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Simple python notifier (also known as emitter or dispatcher).


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Library providing event registration and routing infrastructure.



This is an implementation of event notifier (also known as emitter or dispatcher) allowing to notify one or more subscribers of an event that just occurred.

Any python object inheriting from or containing a notifier can act as event sender and any callable object can act as event receiver. Allows to register receivers having variable number of arguments.


pip install -U event-notifier


from EventNotifier import Notifier

# Imagine we have a piece of code which is interested in some events 
# occurring in other pieces of the code...
class FileWatchDog():
	def onOpen(self, fileName, openMode):
		print(f"File {fileName} opened with {openMode} mode")
	def onClose(self, fileName):
		print(f"File {fileName} closed")

watchDog = FileWatchDog()	
# Create Notifier object by providing a list of events other components might be interesting in	
notifier = Notifier(["onCreate", "onOpen", "onModify", "onClose", "onDelete"])

# From now other objects are able to subscribe to events we've declared above
# Its important to use the same name as it was declared while creating Notifier object
# Consider using constant declarations or enums in order to avoid typos here
notifier.subscribe("onOpen",  watchDog.onOpen)
notifier.subscribe("onClose", watchDog.onClose)

notifier.raise_event("onOpen", openMode="w+", fileName="test_file.txt")  # order of named parameters is not important
notifier.raise_event("onClose", fileName="test_file.txt")

Will produce:

$ python
File test_file.txt opened with w+ mode
File test_file.txt closed


Notifier(eventNames: list, logger=None)


  • eventNames - list of any - mandatory, provides list of all supported events. Values provided here can be used for raising events later. Values provided in this list can be of any type.
  • logger - object - optional, logger supporting standard logging methods (info, warning error, etc..), default: None. If None is provided, then internal logger outputting warnings and errors to console will be created.


Any object can be used as event name. Example below illustrates that:

from EventNotifier import Notifier

class Box:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

a = Box("name_BoxA")
b = Box("name_BoxB")

notifier = Notifier(["onCreate", 5, 22.58, "onDelete", a, b])

notifier.subscribe("onCreate", onCreateCallback)
notifier.subscribe(5, on5Callback)
notifier.subscribe(22.58, onFloatCallback)
notifier.subscribe(a, onBoxACallback)
notifier.subscribe(b, onBoxBCallback)

notifier.raise_event(5, "event: ! 5 !")  # on5Callback will be called with "event: ! 5 !" as parameter
notifier.raise_event(22.58, "event: ! 22.58 !")    # onFloatCallback will be called with "event: ! 22.58 !" as parameter
notifier.raise_event(b, "event: Box b")   # onBoxBCallback will be called with "event: Box b" as parameter

API Overview

subscribe(eventName, subscriber)


Adds callable subscribers interested in some particular event.


  • eventName - any - mandatory, specifies name of the event, subscriber will be interested in.
  • subscriber - any - mandatory, callable subscriber (function, class method or class with call implemented)


from EventNotifier import Notifier

class CallableFileWatchdog:
	def __init__(self, pathToWatch):
		self.pathToWatch = pathToWatch

	def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		if len(args) > 0:
			print(f"Event {args[0]} at path {self.pathToWatch} is called with following simple args: {[*args]} and with following keyword args: { {**kwargs} }")

callableWatchdog = CallableFileWatchdog("some\path\here")

notifier = Notifier(["onCreate", "onOpen", "onModify", "onClose", "onDelete"])

notifier.subscribe("onCreate", callableWatchdog)
notifier.subscribe("onOpen",   callableWatchdog)

notifier.raise_event("onCreate", "onCreate", fileName="test_file.txt")
notifier.raise_event("onOpen", "onOpen", openMode="w+", fileName="test_file.txt") 


Event onCreate at path some\path\here is called with following simple args: ['onCreate'] and with following keyword args: {'fileName': 'test_file.txt'}
Event onOpen at path some\path\here is called with following simple args: ['onOpen'] and with following keyword args: {'openMode': 'w+', 'fileName': 'test_file.txt'}



Method allows to register one callable for all events supported by notifier.


