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710 lines (577 loc) · 22.6 KB

File metadata and controls

710 lines (577 loc) · 22.6 KB
title isDefaultIndex generated

import MemberInfo from '@site/src/components/MemberInfo'; import GenerationInfo from '@site/src/components/GenerationInfo'; import MemberDescription from '@site/src/components/MemberDescription';


Configuration options for the ElasticsearchPlugin.

interface ElasticsearchOptions {
    host?: string;
    port?: number;
    connectionAttempts?: number;
    connectionAttemptInterval?: number;
    clientOptions?: ClientOptions;
    indexPrefix?: string;
    indexSettings?: object;
    indexMappingProperties?: {
        [indexName: string]: object;
    reindexProductsChunkSize?: number;
    reindexBulkOperationSizeLimit?: number;
    searchConfig?: SearchConfig;
    customProductMappings?: {
        [fieldName: string]: CustomMapping<[Product, ProductVariant[], LanguageCode, Injector, RequestContext]>;
    customProductVariantMappings?: {
        [fieldName: string]: CustomMapping<[ProductVariant, LanguageCode, Injector, RequestContext]>;
    bufferUpdates?: boolean;
    hydrateProductRelations?: Array<EntityRelationPaths<Product>>;
    hydrateProductVariantRelations?: Array<EntityRelationPaths<ProductVariant>>;
    extendSearchInputType?: {
        [name: string]: PrimitiveTypeVariations<GraphQlPrimitive>;
    extendSearchSortType?: string[];


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={string} default="'http://localhost'" />

The host of the Elasticsearch server. May also be specified in clientOptions.node.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="9200" />

The port of the Elasticsearch server. May also be specified in clientOptions.node.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="10" />

Maximum amount of attempts made to connect to the ElasticSearch server on startup.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="5000" />

Interval in milliseconds between attempts to connect to the ElasticSearch server on startup.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={ClientOptions} />

Options to pass directly to the Elasticsearch Node.js client. For example, to set authentication or other more advanced options. Note that if the node or nodes option is specified, it will override the values provided in the host and port options.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={string} default="'vendure-'" />

Prefix for the indices created by the plugin.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={object} default="{}" since="1.2.0" />

These options are directly passed to index settings. To apply some settings indices will be recreated.


// Configuring an English stemmer
indexSettings: {
  analysis: {
    analyzer: {
      custom_analyzer: {
        tokenizer: 'standard',
        filter: [
    filter : {
      english_stemmer : {
        type : 'stemmer',
        name : 'english'

A more complete example can be found in the discussion thread How to make elastic plugin to search by substring with stemming.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={{ [indexName: string]: object; }} default="{}" since="1.2.0" />

This option allow to redefine or define new properties in mapping. More about elastic mapping After changing this option indices will be recreated.


// Configuring custom analyzer for the `productName` field.
indexMappingProperties: {
  productName: {
    type: 'text',
    fields: {
      keyword: {
        type: 'keyword',
        ignore_above: 256,

To reference a field defined by customProductMappings or customProductVariantMappings, you will need to prefix the name with 'product-<name>' or 'variant-<name>' respectively, e.g.:


customProductMappings: {
   variantCount: {
       graphQlType: 'Int!',
       valueFn: (product, variants) => variants.length,
indexMappingProperties: {
  'product-variantCount': {
    type: 'integer',


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="2500" since="2.1.7" />

Products limit chunk size for each loop iteration when indexing products.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="3000" since="2.1.7" />

Index operations are performed in bulk, with each bulk operation containing a number of individual index operations. This option sets the maximum number of operations in the memory buffer before a bulk operation is executed.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/core-plugins/elasticsearch-plugin/elasticsearch-options#searchconfig'>SearchConfig</a>} />

Configuration of the internal Elasticsearch query.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={{ [fieldName: string]: CustomMapping&#60;[<a href='/reference/typescript-api/entities/product#product'>Product</a>, <a href='/reference/typescript-api/entities/product-variant#productvariant'>ProductVariant</a>[], <a href='/reference/typescript-api/common/language-code#languagecode'>LanguageCode</a>, <a href='/reference/typescript-api/common/injector#injector'>Injector</a>, <a href='/reference/typescript-api/request/request-context#requestcontext'>RequestContext</a>]&#62;; }} />

Custom mappings may be defined which will add the defined data to the Elasticsearch index and expose that data via the SearchResult GraphQL type, adding a new customMappings, customProductMappings & customProductVariantMappings fields.

