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File metadata and controls

122 lines (87 loc) · 3.88 KB


The amzSear CLI is the main entry point for using the amzSear package. It is similar to the original version and backwards has been maintained where possible. However some features had to be changed consequently some CLI commands had to be changed, as discussed below.

The CLI, in it's basic form can still be used in the following way:

$ amzsear 'Harry Potter Books'


The extended amzSear usage can be seen by typing amzsear without any additional arguments.

usage: amzsear [-h] [-p PAGE] [-i ITEM]
               [-r {AU,BR,CA,CN,DE,ES,FR,IN,IT,JP,MX,NL,SG,UK,US}] [-d]
               [-o {short,verbose,quiet,csv,json}]

query: The query string to search Amazon.

Optional Args

-h, --help: Display extended help & usage information.
-p NUM, --page NUM: The page number to be searched (defaults to 1).
-i NUM, --item NUM: The item index to be displayed (relative to the page). If no item is specified, the entire page's products will be displayed.
-r STR, --region STR: The amazon country/region to be searched (defaults to. For a list of countries to country code see the region table.
-d, --dont-open: Stop the page from opening in the default browser.
-o STR, --output STR: The output type to be displayed (defaults to short). Output types are as follows:

  • short: A concise view of the title, price summary and rating.
  • verbose: The complete amzSear representation taken from the core api representation.
  • quiet: No output is produced.
  • csv: A quoted csv of all products with with all fields flattened, including the index.
  • json: A JSON object of all products with all fields with the product's index as the top-level key.

Comparison to Version 1
Verbose Argument

In the previous version of amzSear, a verbose option could be displayed by adding the -v argument. However this can now be done through the output argument. For example:

$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' --output verbose


$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' -o verbose
Quiet Argument

Similar to the verbose argument, a quiet option could be used in the previous version of amzSear by adding the -q argument. However this can now be done through the output argument. For example:

$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' --output quiet


$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' -o quiet

Example 1
$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' -p 1


$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' --page 1

In the above example, the first page of results for the query Harry Potter will be displayed. The query amzsear 'Harry Potter' would have the same result as the default page number is 1.

Example 2
$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' -i 20


$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' --item 20

This example will display the item at index 20 of page 1 (as page 1 is the default). If the index could not be found on page 1 an empty result will appear.

Example 3
$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' -r ES

$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' --region ES

Example 3 will display all results from the Harry Potter searching the Spanish Amazon website.

Example 4
$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' -d

$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' --dont-open

This example will produce the same output as it would without the -d option, however the page will not be opened in the default browser.

Example 5
$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' -o csv > harry_amzsear.csv

$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' --output csv > harry_amzsear.csv

In this example a csv of all products from the first page of search results is produced and then piped into a csv called harry_amzsear.csv.

Example 6
$ amzsear 'Harry Potter' -p 2 -i 35 --output json

In this final example a JSON object of the item at index 35 on page 2 is displayed.