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This Add-On package integrates the PDFreactor client API by RealObjects, as provided by the pdfreactor-api package, into Plone.

To effectively make use of it, you'll need

  • a running PDFreactor server

  • the keys needed to access it; depending on the server configuration:


  • A simple @@as.pdf browser view for contentish objects (providing a synchronous PDF export with standard options)

  • A custom form @@pdfreactor-connection-settings to edit the connection settings (which are stored in the Plone registry)

  • A simple @@pdfreactor-config view to provide basic conversion settings (i.e., the Zope cookies which are needed to create PDF exports from restricted contents)

    For a package providing customizable conversion settings in the registry as well, see below.

  • A simple CSS stylesheet which is used by the default configuration to suppress uninteresting page parts


Plone environments are typically built using zc.buildout; so add to your buildout.cfg script:

eggs =

and then run bin/buildout.

This will get you the pdfreactor-api package as well.

After restarting your Zope instance, you'll find the package in the Quick-Installer or the Plone Add-Ons view.

After installing (or activating) the package there, visit the @@pdfreactor-connection-settings view of your Plone instance to customize your PDFreactor connection settings (URL and license and / or API key).

For installation instructions regarding the PDFreactor service itself, please refer to PDFreactor Support.


Zope / Plone

You have several options:

  • You may subclass our .base.Exporter BrowserView class (which provides the @@as.pdf view) and override some of it's methods, e.g.

    • converted_url
    • conversionSettings
  • You may connect our BrowserView class or subclasses of it to more specific interfaces than IContentish. (You might need a layer interface to avoid configuration conflicts).

  • You may override the @@pdfreactor-config view to modify the conversion options (generally, or by interface).

    One add-on package to get a global "TTW" customizable configuration is pdfreactor.parsecfg.

Please refer to the Zope / Plone documentation for instructions how to do this.


For the details about the supported methods and configuration options of the PDFreactor itself, please refer to the documentation by RealObjects GmbH:


If you are having issues concerning this Plone integration, please let us know; please use the issue tracker mentioned above.

For issues regarding the PDFreactor itself, please refer to RealObjects GmbH:


(To this Plone integration package:)


The project is licensed under the MIT License.


PDFreactor integration for Plone







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