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executable file
41 lines (33 loc) · 1.71 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
41 lines (33 loc) · 1.71 KB

Builds in Directory

  • Windows: miner-win-64.exe
  • Linux: clang-miner-linux-64
  • Linux GUI: clang-gui-miner-linux-64

Project Entry-Points

  • gminer.c - Portable GUI Miner & Auto Claim (SDL)
  • miner.c - Just Portable Miner & Auto Claim, console.

Files produced by the miner

  • rewards.txt - A new rewards address is generated and appened to rewards.txt each time you start the miner, all claimed addresses during this session will be sent to the newly generated rewards address if the miner has been launched with the autoclaim command line parameter.
  • trans.txt - All autoclaim API url calls executed are appended to this file, easy method of re-execution or manual execution.
  • minted.txt - All minted private keys are appened to this file.

Autoclaim mined keys using WGET

The command line parameter autoclaim must be specified; ./miner autoclaim

Auto-Claim for Windows users

Standalone Miner Compile

apt install libomp-dev
git clone && cd Standalone-Miner
gcc -Ofast -fopenmp miner.c ecc.c base58.c -lm -o miner.exe

or with offloading

gcc -Ofast -fopenmp -lomptarget miner.c ecc.c base58.c -lm -o miner.exe

MinGW on Windows (gcc)

1. Download and install MSYS-2
2. Open MINGW64, install mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc, git via pacman
3. Clone the repo (git clone && cd Standalone-Miner)
4. Build the binary (gcc -O3 -fopenmp -lomptarget miner.c ecc.c base58.c -lm -static -o miner.exe)