The graphQlType property may be one of String, Int, Float, Boolean, ID or list versions thereof ([String!] etc) and can be appended with a ! to indicate non-nullable fields.

The public (default = true) property is used to reveal or hide the property in the GraphQL API schema. If this property is set to false it's not accessible in the customMappings field but it's still getting parsed to the elasticsearch index.

This config option defines custom mappings which are accessible when the "groupByProduct" input options is set to true. In addition, custom variant mappings can be accessed by using the customProductVariantMappings field, which is always available.


customProductMappings: {
   variantCount: {
       graphQlType: 'Int!',
       valueFn: (product, variants) => variants.length,
   reviewRating: {
       graphQlType: 'Float',
       public: true,
       valueFn: product => (product.customFields as any).reviewRating,
   priority: {
       graphQlType: 'Int!',
       public: false,
       valueFn: product => (product.customFields as any).priority,


query SearchProducts($input: SearchInput!) {
    search(input: $input) {
        items {
            customProductMappings {
            customMappings {
                ...on CustomProductMappings {


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={{ [fieldName: string]: CustomMapping&#60;[<a href='/reference/typescript-api/entities/product-variant#productvariant'>ProductVariant</a>, <a href='/reference/typescript-api/common/language-code#languagecode'>LanguageCode</a>, <a href='/reference/typescript-api/common/injector#injector'>Injector</a>, <a href='/reference/typescript-api/request/request-context#requestcontext'>RequestContext</a>]&#62;; }} />

This config option defines custom mappings which are accessible when the "groupByProduct" input options is set to false. In addition, custom product mappings can be accessed by using the customProductMappings field, which is always available.


query SearchProducts($input: SearchInput!) {
    search(input: $input) {
        items {
            customProductVariantMappings {
            customMappings {
                ...on CustomProductVariantMappings {


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="false" since="1.3.0" />

If set to true, updates to Products, ProductVariants and Collections will not immediately trigger an update to the search index. Instead, all these changes will be buffered and will only be run via a call to the runPendingSearchIndexUpdates mutation in the Admin API.

This is very useful for installations with a large number of ProductVariants and/or Collections, as the buffering allows better control over when these expensive jobs are run, and also performs optimizations to minimize the amount of work that needs to be performed by the worker.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={Array&#60;<a href='/reference/typescript-api/common/entity-relation-paths#entityrelationpaths'>EntityRelationPaths</a>&#60;<a href='/reference/typescript-api/entities/product#product'>Product</a>&#62;&#62;} default="[]" since="1.3.0" />

Additional product relations that will be fetched from DB while reindexing. This can be used in combination with customProductMappings to ensure that the required relations are joined before the product object is passed to the valueFn.


  hydrateProductRelations: ['assets.asset'],
  customProductMappings: {
    assetPreviews: {
      graphQlType: '[String!]',
      // Here we can be sure that the `product.assets` array is populated
      // with an Asset object
      valueFn: (product) => => a.asset.preview),


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={Array&#60;<a href='/reference/typescript-api/common/entity-relation-paths#entityrelationpaths'>EntityRelationPaths</a>&#60;<a href='/reference/typescript-api/entities/product-variant#productvariant'>ProductVariant</a>&#62;&#62;} default="[]" since="1.3.0" />

Additional variant relations that will be fetched from DB while reindexing. See hydrateProductRelations for more explanation and a usage example.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={{ [name: string]: PrimitiveTypeVariations&#60;GraphQlPrimitive&#62;; }} default="{}" since="1.3.0" />

