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Using ML to predict election results


Python3.6 keras==2.1.2 numpy==1.13.3 pandas==0.20.3 sklearn==0.19.0 tensorflow-gpu==1.1.0


My initial approach to this problem was to try a SupportVectorMachine (SVM) as a quick way of setting a benchmark as there is not a huge volume of data. The SVM consistently gives a result of about 79% while the Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier results in about 81%. I thought this was quite interesting, as initially I had a regular 10% train/test split for my model.

In order to reduce overfitting or at least minimize it, I used a K-fold cross_validation scheme where K = 5. Additionally, I used a Stratified K-Fold which is a variation of k-fold wherein each set contains roughly the same amount of each target class as the complete dataset.

For neural network Model A, I ran a Grid Search and StratifiedKFold algorithm and found the optimal activation function is sigmoid and the optimizer is adam.

For NeuralNetwork_Model_B, the gridsearch resulted in the activation function of tanh and stuck with the same optimizer, adam.

For NeuralNetwork_Model_C, the gridsearch resulted in the activation function of tanh and stuck with the same optimizer, adam.

If I had more time, I would have probably built the neural networks in a different framework (MXnet/Gluon or Pytorch) and used batch normalization and more hyperparameter optimization to get a better result on the binary classification. The architectures of the NNets that I chose was some partially from experience, and some from inspirations through classes.


Using ML to predict election results






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