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Records: SQL for Humans™

☤ The Basics

We know how to write SQL, so let's send some to our database:

import records

db = records.Database('postgres://...')
rows = db.query('select * from active_users')    # or db.query_file('sqls/active-users.sql')

Grab one row at a time:

>>> rows[0]
<Record {"username": "model-t", "active": true, "name": "Henry Ford", "user_email": "", "timezone": "2016-02-06 22:28:23.894202"}>

Or iterate over them:

for r in rows:
    print(, r.user_email)

Values can be accessed many ways: row.user_email, row['user_email'], or row[3].

Fields with non-alphanumeric characters (like spaces) are also fully supported.

Or store a copy of your record collection for later reference:

>>> rows.all()
[<Record {"username": ...}>, <Record {"username": ...}>, <Record {"username": ...}>, ...]

If you're only expecting one result:

>>> rows.first()
<Record {"username": ...}>

Other options include rows.as_dict() and rows.as_dict(ordered=True).

☤ Features

  • Iterated rows are cached for future reference.
  • $DATABASE_URL environment variable support.
  • Convenience Database.get_table_names method.
  • Command-line records tool for exporting queries.
  • Safe parameterization: Database.query('life=:everything', everything=42).
  • Queries can be passed as strings or filenames, parameters supported.
  • Transactions: t = Database.transaction(); t.commit().
  • Bulk actions: Database.bulk_query() & Database.bulk_query_file().

Records is proudly powered by SQLAlchemy and Tablib.

☤ Data Export Functionality

Records also features full Tablib integration, and allows you to export your results to CSV, XLS, JSON, HTML Tables, YAML, or Pandas DataFrames with a single line of code. Excellent for sharing data with friends, or generating reports.

>>> print(rows.dataset)
username|active|name      |user_email       |timezone
model-t |True  |Henry Ford||2016-02-06 22:28:23.894202

Comma Separated Values (CSV)

>>> print(rows.export('csv'))
model-t,True,Henry Ford,,2016-02-06 22:28:23.894202

YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML)

>>> print(rows.export('yaml'))
- {active: true, name: Henry Ford, timezone: '2016-02-06 22:28:23.894202', user_email:, username: model-t}

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

>>> print(rows.export('json'))
[{"username": "model-t", "active": true, "name": "Henry Ford", "user_email": "", "timezone": "2016-02-06 22:28:23.894202"}, ...]

Microsoft Excel (xls, xlsx)

with open('report.xls', 'wb') as f:

Pandas DataFrame

>>> rows.export('df')
    username  active       name        user_email                   timezone
0    model-t    True Henry Ford 2016-02-06 22:28:23.894202

You get the point. All other features of Tablib are also available, so you can sort results, add/remove columns/rows, remove duplicates, transpose the table, add separators, slice data by column, and more.

See the Tablib Documentation for more details.

☤ Installation

Of course, the recommended installation method is pipenv:

$ pipenv install records[pandas]

☤ Command-Line Tool

As an added bonus, a records command-line tool is automatically included. Here's a screenshot of the usage information:

☤ Thank You

Thanks for checking this library out! I hope you find it useful.

Of course, there's always room for improvement. Feel free to open an issue so we can make Records better, stronger, faster.


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