  • subscriber - callable - mandatory, will be called when event rises.


from EventNotifier import Notifier
class CallableFileWatchdog:
    def __init__(self, pathToWatch):
	self.pathToWatch = pathToWatch

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
	if len(args) > 0:
	    print \
		(f"Event {args[0]} at path {self.pathToWatch} is called with following simple args: {[*args]} and with following keyword args: { {**kwargs} }")

callable_watchog = CallableFileWatchdog("some\\path\\here")
notifier = Notifier(["onCreate", "onOpen", "onModify", "onClose", "onDelete"])


notifier.raise_event("onCreate", "onCreate", fileName="test_file.txt")
notifier.raise_event("onOpen", "onOpen", openMode="w+", fileName="test_file.txt")

Console output:

Event onCreate at path some\path\here is called with following simple args: ['onCreate'] and with following keyword args: {'fileName': 'test_file.txt'}
Event onOpen at path some\path\here is called with following simple args: ['onOpen'] and with following keyword args: {'openMode': 'w+', 'fileName': 'test_file.txt'}



Returns all supported events as a list.


from EventNotifier import Notifier
notifier = Notifier(["onCreate", "onOpen", "onModify", "onClose", "onDelete"])

will output:

['onCreate', 'onOpen', 'onModify', 'onClose', 'onDelete']

raise_event(eventName, *args, **kwargs)


Rises specific event registered during initialization.


  • eventName - any - mandatory, name of the event to be raised.
  • *args - list - optional, all simple parameters we want to pass to our subscribers (param1, param2, param3...).
  • **kwargs - dictionary - optional, all named parameters we want to pass (param1=value1, param2=value2, param3=value3)


Check subscribe method's example link above.



Removes all subscribers for the specified event_name


  • eventName - any - mandatory, name of the event we want to remove subscribers for.


from EventNotifier import Notifier
class FileWatchDog():
    def onOpen(self, fileName, openMode):
        print(f"File {fileName} opened with {openMode} mode")

    def onClose(self, fileName):
        print(f"File {fileName} closed")

def onOpenStandaloneMethod(fileName, openMode):
    print(f"StandaloneMethod: File {fileName} opened with {openMode} mode")

watchDog = FileWatchDog()

notifier = Notifier(["onCreate", "onOpen", "onModify", "onClose", "onDelete"])

notifier.subscribe("onOpen", watchDog.onOpen)
notifier.subscribe("onOpen", onOpenStandaloneMethod)
notifier.subscribe("onClose", watchDog.onClose)

print("\nAfter subscription:")
notifier.raise_event("onOpen", openMode="w+", fileName="test_file.txt")  # order of named parameters is not important
notifier.raise_event("onClose", fileName="test_file.txt")


print("\nAfter removal of onOpen subscribers:")
notifier.raise_event("onOpen", openMode="w+", fileName="test_file.txt")  # order of named parameters is not important
notifier.raise_event("onClose", fileName="test_file.txt")


print("\nAfter removal of onClose subscribers:")
notifier.raise_event("onOpen", openMode="w+", fileName="test_file.txt")  # order of named parameters is not important
notifier.raise_event("onClose", fileName="test_file.txt")

will output:

After subscription:
File test_file.txt opened with w+ mode
StandaloneMethod: File test_file.txt opened with w+ mode
File test_file.txt closed

After removal of onOpen subscribers:
File test_file.txt closed

After removal of onClose subscribers:



Removes all subscribers for all events


from EventNotifier import Notifier
class FileWatchDog():
    def onOpen(self, fileName, openMode):
        print(f"File {fileName} opened with {openMode} mode")

    def onClose(self, fileName):
        print(f"File {fileName} closed")

def onOpenStandaloneMethod(fileName, openMode):
    print(f"StandaloneMethod: File {fileName} opened with {openMode} mode")

watchDog = FileWatchDog()

notifier = Notifier(["onCreate", "onOpen", "onModify", "onClose", "onDelete"])

notifier.subscribe("onOpen", watchDog.onOpen)
notifier.subscribe("onOpen", onOpenStandaloneMethod)
notifier.subscribe("onClose", watchDog.onClose)

print("\nAfter subscription:")
notifier.raise_event("onOpen", openMode="w+", fileName="test_file.txt")
notifier.raise_event("onClose", fileName="test_file.txt")


print("\nAfter removal of all subscribers:")
notifier.raise_event("onOpen", openMode="w+", fileName="test_file.txt")
notifier.raise_event("onClose", fileName="test_file.txt")

will give:

After subscription:
File test_file.txt opened with w+ mode
StandaloneMethod: File test_file.txt opened with w+ mode
File test_file.txt closed

After removal of all subscribers:


PyTest is used for tests. Python 2 is not supported.

Install PyTest

$ pip install pytest

Run tests

$ pytest test/*

Check test coverage

In order to generate test coverage report install pytest-cov:

$ pip install pytest-cov

Then inside test subdirectory call:

pytest --cov=../EventNotifier --cov-report=html


License Copyright (C) 2020 Vitalij Gotovskij

event-notifier binaries and source code can be used according to the MIT License
