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163 lines (116 loc) · 7.98 KB
title isDefaultIndex generated

import MemberInfo from '@site/src/components/MemberInfo'; import GenerationInfo from '@site/src/components/GenerationInfo'; import MemberDescription from '@site/src/components/MemberDescription';


The AuthOptions define how authentication and authorization is managed.

interface AuthOptions {
    disableAuth?: boolean;
    tokenMethod?: 'cookie' | 'bearer' | ReadonlyArray<'cookie' | 'bearer'>;
    cookieOptions?: CookieOptions;
    authTokenHeaderKey?: string;
    sessionDuration?: string | number;
    sessionCacheStrategy?: SessionCacheStrategy;
    sessionCacheTTL?: number;
    requireVerification?: boolean;
    verificationTokenDuration?: string | number;
    superadminCredentials?: SuperadminCredentials;
    shopAuthenticationStrategy?: AuthenticationStrategy[];
    adminAuthenticationStrategy?: AuthenticationStrategy[];
    customPermissions?: PermissionDefinition[];
    passwordHashingStrategy?: PasswordHashingStrategy;
    passwordValidationStrategy?: PasswordValidationStrategy;


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="false" />

Disable authentication & permissions checks. NEVER set the to true in production. It exists only to aid certain development tasks.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={'cookie' | 'bearer' | ReadonlyArray&#60;'cookie' | 'bearer'&#62;} default="'cookie'" />

Sets the method by which the session token is delivered and read.

  • 'cookie': Upon login, a 'Set-Cookie' header will be returned to the client, setting a cookie containing the session token. A browser-based client (making requests with credentials) should automatically send the session cookie with each request.
  • 'bearer': Upon login, the token is returned in the response and should be then stored by the client app. Each request should include the header Authorization: Bearer <token>.

Note that if the bearer method is used, Vendure will automatically expose the configured authTokenHeaderKey in the server's CORS configuration (adding Access-Control-Expose-Headers: vendure-auth-token by default).

From v1.2.0 it is possible to specify both methods as a tuple: ['cookie', 'bearer'].


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/auth/cookie-options#cookieoptions'>CookieOptions</a>} />

Options related to the handling of cookies when using the 'cookie' tokenMethod.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={string} default="'vendure-auth-token'" />

Sets the header property which will be used to send the auth token when using the 'bearer' method.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={string | number} default="'1y'" />

Session duration, i.e. the time which must elapse from the last authenticated request after which the user must re-authenticate.

Expressed as a string describing a time span per zeit/ms. Eg: 60, '2 days', '10h', '7d'


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/auth/session-cache-strategy#sessioncachestrategy'>SessionCacheStrategy</a>} default="InMemorySessionCacheStrategy" />

This strategy defines how sessions will be cached. By default, sessions are cached using a simple in-memory caching strategy which is suitable for development and low-traffic, single-instance deployments.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={number} default="300" />

The "time to live" of a given item in the session cache. This determines the length of time (in seconds) that a cache entry is kept before being considered "stale" and being replaced with fresh data taken from the database.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Determines whether new User accounts require verification of their email address.

If set to "true", when registering via the registerCustomerAccount mutation, one should not set the password property - doing so will result in an error. Instead, the password is set at a later stage (once the email with the verification token has been opened) via the verifyCustomerAccount mutation.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={string | number} default="'7d'" />

Sets the length of time that a verification token is valid for, after which the verification token must be refreshed.

Expressed as a string describing a time span per zeit/ms. Eg: 60, '2 days', '10h', '7d'


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/auth/superadmin-credentials#superadmincredentials'>SuperadminCredentials</a>} />

Configures the credentials to be used to create a superadmin


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/auth/authentication-strategy#authenticationstrategy'>AuthenticationStrategy</a>[]} default="NativeAuthenticationStrategy" />

Configures one or more AuthenticationStrategies which defines how authentication is handled in the Shop API.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/auth/authentication-strategy#authenticationstrategy'>AuthenticationStrategy</a>[]} default="NativeAuthenticationStrategy" />

Configures one or more AuthenticationStrategy which defines how authentication is handled in the Admin API.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/auth/permission-definition#permissiondefinition'>PermissionDefinition</a>[]} default="[]" />

Allows custom Permissions to be defined, which can be used to restrict access to custom GraphQL resolvers defined in plugins.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/auth/password-hashing-strategy#passwordhashingstrategy'>PasswordHashingStrategy</a>} default="BcryptPasswordHashingStrategy" since="1.3.0" />

Allows you to customize the way passwords are hashed when using the NativeAuthenticationStrategy.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/auth/password-validation-strategy#passwordvalidationstrategy'>PasswordValidationStrategy</a>} default="DefaultPasswordValidationStrategy" since="1.5.0" />

Allows you to set a custom policy for passwords when using the NativeAuthenticationStrategy. By default, it uses the DefaultPasswordValidationStrategy, which will impose a minimum length of four characters. To improve security for production, you are encouraged to specify a more strict policy, which you can do like this:


  passwordValidationStrategy: new DefaultPasswordValidationStrategy({
    // Minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number
    regexp: /^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d]{8,}$/,