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This document outlines the bugs discovered in the code during the disassembly process.

1. Missing Animation Entering Water

When animating the player falling into water, a comparison was missed which causes sprite_18 to not be used for the animation sequence. This bug also exists in the Japanese version as well as Probotector. It's clear from the code that there was an attempt to show sprite_18 (frame 3 in the table below) as part of the animation sequence. sprite_18 is the same sprite as when the player is in water and presses the d-pad down button.

Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 (missing) Frame 4
0 1 2 3
  lda PLAYER_WATER_TIMER,x ; load water animation timer
  beq ...                  ; if timer has elapsed, branch
  cmp #$0c                 ; see if timer is greater than or equal to #$0c
  bcs ...                  ; branch if timer >= #$0c (keep current sprite)
  lda #$73                 ; PLAYER_WATER_TIMER less than #$0c, update sprite
  sta PLAYER_SPRITE_CODE,x ; set player sprite (sprite_73) water splash
  cmp #$08                 ; !(BUG?) always branch, doesn't compare to PLAYER_WATER_TIMER
                           ; but instead compares against #$73
                           ; no lda PLAYER_WATER_TIMER,x before this line, so part of splash animation is missing
  bcs ...                  ; branch using sprite_73
  lda #$18                 ; dead code - a = #$18 (sprite_18) water splash/puddle
  sta PLAYER_SPRITE_CODE,x ; dead code - set player animation frame to water splash/puddle

2. Accidental Sound Sample In Snow Field

After defeating the boss UFO (Guldaf), before calling the method level_boss_defeated, the developers forgot to load into the accumulator the appropriate sound code, usually #$57 for sound_57. So bytes in bank 7 are interpreted as an audio sample incorrectly and a short DMC channel audio clip is played.

level_boss_defeated uses whatever is in the accumulator as the sound code to play. Since the accumulator wasn't set, it has the previous value of #$ff (see boss_ufo_routine_0b). This is interpreted by the audio engine as a DMC sound code that doesn't exist.

The audio engine will incorrectly read bytes from sound_table_00 as the dmc data below.

  • sampling rate #$03 (5593.04 Hz), no loop
  • counter length #$77
  • offset #$97 --> $c000 + (#$97 * #$40) --> $e5c0
  • sample length #$19

The data that is interpreted as a DPCM-encoded DMC sample is $e5c0, which is in bank 7's collision_box_codes_03 data. This bug does not exist in the Japanese version of the game because the level_boss_defeated is not responsible for playing the boss defeated sound. This bug does exist in Probotector.

Extracted sound sample: sound_ff.mp3

Note that the boss defeated audio (sound_55) is still played because the enemy defeated routine is set to boss_ufo_routine_09 (see enemy_destroyed_routine_05). boss_ufo_routine_09 plays sound_55.

3. Level 4 Boss Gemini Vulnerability

Under normal circumstances, when the level 4 indoor/base boss gemini helmet (enemy type = #$1c) splits into 'phantoms', then they don't take damage. Only when the helmet re-combines is it vulnerable to damage. However, Mr. K researched a glitch to find that if a player's bullet collides with the helmet at just the right frame, then when the helmet separates into two, it can still take damage.

The reason this happens is because the boss gemini uses ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY to know when to be vulnerable or when to be invulnerable. ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY specifies how long for the helmet to stay still when merged, or when at the farthest distance apart. The timer is set to #$20 when farthest apart, and #$30 when merged. If the helmets are moving (either toward each other or away), the value will be #$00.

When merged and ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY is 2, the helmet is not moving, but about to start separating. The value will be decremented to 1. This logic happens in boss_gemini_routine_02. After boss_gemini_routine_02 runs, bullet_enemy_collision_test is executed to check for a bullet to enemy collision. If during this frame, a bullet hits the gemini, then the ENEMY_ROUTINE is updated to boss_gemini_routine_03. This is known as the enemy destroyed routine and it will be executed in the next frame. However, boss gemini is special, in that it isn't automatically destroyed in the destroyed routine. Instead, unless boss gemini doesn't have any more health (ENEMY_VAR_4), the routine will decrement ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY to 0 and set back to boss_gemini_routine_02 to be called the next frame.

Now when the next frame executes and the boss_gemini_routine_02 routine is run, ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY is 0 and game thinks that the code that makes the helmet invulnerable has already been executed when it hasn't!

In short, the bug happens because for the special time when ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY is decremented from 1 to 0, the code should make the helmet invincible by calling disable_enemy_collision. However, if you time the bullet collision to happen on the frame when ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY is 2, then the regular game code will decrement the timer to 1, and then next frame will have a different routine (boss_gemini_routine_03) set the timer to 0, but that routine doesn't call disable_enemy_collision, leaving the helmet in a vulnerable state.

