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Docker Build Infrastructure

For the docker make toolchain to work, please setup docker as follows:

Docker Setup

Please follow this guide for the docker setup

Install Docker via script

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo groupadd -f docker
sudo usermod -aG docker pi

Check if Docker is working

docker run --rm hello-world

Configure Docker to be compatible with ViF internal network

sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json

Multi Architecture Build

Please install additional tools for crosscompilation

Install arm64 support

sudo apt update
sudo apt install binfmt-support
sudo apt install qemu-user-static

Enable experimental features of docker

nano $HOME/.docker/config.json
# add:
  # ...
  "experimental": "enabled"

Pro tip: this should be valid JSON .. there must be a comma "," at the end of the line above "experimental".

Create bootstrap builder

docker buildx create --name mbuilder
docker buildx use mbuilder
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap

Check if used base-image supports arm64/v8

docker buildx imagetools inspect python:3.8-slim
# --> look for arm64/v8

Finally: make sure you are logged in into your chosen docker repo!

docker login