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File metadata and controls

239 lines (157 loc) · 7.22 KB

WordPress setup

To setup a new blog:

  • Run default WP install
  • Permanently delete all default comments, posts, and pages (make sure trash is empty)
  • Delete default plugins and themes from wp-content
  • Add standard WordPress .htaccess file to root
  • Publish a new page "Home" as post_title
  • Publish a new page "Blog" as post_title

Default options

In wp_options table set:

option_name option_value autoload
show_on_front page
page_on_front [new Home page ID]
page_for_posts [new Blog page ID]
blogname [Site title, e.g. "Häring Group"]
date_format j F Y
default_ping_status closed
default_pingback_flag 0
permalink_structure /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/
options_vf_cdn_stylesheet [CDN URL] no
options_vf_cdn_javascript [CDN URL] no
options_vf_api_url [API URL] no
options_vf_cache_disabled 0 no

CDN and API URLs (examples):

Development bleeding edge of CSS, JS:

Versioned URLs of CSS, JS:

EMBL ContentHub API:
  • Add and activate ACF Pro (Advanced Custom Fields) plugin
  • Flush rewrite rules?

Install theme

To setup the Visual Framework theme:

  • Add and activate theme vf-wp to wp-content/themes directory
  • Add and activate plugins to wp-content/plugins directory:
  1. vf-gutenberg
  2. vf-wp
  3. other block/container plugins that depend on vf-wp
  • Add and activate container plugins:

    1. vf-global-header-container
    2. vf-breadcrumbs-container
    3. vf-embl-news-container
    4. vf-global-footer-container

Note: the vf-wp plugin is required for all other VF plugins.

Configure the default template

The theme allows for dynamic page templates. These are configured as posts with the type vf_template. There should be at least one default post of this type which is usually inserted when the vf-wp plugin is activated.

After the theme and plugins are activated ensure this post exists:

post_type post_name post_content
vf_template default see examples below...

The post_content for basic EMBL sites:

<!-- wp:vf/container-global-header /-->

<!-- wp:vf/container-page-template /-->

<!-- wp:vf/container-global-footer /-->

or for Group sites:

<!-- wp:vf/container-ebi-global-header /-->

<!-- wp:vf/container-breadcrumbs /-->

<!-- wp:vf/container-wp-groups-header /-->

<!-- wp:vf/container-page-template /-->

<!-- wp:vf/container-embl-news /-->

<!-- wp:vf/container-ebi-global-footer /-->

Content setup

  • Add a new menu named "Primary" assigned to primary location.
  • Add a new menu named "Secondary" assigned to secondary location.

Page Templates need to be assigned for these pages:

  • Members: template-members.php
  • Publications: template-publications.php

– by setting the _wp_page_template meta property.

Locking posts

Posts and pages can be locked so that non-admin users cannot edit them. (By default the 'editor' role can edit all posts.)

In the wp_postmeta table assign two properties against the Post ID:

meta_key meta_value
vf_locked 1
_vf_locked field_vf_locked

Plugin setup

After a VF Block or Container plugin is activated it will create (or update) a post in the wp_posts table. For example the "Group Header" block and the "EMBL News" container will have these fields:

post_name post_type
vf_group_header vf_block
vf_embl_news vf_container

The post ID can be found using this WP CLI command:

wp post list --name=vf_group_header --post_type=vf_block --field=ID

Default content for a plugin is assigned as post meta – either as content itself, or values for Content Hub API configuration.

The "Group Header" block is hard-coded into the standard page template. The default heading text can be set like so:

meta_key meta_value
vf_group_header_heading <h1>The Häring group aims to understand the molecular machinery that organises eukaryotic genomes.</h1>
_vf_group_header_heading field_vf_group_header_heading

The second field is a reference used by ACF. It should follow a predictable pattern of prefixing the key with an _ (underscore) and the value as field_[KEY].

Available fields can be seen in the plugin ACF file:


This will be documented into a README in future.

The "EMBL News" container:

wp post list --name=vf_embl_news --post_type=vf_container --field=ID
post_name post_type post_title
vf_embl_news vf_container EMBL and Cancer

– makes use of the post_title in its template. So this can be changed too.

meta_key meta_value
vf_embl_news_limit 3
_vf_embl_news_limit field_vf_embl_news_limit

It also has the meta property above that is used to request 3 news articles from the Content Hub. Other meta properties still need to be implemented – they will reflect the Content Hub API parameters.

The process above is enough to set up Container plugins because they only have one instance.

VF Block plugins and Gutenberg

VF Block plugins can be added as blocks within the Gutenberg editor.

Gutenberg stores all content in the post_content field (for backwards compability).

Gutenberg makes used of HTML comments to define blocks. A standard heading block has this markup:

<!-- wp:heading {"level":2} -->
<h2>Heaving level two</h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->

VF Blocks as Gutenberg blocks are a bit more complicated. They're defined as a single HTML comment with JSON data.

<!-- wp:vf/group-header {"ver":1} /-->

The plugin name (vf_group_header) is prefixed with vf/ and underscores are converted to hyphens. Attributes are encoded as JSON. The version attribute (ver) is not necessary but will be added by Gutenberg if post content is edited.

Field attributes can be changed beyond the plugin default ACF configuration by editing the JSON content:

<!-- wp:vf/group-header {"heading":"Test","ver":1} /-->

In the example above the vf_group_header_heading field value is changed. The field key prefix (vf_group_header_) is not required within the Gutenberg block code.

HTML content should be encoded for JSON. Gutenberg converts a lot to unicode but basic encoding like this should work:

{ "heading": "<h1>The group introduction<\/h1>" }

Please note that most block templates will escape HTML for safety.

The home page for a Groups microsite has four blocks. The post_content looks something like this:

<!-- wp:vf/group-header {"ver":1} /-->

<!-- wp:vf/latest-posts {"ver":1} /-->

<!-- wp:vf/data-resources {"ver":1} /-->

<!-- wp:vf/jobs {"limit":1,"filter":"all","ver":1} /-->