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168 lines (129 loc) · 6.09 KB

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168 lines (129 loc) · 6.09 KB



  • Memory of 64 registers, each 16-bit wide.
  • The chip facilitates read and write operations, as follows:
  • Read:  out(t) = RAM64[address(t)](t)
  • Write: If load(t-1) then RAM64[address(t-1)](t) = in(t-1)
  • In words: the chip always outputs the value stored at the memory
  • location specified by address. If load == 1, the in value is loaded
  • into the memory location specified by address. This value becomes
  • available through the out output starting from the next time step. */

CHIP RAM64 { IN in[16], load, address[6]; OUT out[16];

DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[3..5], a=loada, b=loadb, c=loadc, d=loadd, e=loade, f=loadf, g=loadg, h=loadh);
RAM8(in=in, load=loada, address=address[0..2], out=outa);
RAM8(in=in, load=loadb, address=address[0..2], out=outb);
RAM8(in=in, load=loadc, address=address[0..2], out=outc);
RAM8(in=in, load=loadd, address=address[0..2], out=outd);
RAM8(in=in, load=loade, address=address[0..2], out=oute);
RAM8(in=in, load=loadf, address=address[0..2], out=outf);
RAM8(in=in, load=loadg, address=address[0..2], out=outg);
RAM8(in=in, load=loadh, address=address[0..2], out=outh);
Mux8Way16(a=outa, b=outb, c=outc, d=outd, e=oute, f=outf, g=outg, h=outh, sel=address[3..5], out=out);	




  • Memory of 512 registers, each 16-bit wide.
  • The chip facilitates read and write operations, as follows:
  • Read:  out(t) = RAM512[address(t)](t)
  • Write: If load(t-1) then RAM512[address(t-1)](t) = in(t-1)
  • In words: the chip always outputs the value stored at the memory
  • location specified by address. If load == 1, the in value is loaded
  • into the memory location specified by address. This value becomes
  • available through the out output starting from the next time step. */

CHIP RAM512 { IN in[16], load, address[9]; OUT out[16];

DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[6..8], a=loada, b=loadb, c=loadc, d=loadd, e=loade, f=loadf, g=loadg, h=loadh);
RAM64(in=in, load=loada, address=address[0..5], out=outa);
RAM64(in=in, load=loadb, address=address[0..5], out=outb);
RAM64(in=in, load=loadc, address=address[0..5], out=outc);
RAM64(in=in, load=loadd, address=address[0..5], out=outd);
RAM64(in=in, load=loade, address=address[0..5], out=oute);
RAM64(in=in, load=loadf, address=address[0..5], out=outf);
RAM64(in=in, load=loadg, address=address[0..5], out=outg);
RAM64(in=in, load=loadh, address=address[0..5], out=outh);
Mux8Way16(a=outa, b=outb, c=outc, d=outd, e=oute, f=outf, g=outg, h=outh, sel=address[6..8], out=out);	




  • Memory of 4K registers, each 16-bit wide.
  • The chip facilitates read and write operations, as follows:
  • Read:  out(t) = RAM4K[address(t)](t)
  • Write: If load(t-1) then RAM4K[address(t-1)](t) = in(t-1)
  • In words: the chip always outputs the value stored at the memory
  • location specified by address. If load == 1, the in value is loaded
  • into the memory location specified by address. This value becomes
  • available through the out output starting from the next time step. */

CHIP RAM4K { IN in[16], load, address[12]; OUT out[16];

DMux8Way(in=load, sel=address[9..11], a=loada, b=loadb, c=loadc, d=loadd, e=loade, f=loadf, g=loadg, h=loadh);
RAM512(in=in, load=loada, address=address[0..8], out=outa);
RAM512(in=in, load=loadb, address=address[0..8], out=outb);
RAM512(in=in, load=loadc, address=address[0..8], out=outc);
RAM512(in=in, load=loadd, address=address[0..8], out=outd);
RAM512(in=in, load=loade, address=address[0..8], out=oute);
RAM512(in=in, load=loadf, address=address[0..8], out=outf);
RAM512(in=in, load=loadg, address=address[0..8], out=outg);
RAM512(in=in, load=loadh, address=address[0..8], out=outh);
Mux8Way16(a=outa, b=outb, c=outc, d=outd, e=oute, f=outf, g=outg, h=outh, sel=address[9..11], out=out);	




  • Memory of 16K registers, each 16-bit wide.
  • The chip facilitates read and write operations, as follows:
  • Read:  out(t) = RAM16K[address(t)](t)
  • Write: If load(t-1) then RAM16K[address(t-1)](t) = in(t-1)
  • In words: the chip always outputs the value stored at the memory
  • location specified by address. If load=1, the in value is loaded
  • into the memory location specified by address. This value becomes
  • available through the out output starting from the next time step. */

CHIP RAM16K { IN in[16], load, address[14]; OUT out[16];

DMux4Way(in=load, sel=address[12..13], a=loada, b=loadb, c=loadc, d=loadd);
RAM4K(in=in, load=loada, address=address[0..11], out=outa);
RAM4K(in=in, load=loadb, address=address[0..11], out=outb);
RAM4K(in=in, load=loadc, address=address[0..11], out=outc);
RAM4K(in=in, load=loadd, address=address[0..11], out=outd);
Mux4Way16(a=outa, b=outb, c=outc, d=outd, sel=address[12..13], out=out);	




  • A 16-bit counter with load and reset control bits.
  • if (reset[t]==1) out[t+1] = 0
  • else if (load[t]==1) out[t+1] = in[t]
  • else if (inc[t]==1) out[t+1] = out[t] + 1 (integer addition)
  • else out[t+1] = out[t] */

CHIP PC { IN in[16],load,inc,reset; OUT out[16];

// increment the output of the register
Inc16(in = feedback, out = pc);

// "Sequential chips always consist of a layer of DFFs sandwiched
// between optional combinational logic layers" - Figure 3.4
// The next 3 lines are a combinational logic layer to figure 
// out what gets fed to the register. Either the program counter,
// the incremented pc, the input, or zeros on a reset

Mux16(a = feedback, b = pc, sel = inc, out = w0);
Mux16(a = w0, b = in, sel = load, out = w1);
Mux16(a = w1, b = false, sel = reset, out = cout);

// the output from the register also needs to get fed back through 
// the combinational logic to get processed for the next clock cycle.
Register(in = cout, load = true, out = out, out = feedback);
