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ɴsɪ Documentation

Documentation for Illumination Research’s Nodal Scene Interface – ɴsɪ.


Change into the docs folder. This contains the Sphinx project.

The root folder of the repository only contains the YML configuration for ReadTheDocs and this readme.

cd docs

You need Python 3 to build this. Aka: running pyton should invoke a Python 3 interpreter.

For example, on macOS, using Homebrew:

> brew install pyenv 
> pyenv install 3.7.6
> pyenv global 3.7.6

Requirements for a pip install are in docs/requirements.txt.

pip install -r requirements.txt

HTML target

make html

Open _build/html/index.html to browse the HTML docs locally.

EPUB target

make epub

The result will be in _build/epub/NSI.epub.

If you own a Kindle or other e-book reader that requires Mobipocket format, conversion of the EPUB to this format is best done with Amazon’s native tool, kindlegen.

This can be ran from the command line directly, e.g. on macOS:

/Applications/KindleGen/kindlegen _build/epub/NSI.epub

will generate

If you are on macOS Catalina or later kindlegen will not work since it’s 32bit only. In this case use Amazon’s Kindle Previewer tool which, too, can convert from EPUB to Mobipocket format.

Lastly, there is always calibre.

LaTex/LaTexPDF target

You need a Tex installation.

Either libRSVG or Inkscape is needed to convert the SVGs to PDF via sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter.

This means you must have inkscape or rsvg-convert in your PATH. Note that Inkscape 1.0beta does not work with sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter. You need an older 0.9x version.

The default in the extensions section of docs/ is for rsvg-convert.

To build the PDF:

make latexpdf

The result will be in docs/_build/latex/nsi.pdf

This currently looks a tad ugly and needs some love with custom Tex commands.


Documentation for Illumination Research’s Nodal Scene Interface, ɴsɪ.






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