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###Named Entity Recognition using multi-layered bidirectional LSTMs and task adapted word embeddings

Named Entity Recognition is a classification problem of identifying the names of people,organisations,etc (different classes) in a text corpus.

Previous approaches to the problems have involved the usage of hand crafted language specific features, CRF and HMM based models, gazetteers, etc. Growing interest in deep learning has led to application of deep neural networks to the existing problems like that of NER.

We have implemented a 2 layer bidirectional LSTM network using tensorflow to classify the named entities for CoNNL 2003 NER Shared Task.

This project can be broadly divided into three components, the deep learning model, input and embeddings.

####Deep Neural Network We have used Google's Tensorflow to implement a bidirectional multilayered rnn cell (LSTM). The hyper parameters are present at the top in Tweaking the parameters can yield a variety of results which are worth noting.

WORD_DIM = 311

We have used a softmax layer as the last layer of the network to produce the final classification outputs. We tried working with different optimizers and we found that AdamOptimzer produced the best results.

The function to calculate the F1 Scores, Prediction, Accuracy and Recall is also included in We have also included the ability to save/restore an existing model using tensorflow's saver functions.

####Input The various codes in the embeddings directory creates the embedding pickles which will be used by to give input to while the code is running. contains the code that loads the embeddings for the words in the CoNLL test and train datasets. It has three functions and a dummy function to test if the network works. The embeddings are first generated using the files in the embedding folder and stored as pickle files. The input is then read from the pickle file and loaded during the training and prediction. The input should return a list of sequences of word embeddings.

####Embeddings Each unique word should have certain number of features, these are called embeddings or also vectors. These are the input features to the neural architecture we are using.

We experimented with different embeddings and observed the results. Random Vectors, WordVectors made by Google inc and our new generated trigram embeddings.

Random Vectors:Dimensions=300 WordVectors:Dimensions=300 TrigramVectors:Dimensions=300 We are using extra 11 lexical and other features like Capital adding up to 300+11=311 Final dimensions=311 generates the Trigram Vectors from a supplied Corpus(Cleaned and Removed punctuations and is just a list of words separated by spaces) We used a corpus of tensorflow + Open american national library + some random clippings total amounting to 290mb of raw text data(File contating just words separated by spaces). We need to supply the max word length to the TWordVec to generate the trigram embeddings.

We are using these embeddings to generate the input features of CONLL-2003 NER TASK DATA(Train, Test and Development). generates the pickled embedding file for random vectors. generates the pickled embedding file for Word vectors. generates the pickled embedding file for Trigram vectors. After the respective pickles are generated the can sends these pickles to when called.

Papers on WordVectors:

Good tutorial on WordVectors:

###Results(Ran on CONLL eval script):

Word2Vec 311 dimensions


processed 49644 tokens with 8211 phrases; found: 8080 phrases; correct: 7619.

Accuracy = 98.54%

Class Precission Recall FB1 Numbers
NER 94.29 92.79 93.54 8080
LOC 94.86 94.25 94.56 2023
MISC 91.99 85.09 88.40 1123
ORG 91.98 89.76 90.86 2020
PER 96.40 97.16 96.78 2914


processed 45151 tokens with 7719 phrases; found: 7740 phrases; correct: 6911.

Accuracy = 97.49%

Class Precission Recall FB1 Numbers
NER 89.29 89.53 89.41 7740
LOC 89.67 90.87 90.27 1898
MISC 75.80 75.80 75.80 905
ORG 88.03 87.27 87.65 2415
PER 95.04 95.69 95.37 2522

TrigramVec 311 dimensions


processed 49644 tokens with 8211 phrases; found: 8080 phrases; correct: 7619.

Accuracy = 95.97%

Class Precission Recall FB1 Numbers
NER 82.46 78.48 80.42 8080
LOC 81.53 85.41 83.43 2023
MISC 88.35 70.59 78.48 1123
ORG 73.99 72.27 73.12 2020
PER 87.43 81.36 84.29 2914


processed 45151 tokens with 7719 phrases; found: 7740 phrases; correct: 6911.

Accuracy = 94.19%

Class Precission Recall FB1 Numbers
NER 73.64 73.44 73.54 7740
LOC 75.89 78.80 77.32 1898
MISC 73.35 65.08 68.97 905
ORG 68.27 66.50 67.37 2415
PER 76.99 79.20 78.08 2522