Interestingly, if you take advantage of this bug, then you can exploit the same logic mistake when the helmet is not moving at the edge of the screen, before it starts merging. If a bullet collides with the helmet right when ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY is 2, then the helmets will remain vulnerable while merging.

; ----- Frame 1 -----
    beq @calc_offset_set_pos    ; branch doesn't occur
    bne @set_x_pos              ; helmet still not moving, branch


    jsr bullet_collision_logic ; set boss gemini routine `boss_gemini_routine_03`

; ----- Frame 2 -----
    beq @continue               ; branch doesn't occur
    lda #$03                   ; a = #$03
    jmp set_enemy_routine_to_a ; set enemy routine index to boss_gemini_routine_02

; ----- Frame 3 -----
    beq @calc_offset_set_pos    ; branch skipping disabling of collision!!
    dec ENEMY_ANIMATION_DELAY,x ; skipped!
    bne @set_x_pos              ; skipped!
    jsr disable_enemy_collision ; skipped!


4. Dragon Crash

On 2020-09-08, user aiqiyou had posted a .fm2 file glitch.fm2 on the TASVideos forums. This showed a 2 player play through where the game freezes on the level 3 - waterfall dragon boss. The next day feos posted a video of the run on YouTube for easier viewing. Sand did some initial investigation as to the cause of the freeze and noticed the game was in a forever loop inside the @enemy_orb_loop code and it was looping forever due to an invalid doubly linked list (ENEMY_VAR_3 and ENEMY_VAR_4 values).

The reason this freeze happens is due to a race condition where the left 'hand' (red dragon arm orb) is destroyed, but before the next frame happens where the 'orb destroyed' routine is executed, another orb on the left arm changes the routine of the left 'hand' to be a different routine. Since the expected 'orb destroyed' routine wasn't run, the rest of the arm didn't get the notice to self-destruct. Then, a few frames later, the left shoulder creates a projectile, which takes over the same slot where the left 'hand' was. Finally, one frame later, when the left shoulder tries to animate the arm, the left 'hand' not having correct data (because it is now a projectile), causes the game to get stuck in an infinite loop.

Detailed Explanation

Below is a diagram of the dragon boss and its arm orbs. Each number below is the enemy slot, i.e. the enemy number. #$06 and #$05 are the left and right 'hands' respectively, and are red. #$0d and #$0a are the left and right 'shoulders' respectively. () represents the dragon's mouth and is uninvolved in this bug. In fact, only the left arm is involved in this bug.

06 08 0c 0f 0d () 0a 0e 0b 07 05
  1. Frame #$aa - Enemy #$06 (the left 'hand') is destroyed, the memory address specifying which routine to execute is updated to point to dragon_arm_orb_routine_04.
  2. Frame #$ab - Enemy #$0f has a timer elapse in dragon_arm_orb_routine_02. Enemy #$0d updates the enemy routine for all orbs on the left arm. It does this by incrementing a pointer. Usually, this updates the routine from dragon_arm_orb_routine_02 to dragon_arm_orb_routine_03. However, since arm orb #$06 (the left 'hand') was no longer pointing to dragon_arm_orb_routine_02, but instead to dragon_arm_orb_routine_04, incrementing this pointer, set #$06's routine to enemy_routine_init_explosion.
  3. Frames #$ac-#$d1 - The animation for the left 'hand' explosion completes and the 'hand' is removed from memory (enemy_routine_remove_enemy)
  4. Frame #$d2 - The #$0d (left shoulder) decides that it should create a projectile. The game logic finds an empty enemy slot where the left 'hand' originally was (slot #$06). A bullet is created and initialized. This initialization clears the data that linked the hand to the rest of the arm, in particular ENEMY_VAR_3 and ENEMY_VAR_4.
  5. Frame #$d3 - When #$0d (left shoulder) executes, it animates the rest of the orbs to make an attack pattern. It loops down to the hand by following the links among the orbs. When it gets to the hand, it expects that the hand's will have its ENEMY_VAR_3 set to #$ff indicating there aren't any more orbs to process. However, since the enemy at slot #$06 is no longer a hand, but instead a projectile, the value at ENEMY_VAR_3 has been cleared and is #$00. This causes the logic to get stuck in @arm_orb_loop as an infinite loop.

Step (2) caused dragon_arm_orb_routine_04 to be skipped. Since this routine was not executed as expected, the rest of the arm didn't get updated to know that the 'hand' was destroyed. dragon_arm_orb_routine_04 is responsible for updating each orb on the arm to be begin its self destruct routine. However, that never happens. So, the shoulder doesn't know to destroy itself. Instead the shoulder operates as if it wasn't destroyed and when it decides that a projectile should be created, that overwrites the hand with a different enemy type, and clears all the links between the hand and the arm.