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File metadata and controls

337 lines (249 loc) · 6.94 KB

Befriend the compiler and enhance GDPR compliance

Vincent de Haan

Who am I?

Goals for today

  • Look inside the Scala compiler
  • Develop a nice compiler plugin to enhance GDPR compliance

Art. 30, sect. 1 of the GDPR

@snap[text-left] Each controller [...] shall maintain a record of processing activities under its responsibility. That record shall contain all of the following information:


(b) the purposes of the processing;

(c) [...] the categories of personal data;

[...] @snapend

Example: a banking application

Loan app

@snap[north span-100]

The idea

Use @annotations @snapend

object CustomerRepository {
  def getCustomerById(id: String) = ???

  def getOrderById(id: String) = ???

object SomeFeature {
  val customer = CustomerRepository.getCustomerById(id) 
    : @ProcessingInstance(purpose = "Customer support")

  val order = CustomerRepository.getOrderById(orderId) 
    : @ProcessingInstance(purpose = "Some other purpose")

@1,3,6-10,13,15 @[2-3, 5-6](Mark the repository methods that indicate a processing) @[10-11,13-14](Mark the individual processings)


  1. If a method invocation has a @ProcessingInstance annotation, print it.

  2. If an invocation of a method that is defined with a @Processing annotation, does not have a @ProcessingInstance annotation, throw a compiler error.

How does the compiler work?

Abstract syntax tree transformation

@snap[west snap-50]

val x = 1 + 2 * 3

@snapend @snap[east snap-50]


$ scala -Xshow-phases
    phase name  id  description
    ----------  --  -----------
        parser   1  parse source into ASTs, perform simple desugaring
         namer   2  resolve names, attach symbols to named trees
packageobjects   3  load package objects
         typer   4  the meat and potatoes: type the trees
        patmat   5  translate match expressions

           jvm  23  generate JVM bytecode
      terminal  24  the last phase during a compilation run

Where do we insert our plugin?

As early as possible, but not earlier

Inspect the trees!

Inspecting the tree

@snap[text-left] scala -Xprint:<phase> -Yshow-trees @snapend

@snap[text-left] scala -Ybrowse:<phase> @snapend

Some example code

class Processing 
  extends scala.annotation.Annotation {}

class ProcessingInstance(purpose: String) 
  extends scala.annotation.Annotation {}

object Repository {
  def getName(email: String): String = "John doe"

object DataProcessing extends App {
  val name = Repository.getName("") 
  : @ProcessingInstance(purpose = "Customer support")

  val name2 = Repository.getName("")

@[1-5](The annotations) @[8-9](A data processing method) @[13-14](Correct usage) @[16](This should yield a compiler error!)

$ scala -Xshow-phases
    phase name  id  description
    ----------  --  -----------
        parser   1  parse source into ASTs, perform simple desugaring
         namer   2  resolve names, attach symbols to named trees
packageobjects   3  load package objects
         typer   4  the meat and potatoes: type the trees
        patmat   5  translate match expressions

           jvm  23  generate JVM bytecode
      terminal  24  the last phase during a compilation run

Plugin skeleton


class CompilerPlugin(override val global: Global)
  extends Plugin {
  override val name = "gdpr-plugin"
  override val description = "Compiler plugin to enhance GDPR compliance"
  override val components =
    List(new CompilerPluginComponent(global))
class CompilerPluginComponent(val global: Global)
  extends PluginComponent with TypingTransformers {
  import global._
  override val phaseName = "gdpr-annotation-checker"
  override val runsAfter = List("typer")
  override def newPhase(prev: Phase) =
    new StdPhase(prev) {
      override def apply(unit: CompilationUnit) {
        unit.body = new MyTypingTransformer(unit).transform(unit.body)
  class MyTypingTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit)
    extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
// ...
      override def transform(tree: Tree) = // ...
  def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) =
    new MyTypingTransformer(unit)

@[3-4,11](Plugin metadata) @[12](Where to insert the plugin?) @[22](Here the magic happens!)


  1. If a method invocation has a @ProcessingInstance annotation, print it.

  2. If an invocation of a method that is defined with a @Processing annotation, does not have a @ProcessingInstance annotation, throw a compiler error.

Play with the trees on the REPL

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val tree = q"1+1"

---?code=presentation/plugin/plugin.scala?lang=scala&title=Catch the @ProcessingInstance

@[31-32,45-46](Match on the Typed(Apply, _)) pattern) @[32](What is in tpt?)

case Typed(appl@ Apply(a, b), tpt) => {
  // ...
      Select(New(Ident(ProcessingInstance)), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), 
        Literal(Constant("Customer support"))))), 
      Select(Ident(Repository), TermName("getName")), 

@[1-2](Use showRaw to look inside tpt) @[6-15](Let's guess tpt.asInstanceOf[TypeTree].original)

Extract a complicated tree

val tree = Annotated(
      Select(New(Ident(ProcessingInstance)), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), 
        Literal(Constant("Customer support"))))), 
      Select(Ident(Repository), TermName("getName")), 
tree match {
  case Annotated(Apply(Select(New(Ident(ProcessingInstance)), _), ...

Quasiquotes as extractors

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val tree = q"1+2"
val q"1+$a" = tree

---?code=presentation/plugin/plugin.scala?lang=scala&title=Catch the @ProcessingInstance

@[33-44](Match using quasiquotes) @[32-46](Rule #1 has been implemented)


@snap[text-left] 2 . If an invocation of a method that is defined with a @Processing annotation, does not have a @ProcessingInstance annotation, throw a compiler error. @snapend

---?code=presentation/plugin/plugin.scala?lang=scala&title=Catch the unannotated processing

@[47](Catch all processings) @[30,41](Keep track of the annotated processings) @[47-49](Filter the unannotated processings) @[50-55](Report the error) @[47-58](Rule #2 has been implemented)


Looking ahead

  • File output
  • Sbt plugin
  • Documentation as code
  • Scala 3 / Dotty