Allows the SearchInput type to be extended with new input fields. This allows arbitrary data to be passed in, which can then be used e.g. in the mapQuery() function or custom scriptFields functions.


extendSearchInputType: {
  longitude: 'Float',
  latitude: 'Float',
  radius: 'Float',

This allows the search query to include these new fields:


query {
  search(input: {
    longitude: 101.7117,
    latitude: 3.1584,
    radius: 50.00
  }) {
    items {


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={string[]} default="[]" since="1.4.0" />

Adds a list of sort parameters. This is mostly important to make the correct sort order values available inside input parameter of the mapSort option.


extendSearchSortType: ["distance"]

will extend the SearchResultSortParameter input type like this:


extend input SearchResultSortParameter {
     distance: SortOrder


Configuration options for the internal Elasticsearch query which is generated when performing a search.

interface SearchConfig {
    facetValueMaxSize?: number;
    collectionMaxSize?: number;
    totalItemsMaxSize?: number | boolean;
    multiMatchType?: 'best_fields' | 'most_fields' | 'cross_fields' | 'phrase' | 'phrase_prefix' | 'bool_prefix';
    boostFields?: BoostFieldsConfig;
    priceRangeBucketInterval?: number;
    mapQuery?: (
        query: any,
        input: ElasticSearchInput,
        searchConfig: DeepRequired<SearchConfig>,
        channelId: ID,
        enabledOnly: boolean,
    ) => any;
    scriptFields?: { [fieldName: string]: CustomScriptMapping<[ElasticSearchInput]> };
    mapSort?: (sort: ElasticSearchSortInput, input: ElasticSearchInput) => ElasticSearchSortInput;


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="50" />

The maximum number of FacetValues to return from the search query. Internally, this value sets the "size" property of an Elasticsearch aggregation.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="50" since="1.1.0" />

The maximum number of Collections to return from the search query. Internally, this value sets the "size" property of an Elasticsearch aggregation.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number | boolean} default="10000" since="1.2.0" />

The maximum number of totalItems to return from the search query. Internally, this value sets the "track_total_hits" property of an Elasticsearch query. If this parameter is set to "True", accurate count of totalItems will be returned. If this parameter is set to "False", totalItems will be returned as 0. If this parameter is set to integer, accurate count of totalItems will be returned not bigger than integer.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={'best_fields' | 'most_fields' | 'cross_fields' | 'phrase' | 'phrase_prefix' | 'bool_prefix'} default="'best_fields'" />

Defines the multi match type used when matching against a search term.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/core-plugins/elasticsearch-plugin/elasticsearch-options#boostfieldsconfig'>BoostFieldsConfig</a>} />

Set custom boost values for particular fields when matching against a search term.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} />

The interval used to group search results into buckets according to price range. For example, setting this to 2000 will group into buckets every $20.00:

  "data": {
    "search": {
      "totalItems": 32,
      "priceRange": {
        "buckets": [
            "to": 2000,
            "count": 21
            "to": 4000,
            "count": 7
            "to": 6000,
            "count": 3
            "to": 12000,
            "count": 1


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={( query: any, input: ElasticSearchInput, searchConfig: DeepRequired&#60;<a href='/reference/core-plugins/elasticsearch-plugin/elasticsearch-options#searchconfig'>SearchConfig</a>&#62;, channelId: <a href='/reference/typescript-api/common/id#id'>ID</a>, enabledOnly: boolean, ) =&#62; any} />

This config option allows the the modification of the whole (already built) search query. This allows for e.g. wildcard / fuzzy searches on the index.


mapQuery: (query, input, searchConfig, channelId, enabledOnly){
    delete query.bool.must;
  query.bool.should = [
      query_string: {
        query: "*" + term + "*",
        fields: [
      multi_match: {
        query: term,
        type: searchConfig.multiMatchType,
        fields: [

  return query;


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={{ [fieldName: string]: CustomScriptMapping&#60;[ElasticSearchInput]&#62; }} since="1.3.0" />

Sets script_fields inside the elasticsearch body which allows returning a script evaluation for each hit.

