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144 lines (131 loc) · 4.4 KB


Auto import vue components by tags.
It must be used along with babel-plugin-transform-imports or babel-plugin-import.

This lib is in alpha stage.

Currently, you cannot use it with babel-plugin-import, due to some bugs (maybe related to babel-plugin-import).
Use it with my fork of babel-plugin-transform-imports.

Usage with vue-cli-3.x

  1. Prerequirements Your project must have these as devDependencies:
  "@vue/cli-service": "^3.0.0",
  "babel-plugin-transform-imports": "github:viruscamp/babel-plugin-transform-imports#babel-7",
  // or
  "babel-plugin-import": "^1.0.0", // not usable currently
  1. Install
    npm install github:viruscamp/vue-cli-plugin-auto-import-tags --save-dev

  2. Configurate
    Just add "tagPrefix" to your existing babel-plugin-import/babel-plugin-transform-imports options in .babelrc or babel.config.js .
    To work with babel-plugin-transform-imports's regular expressions library match, you must add "libraryName" to it.

// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  presets: [
  "plugins": [
      "transform-imports", {
        "ant-design-vue": {
          tagPrefix: "a", // added for babel-plugin-transform-imports
          memberConverter: 'kebab',
          transform: "ant-design-vue/lib/${member}",
          transformStyle: "ant-design-vue/lib/${member}/style/css",
          preventFullImport: true
        "my-library\/?(((\\w*)?\/?)*)": {
          tagPrefix: "my", // added for babel-plugin-transform-imports
          libraryName: "my-library", // added for babel-plugin-transform-imports's regular expressions library match
          memberConverter: 'kebab',
          transform: "my-library/${1}/${member}",
          transformStyle: "my-library/${1}/${member}/style",
          preventFullImport: true
      "import", {
        tagPrefix: "a", // added for babel-plugin-import
        libraryName: "ant-design-vue",
        libraryDirectory: "es",
        style: "css"

Currently the plugin does not support parallel build, so you must turn it off.

// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
  parallel: false,
  1. Code
    Instead of writing:
    <AButton />
    <a-auto-complete />
import { Button, AutoComplete } from 'ant-design-vue'
export default {
  components: {
    AButton: Button,
    AAutoComplete: AutoComplete

You can now write:

    <AButton />
    <a-auto-complete />

Because it will generate a vue custom block , below is result code:

import { Button as AButton } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { AutoComplete as AAutoComplete } from 'ant-design-vue'

export default function (Component) {
  let c = Component.options.components
  if (c == null) c = Component.options.components = {}
  if (c.AButton == null) c.AButton = AButton
  if (c.AAutoComplete == null) c.AAutoComplete = AAutoComplete

Usage with manual mantained webpack.conf



  1. Only works for *.vue file <template> part
  2. Invalid for directive 'is', like <div is="staticComponent" /> or <div :is="dynamicComponent" />
  3. Invalid for string template
  4. Invalid for render function and JSX
  5. Does not support parallel build
  6. It runs vue-template-compiler twice for one template part of a vue file


We generate the source like below, then feed it to babel-loader, pass to vue-loader as vue custom block output.
In babel, babel-plugin-transform-imports or babel-plugin-import will do the rest.

import { DatePicker as ADatePicker } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { AutoComplete as AAutoComplete } from 'ant-design-vue'

export default function (Component) {
  let c = Component.options.components
  if (c == null) c = Component.options.components = {}
  if (c.ADatePicker == null) c.ADatePicker = ADatePicker
  if (c.AAutoComplete == null) c.AAutoComplete = AAutoComplete

Fatal bugs:

  1. Just use vue-cli-3.x, babel-plugin-import, and ant-design-vue, without this plugin.
import {Breadcrumb as ABreadcrumb} from 'ant-design-vue'

It tries to import ant-design-vue/es/a-breadcrumb