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File metadata and controls

103 lines (76 loc) · 6.77 KB

Lightweight binding engine based on annotation processing. Bind your view model to your views throught simple annotations with arguments that let you format and customize the binding process.

Basic example

Starting from an example model named 'Book', we have to bind its properties to different views in our layout. Book entity has a title, an image (which requires a placeholder while the image is being downloaded), and a timestamp named 'date' of type Long (which requires a custom format).

class Book(val date: Long, var title: String, val image: String)

With ButcherKnife, you can annotate each field of your entity, so that they will be bound to your views in your xml automatically, without the usual boilerplate related with the binding process.

class Book(

@BindDate(id =, format = R.string.dateformat)
val date: Long,

@BindText(id =
var title: String,

@BindImage(id =, placeholder = R.drawable.placeholder)
val image: String)

In this example, you can see three different annotations. Each annotation requires an id parameter in order to connect your view with the annotated field.

Let's take a look at each annotation:

  • @BindDate: It takes the date field and formats it with the date format specified in the string resource passed as argument in this annotation.
  • @BindText: It takes the title field and binds it to the view with id
  • @BindImage: It takes the image url in the field image an downloads it with picasso. In the meanwhile, it shows the placeholder R.drawable.placeholder

As you can see, with a few annotations, you get a lot of work done for you. And this is only a sample of the power of ButcherKnife.

Available annotations

Next you can see all types of annotations available and the arguments you can set to each of them.


  • Allowed field types for this annotation: String, Int, Long, Float and Double
  • Target view: TextView, EditText... (any View with a setText(string) method)
Argument Type Required Description
id Int  Yes Target view. View id to be initialized with the value of the annotated field.
template Int No String resource id to be used as template. This string resource should contain one placeholder like %sor %d. The value contained in the field annotated with @BindText will be placed in that placeholder.
visibilityIfEmpty Int No You can control the visibility of the view if you set set this argument with this annotation. For example, with @BindText(id = ..., visibilityIfEmpty = View.GONE), your view will be set as GONE if your field is null or empty.
isHtml Boolean No If your field contains html tags, you can parse them like you would do with Html.fromHtml(...). You have to set in your annotation isHtml = true if you need that behaviour.
observeChanges Boolean No If your target view is an EditText or inherits from EditText, and you want to update your field annotated with @BindText when the content of your EditText changes, set this argument to true. Default false.


Allowed field types for this annotation: Long and Date

  • Target view: TextView, EditText... (any View with a setText(string) method)
Argument Type Required Description
id Int  Yes View id to be initialized with the value of the annotated field.
format Int Yes String resource id to be used as date pattern. ButcherKnife uses DateFormat to convert your date to a String using the pattern you provide.
template Int No String resource id to be used as template. This string resource should contain one placeholder like %sor %d. The value contained in the field annotated with @BindText will be placed in that placeholder.
visibilityIfEmpty Int No You can control the visibility of the view if you set set this argument with this annotation. For example, with @BindText(id = ..., visibilityIfEmpty = View.GONE), your view will be set as GONE if your field is null or empty.


  • Allowed field types for this annotation: String
  • Target view: ImageView or any view that inherits from ImageView
Argument Type Required Description
id Int  Yes View id to be initialized with the value of the annotated field.
placeholder Int No Placeholder to show while Picasso is loading your image.
cropped Boolean No Whether your image will use scale type cropped or not (default true).
isFile Boolean No Set this attribute to true if you are loading your image from an imageFile (deafult false).
isCircle Boolean No Set this attribute to true if you want to transform your image with a circle shape.
cornerRadius Int No Dimension resource. If you want to round the corners of your ImageView, specify a dimension resource with the raidus, like cornerRadius = R.dimen.small_corner
cornerType CornerType No If you set a cornerRadius, all corners will be rounded. If you want to specify the corners you want to round, set a corner type value, like cornerType = CornerType.TOP
visibilityIfEmpty Int No You can control the visibility of the view if you set set this argument with this annotation. For example, with @BindText(id = ..., visibilityIfEmpty = View.GONE), your view will be set as GONE if your field is null or empty.


  • Allowed field types for this annotation: Boolean
  • Target view: CompoundButton or any view that inherits from CompoundButton (RadioButton, CheckBox...)
Argument Type Required Description
id Int  Yes View id to be initialized with the value of the annotated field.
observeChanges Boolean No If your want to listen changes in the check status of your target view, set this argument to true. Default false.


Grab via Gradle:

repositories {

implementation "com.github.vicpinm:butcherknife:1.0.2"
kapt "com.github.vicpinm:butcherknife-processor:1.0.2"