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275 lines (176 loc) · 10.6 KB
title isDefaultIndex generated

import MemberInfo from '@site/src/components/MemberInfo'; import GenerationInfo from '@site/src/components/GenerationInfo'; import MemberDescription from '@site/src/components/MemberDescription';


An OrderProcess is used to define the way the order process works as in: what states an Order can be in, and how it may transition from one state to another. Using the onTransitionStart() hook, an OrderProcess can perform checks before allowing a state transition to occur, and the onTransitionEnd() hook allows logic to be executed after a state change.

For detailed description of the interface members, see the StateMachineConfig docs.


This is configured via the orderOptions.process property of your VendureConfig.


interface OrderProcess<State extends keyof CustomOrderStates | string> extends InjectableStrategy {
    transitions?: Transitions<State, State | OrderState> & Partial<Transitions<OrderState | State>>;
    onTransitionStart?: OnTransitionStartFn<State | OrderState, OrderTransitionData>;
    onTransitionEnd?: OnTransitionEndFn<State | OrderState, OrderTransitionData>;
    onTransitionError?: OnTransitionErrorFn<State | OrderState>;


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/state-machine/transitions#transitions'>Transitions</a>&#60;State, State | <a href='/reference/typescript-api/orders/order-process#orderstate'>OrderState</a>&#62; &#38; Partial&#60;<a href='/reference/typescript-api/state-machine/transitions#transitions'>Transitions</a>&#60;<a href='/reference/typescript-api/orders/order-process#orderstate'>OrderState</a> | State&#62;&#62;} />


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/state-machine/state-machine-config#ontransitionstartfn'>OnTransitionStartFn</a>&#60;State | <a href='/reference/typescript-api/orders/order-process#orderstate'>OrderState</a>, <a href='/reference/typescript-api/orders/order-process#ordertransitiondata'>OrderTransitionData</a>&#62;} />


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/state-machine/state-machine-config#ontransitionendfn'>OnTransitionEndFn</a>&#60;State | <a href='/reference/typescript-api/orders/order-process#orderstate'>OrderState</a>, <a href='/reference/typescript-api/orders/order-process#ordertransitiondata'>OrderTransitionData</a>&#62;} />


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/state-machine/state-machine-config#ontransitionerrorfn'>OnTransitionErrorFn</a>&#60;State | <a href='/reference/typescript-api/orders/order-process#orderstate'>OrderState</a>&#62;} />


Options which can be passed to the configureDefaultOrderProcess function to configure an instance of the default OrderProcess. By default, all options are set to true.

interface DefaultOrderProcessOptions {
    checkModificationPayments?: boolean;
    checkAdditionalPaymentsAmount?: boolean;
    checkAllVariantsExist?: boolean;
    arrangingPaymentRequiresContents?: boolean;
    arrangingPaymentRequiresCustomer?: boolean;
    arrangingPaymentRequiresShipping?: boolean;
    arrangingPaymentRequiresStock?: boolean;
    checkPaymentsCoverTotal?: boolean;
    checkAllItemsBeforeCancel?: boolean;
    checkFulfillmentStates?: boolean;


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents an Order from transitioning out of the Modifying state if the Order price has changed and there is no Payment or Refund associated with the Modification.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents an Order from transitioning out of the ArrangingAdditionalPayment state if the Order's Payments do not cover the full amount of totalWithTax.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents the transition from AddingItems to any other state (apart from Cancelled) if and of the ProductVariants no longer exists due to deletion.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents transition to the ArrangingPayment state if the active Order has no lines.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents transition to the ArrangingPayment state if the active Order has no customer associated with it.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents transition to the ArrangingPayment state if the active Order has no shipping method set.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents transition to the ArrangingPayment state if there is insufficient saleable stock to cover the contents of the Order.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents transition to the PaymentAuthorized or PaymentSettled states if the order totalWithTax amount is not covered by Payment(s) in the corresponding states.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents transition to the Cancelled state unless all OrderItems are already cancelled.


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={boolean} default="true" />

Prevents transition to the Shipped, PartiallyShipped, Delivered & PartiallyDelivered states unless there are corresponding Fulfillments in the correct states to allow this. E.g. Shipped only if all items in the Order are part of a Fulfillment which itself is in the Shipped state.


Used to configure a customized instance of the default OrderProcess that ships with Vendure. Using this function allows you to turn off certain checks and constraints that are enabled by default.

import { configureDefaultOrderProcess, VendureConfig } from '@vendure/core';

const myCustomOrderProcess = configureDefaultOrderProcess({
  // Disable the constraint that requires
  // Orders to have a shipping method assigned
  // before payment.
  arrangingPaymentRequiresShipping: false,

export const config: VendureConfig = {
  orderOptions: {
    process: [myCustomOrderProcess],

The DefaultOrderProcessOptions type defines all available options. If you require even more customization, you can create your own implementation of the OrderProcess interface.

function configureDefaultOrderProcess(options: DefaultOrderProcessOptions): void



<MemberInfo kind="parameter" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/orders/order-process#defaultorderprocessoptions'>DefaultOrderProcessOptions</a>} />


This is the built-in OrderProcess that ships with Vendure. A customized version of this process can be created using the configureDefaultOrderProcess function, which allows you to pass in an object to enable/disable certain checks.


An interface to extend the OrderState type.

interface OrderStates {



These are the default states of the Order process. They can be augmented and modified by using the OrderOptions process property, and by default the defaultOrderProcess will add the states

  • ArrangingPayment
  • PaymentAuthorized
  • PaymentSettled
  • PartiallyShipped
  • Shipped
  • PartiallyDelivered
  • Delivered
  • Modifying
  • ArrangingAdditionalPayment
type OrderState = | 'Created'
    | 'Draft'
    | 'AddingItems'
    | 'Cancelled'
    | keyof CustomOrderStates
    | keyof OrderStates


This is the object passed to the OrderProcess state transition hooks.

interface OrderTransitionData {
    ctx: RequestContext;
    order: Order;


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/request/request-context#requestcontext'>RequestContext</a>} />


<MemberInfo kind="property" type={<a href='/reference/typescript-api/entities/order#order'>Order</a>} />