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Contributing to BQSKit

The Berkeley Quantum Synthesis Toolkit is an open-source superoptimizing compiler committed to making synthesis easy to use and quick to extend. As such, one of our primary goals is to allow everyone to join our community and contribute to the BQSKit project. This page describes how to do just that.

If you encounter any issues or need any help, please don't hesitate to reach out through a GitHub Issue.

Getting Started

Before contributing, you will probably want to familiarize yourself with the codebase and documentation and set up a development environment. We welcome all contributions, but we envision two common contributions to BQSKit: extending the IR with new gates and implementing or altering algorithms in a compiler pass. If you plan to make a similar contribution, you can find documentation for the IR and supported algorithms under the API Reference section.

Development Environment

You will want to install BQSKit from the source by cloning the repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd bqskit
pip install -e '.[dev]'

You can run tox to install all development packages, set up virtual environments for all supported Python versions, perform all stylistic checks and modifications, and run the test suite.


Please follow the below short list of guidelines when contributing.

Pull Request Checklist

  1. Please ensure the pre-commit checks ran successfully on your branch. These ensure your changes match the project's code style and perform other critical analyses. To do this, either execute pre-commit run --all-files or tox locally before pushing. Note that tox or pre-commit will make stylistic modifications directly to your code.

  2. Please ensure all tests are still passing, which can also be done with tox. Also, if appropriate, please add tests to ensure your change behaves correctly. See the testing section below for more information.

  3. Please ensure that any added package, module, class, attribute, function, or method has an appropriate Google-style docstring. The documentation engine uses these to produce API references. If you have created a user-facing class, please add those to the autosummary list in the top-level package's, e.g.,

  4. BQSKit is a type-annotated Python package, which helps catch some bugs early with static code analysis tools like Mypy. You can see PEP 484: Type Annotations for more information. Please annotate your contribution with types. Sometimes, this can be tricky. If you need help, please don't hesitate to ask.


After any changes, it is essential to ensure that all the previous tests still pass on all supported versions of Python. This can be done by running the tox command after installing it. Additionally, you will want to write tests for any appropriate changes. Our test suite resides in the tests folder and uses a combination of pytest and hypothesis.

Pytest is a framework for writing and running tests. Any Python method or function that starts with test_ in the tests folder will be collected and run as part of the test suite. You can write normal Python code and use assert statements in your tests. Although you can place your test anywhere in the tests folder, please follow the same structure there already. The tests directory structure closely follows the bqskit package structure, which makes it easy to find tests. If you are not familiar with Pytest, we recommend you read a few of the tests included already and ask any questions you may have.

Hypothesis is a powerful library that will intelligently generate inputs to tests. Any test that starts with a given decorator uses Hypothesis to generate inputs according to some strategy. BQSKit has several custom strategies that can be found in bqskit.utils.test module. We recommend using hypothesis to test complex functionality that may have corner cases.