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What's New

This page contains news for recent releases. For older releases (through v8.5) refer to the Legacy What's New page.

Version 9.1 (In Development)

Target Date: Q2 2024

  • Production quality (non-experimental) WebGPU backend.

  • New luma.registerAdapters() method - Register adapters for WebGL and WebGPU.
  • New Parameters.blend - Provides explicit control over color blending activation.

  • New AsyncTexture class allows applications to create textures from a URL or Promise.

Version 9.0

Target Date: Feb 2024

:::caution v9 contains significant API changes and requires existing v8 applications to be upgraded. ::: v9 is a major release that adds experimental WebGPU support to the API.

WebGPU Support

The biggest change is that the core API is now portable (no longer WebGL-specific), and plug-in backends are provided for WebGL 2 and WebGPU:

  • Portable GPU API: now provides a portable GPU resource management API.
  • WebGL bindings: now provides a WebGL backend for the core API.
  • WebGPU bindings: provides a new experimental WebGPU backend for the core API.

WebGL Support v9 drops support for WebGL 1 functionality.

  • WebGL1 WebGL 1 support is dropped.
  • GLSL 1.00 is no longer supported. GLSL shaders need to be ported to GLSL 3.00.
  • headless-gl The Node.js WebGL 1 integration is no longer supported

On the upside this means that all features requiring WebGL 2 are now available and also brings support for a range of new WebGL 2 extensions, see more below.

New module structure

Module Impact Description New API The new portable GPU API. Applications can run on both WebGPU and WebGL2 devices. Light API updates Classic engine classes ()Model, AnimationLoop etc), which work portably on both WebGPU and WebGL 2. Renamed module New module that exports the glTF classes (moved from Light API updates The shader assembler API and the shader module library. WebGL backend Optional "GPU backend module". Importing this module enables the application to create WebGL 2 Devices. WebGPU backend Experimental "GPU backend module". Importing this module enables the application to create WebGPU Devices.

General improvements

  • TypeScript: All APIs now rigorously typed.
  • ES modules - Modern ES module and CommonJS entry points for maximum interoperability.
  • Website - New Docusaurus website with more embedded live examples and improved documentation.
  • Debugging - SpectorJS integration. Shader debugger UI.

New features

  • Exports the new Device class is the entry point to the API, used to create other GPU resources.

  • NEW: Scenegraph classes: ModelNode, GroupNode, ScenegraphNode, moved from
  • NEW: ShaderInputs - Class that manages uniform buffers for a Model
  • NEW: ShaderFactory - Creates and caches reusable Shader resources
  • NEW: AnimationLoopTemplate - Helper class for writing cleaner demos and applications in TypeScript.
  • New Computation - Class that manages a ComputePipeline similar to Model and Transform.

  • New module that exports the glTF classes (moved from

  • All shader modules now use uniform buffers.
  • New ShaderAssembler class that provides a clean entry point to the shader module system.
  • New CompilerMessage type and formatCompilerLog function for portable shader log handling.
  • Shader assembly now supports WGSL and single shader source (compute or single vertex+fragment WGSL shaders)

  • The new bindings API now supports WebGL 2 Uniform Buffers.

WebGL 2 Extension support: WebGL is not dead yet! Browsers (Chrome in particular) are actively developing "extensions" for WebGL 2, and is exposing support for many of the new WebGL extensions through the DeviceFeatures API.

New Device.features that improve application performance in WebGL:

  • compilation-status-async-webgl: Asynchronous shader compilation and linking is used automatically by and significantly speeds up applications that create many RenderPipelines.

New Device.features that enable additional color format support in WebGL:

  • rgb9e5ufloat-renderable-webgl: rgb9e5ufloat is renderable.
  • snorm8-renderable-webgl: r,rg,rgba8snorm are renderable.
  • norm16-renderable-webgl: r,rg,rgba16norm are renderable.
  • snorm16-renderable-webgl: r,rg,rgba16snorm are renderable.

New Device.features that expose new GPU parameters in WebGL:

  • depth-clip-control: parameters.unclippedDepth - depth clipping can now be disabled.
  • provoking-vertex-webgl: parameters.provokingVertex - controls which primitive vertex is used for flat shading.
  • polygon-mode-webgl: parameters.polygonMode - enables wire frame rendering of polygons.
  • polygon-mode-webgl: parameters.polygonOffsetLine - enables depth bias (polygon offset) for lines.
  • shader-clip-cull-distance-webgl: parameters.clipCullDistance0-7, also see GLSL effects below.

New Device.features that enable new GLSL syntax

  • shader-noperspective-interpolation-webgl: GLSL vertex outputs and fragment inputs may be declared with a noperspective interpolation qualifier.
  • shader-conservative-depth-webgl: GLSL gl_FragDepth qualifiers depth_any depth_greater depth_less depth_unchanged can enable early depth test optimizations.
  • shader-clip-cull-distance-webgl: Enables gl_ClipDistance[] / gl_CullDistance[].