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File metadata and controls

49 lines (38 loc) · 1.54 KB
Streaming related APIs to build Next.js apps in streaming SSR or with React Server Components.


The experimental next/streaming module provides streaming related APIs to port the existing functionality of Next.js apps to streaming scenarios and facilitate the usage of React Server Components.


Since Server Components are rendered on the server-side, in some cases you might need to partially refresh content from the server.

For example, a search bar (client component) which displays search results as server components. You'd want to update the search results while typing and rerender the results list with a certain frequency (e.g. with each keystroke or on a debounce).

The unstable_useRefreshRoot hook returns a refresh API to let you re-render the React tree smoothly without flickering. This is only allowed for use on the client-side and will only affect Server Components at the moment.

// pages/index.server.js
import Search from '../components/search.client.js'
import SearchResults from '../components/search-results.server.js'

function Home() {
  return (
      <Search />
      <SearchResults />
// components/search.client.js
import { unstable_useRefreshRoot as useRefreshRoot } from 'next/streaming'

export default function Search() {
  const refresh = useRefreshRoot()

  return (
      onChange={() => {
        // Or refresh with updated props:
        // refresh(nextProps)