocalRequest`) and always refers to the current request, or in other words, the request that is currently processed by the request handler in the current thread. This thread locality ensures that you can safely use a global instance in a multi-threaded environment.

.. autoclass:: LocalRequest

.. autodata:: request

The :class:`Response` class stores the HTTP status code as well as headers and cookies that are to be sent to the client. Similar to :data:`veilchen.request` there is a thread-local :data:`veilchen.response` instance that can be used to adjust the current response. Moreover, you can instantiate :class:`Response` and return it from your request handler. In this case, the custom instance overrules the headers and cookies defined in the global one.

.. autoclass:: Response

.. autoclass:: BaseResponse

.. autoclass:: LocalResponse

The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable difference is that veilchen invokes error handlers for :class:`HTTPError`, but not for :class:`HTTPResponse` or other response types.

.. autoexception:: HTTPResponse

.. autoexception:: HTTPError


All template engines supported by :mod:`veilchen` implement the :class:`BaseTemplate` API. This way it is possible to switch and mix template engines without changing the application code at all.

.. autoclass:: BaseTemplate

   .. automethod:: __init__

.. autofunction:: view

.. autofunction:: template

You can write your own adapter for your favourite template engine or use one of the predefined adapters. Currently there are four fully supported template engines:

Class URL Decorator Render function
:class:`SimpleTemplate` :doc:`stpl` :func:`view` :func:`template`
:class:`MakoTemplate` :func:`mako_view` :func:`mako_template`
:class:`CheetahTemplate` :func:`cheetah_view` :func:`cheetah_template`
:class:`Jinja2Template` :func:`jinja2_view` :func:`jinja2_template`

To use :class:`MakoTemplate` as your default template engine, just import its specialised decorator and render function:

from veilchen import mako_view as view, mako_template as template