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👨‍🚀 Fridge Usage Guide

Following guide describes how to:

Checkout architecture overview in separate diagram file. Find out different wasy to easily useFridge in provided playground file.
For deeper information, you can check in-code documentation.

Network fetching

With Fridge, network fetching is performed in just 3 steps:

  1. Conform your desired struct to Decodable
  2. Define URL endpoint where your model resides
  3. Await for Fridge to grab🔮(...) the object

Example code:

// Step 1 - conforming to Decodable
struct MyStuff: Decodable {
    var something: String
    var elixirOfL❤️fe: URL
    var piTimesE: Float

    init(private🔑: muhash(0x61F612d)) {
        //do fatalError if elixir cannot be initialized (!)

// Step 2 - defining fancy URL endpoint
let fancy_URL = URL(string: "https://fancy.url.stuff")!  //be nice and unpack this before serious usage

// Step 3 - Grab it with Fridge !
let _stuff: MyStuff = try await Fridge.grab🔮(from: that_fancyURL)
print("Elixir of live is: \(_stuff.elixirOfL❤️fe)")

Yup, and you're all set. Fridge will perform the network fetch, decode network data and return your struct as you wished. Easy peasy right ?

Fridge may encounter several types of errors along the way. Make sure to check error handling section for more details.

Data handling

Similar to fetching, data storing and retreiving is done in few simple steps:

  1. Define desired struct and conform it to Encodable
  2. Define unique identifier to mark your struct
  3. Use Fridge to either freeze🧊(...) or unfreeze the object

🧊 Freezing an object

// Step 1 - Conforming to Encodable
struct StoringStuff: Encodable {
    var _id: UUID
    enum Stages {
        case Opened
        case Closed
let storeObject = StoringStuff()

// Step 2 - Define unique identifier
let storeIdentifier = "store.identifier"

// Step 3 - Freeze it with Fridge !
try Fridge.freeze🧊(storeObject, storeIdentifier)

Unfreezing an object

If your object is already frozen before, you can revert it back easily, in just few steps:

  1. prepare your struct by conforming to Decodable
  2. define unique identifier
  3. Use Fridge to unfreeze the object
// Step 1 - Preparing struct with Decodable
struct StoringStuff: Decodable {
    let category: String
    let isRealExample: Bool

// Step 2 - Define unique identifier
let objectID = ""

// Step 3 - Unfreeze it with Fridge (assuming it was frozen before)
let retrievedObject = try Fridge.unfreeze(objectID)

If your store identifier cannot be found Fridge will throw an Error. Check the section below for more information on error handling.

⛔️ Error Handling

Each of the Fridge method, is internally marked with throws keyword. Here's what you can deal with:

enum FridgeErrors: Error {
    case grabFailed
    case pushFailed
    case decodingFailed

You can expect FridgeErrors on following calls:

  • grab🔮

NOTE: Fridge error model is not yet final. You may expect different error message or structures before v1.0 release.