The script field definition consists of three properties:

  • graphQlType: This is the type that will be returned when this script field is queried via the GraphQL API. It may be one of String, Int, Float, Boolean, ID or list versions thereof ([String!] etc) and can be appended with a ! to indicate non-nullable fields.
  • context: determines whether this script field is available when grouping by product. Can be product, variant or both.
  • scriptFn: This is the function to run on each hit. Should return an object with a script property, as covered in the Elasticsearch script fields docs


extendSearchInputType: {
  latitude: 'Float',
  longitude: 'Float',
indexMappingProperties: {
  // The `product-location` field corresponds to the `location` customProductMapping
  // defined below. Here we specify that it would be index as a `geo_point` type,
  // which will allow us to perform geo-spacial calculations on it in our script field.
  'product-location': {
    type: 'geo_point', // contains function arcDistance
customProductMappings: {
  location: {
    graphQlType: 'String',
    valueFn: (product: Product) => {
      // Assume that the Product entity has this customField defined
      const custom = product.customFields.location;
      return `${custom.latitude},${custom.longitude}`;
searchConfig: {
  scriptFields: {
    distance: {
      graphQlType: 'Float!',
      // Run this script only when grouping results by product
      context: 'product',
      scriptFn: (input) => {
        // The SearchInput was extended with latitude and longitude
        // via the `extendSearchInputType` option above.
        const lat = input.latitude;
        const lon = input.longitude;
        return {
          script: `doc['product-location'].arcDistance(${lat}, ${lon})`,


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={(sort: ElasticSearchSortInput, input: ElasticSearchInput) =&#62; ElasticSearchSortInput} default="{}" since="1.4.0" />

Allows extending the sort input of the elasticsearch body as covered in Elasticsearch sort docs

The sort input parameter contains the ElasticSearchSortInput generated for the default sort parameters "name" and "price". If neither of those are applied it will be empty.


mapSort: (sort, input) => {
    // Assuming `extendSearchSortType: ["priority"]`
    // Assuming priority is never undefined
    const { priority } = input.sort;
    return [
             // The `product-priority` field corresponds to the `priority` customProductMapping
             // Depending on the index type, this field might require a
             // more detailed input (example: 'productName.keyword')
             ["product-priority"]: {
                 order: priority === SortOrder.ASC ? 'asc' : 'desc'

A more generic example would be a sort function based on a product location like this:


extendSearchInputType: {
  latitude: 'Float',
  longitude: 'Float',
extendSearchSortType: ["distance"],
indexMappingProperties: {
  // The `product-location` field corresponds to the `location` customProductMapping
  // defined below. Here we specify that it would be index as a `geo_point` type,
  // which will allow us to perform geo-spacial calculations on it in our script field.
  'product-location': {
    type: 'geo_point',
customProductMappings: {
  location: {
    graphQlType: 'String',
    valueFn: (product: Product) => {
      // Assume that the Product entity has this customField defined
      const custom = product.customFields.location;
      return `${custom.latitude},${custom.longitude}`;
searchConfig: {
     mapSort: (sort, input) => {
         // Assuming distance is never undefined
         const { distance } = input.sort;
         return [
                 ["_geo_distance"]: {
                     "product-location": [
                     order: distance === SortOrder.ASC ? 'asc' : 'desc',
                     unit: "km"


Configuration for boosting the scores of given fields when performing a search against a term.

Boosting a field acts as a score multiplier for matches against that field.

interface BoostFieldsConfig {
    productName?: number;
    productVariantName?: number;
    description?: number;
    sku?: number;


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="1" />

Defines the boost factor for the productName field.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="1" />

Defines the boost factor for the productVariantName field.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="1" />

Defines the boost factor for the description field.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="1" />

Defines the boost factor for the sku field.