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How to Write a Process

Why Write Processes?

Vivarium comes with a number of processes ready for you to use, but combining processes to form composites will only take you so far. For many models, the existing processes will be insufficient, so you will need to create your own.


Processes are the building blocks of Vivarium models, so creating a process to model a phenomenon you know well lets other modelers build on your expertise. Processes are a great way to share your knowledge with the modeling community!

Let's Write a Process!

Suppose we want to model how hexokinase helps maintain intracellular glucose concentrations. Hexokinase catalyzes glucose phosphorylation, which we can describe by the following reaction:


In the reaction above and throughout this tutorial, we will use the following abbreviations:

  • GLC: D-Glucose
  • ATP: Adenosine triphosphate
  • G6P: -D-Glucose-6-phosphate
  • ADP: Adenosine diphosphate
  • v: Rate of the forward reaction
  • HK: Hexokinase


Once you have worked through the example in this tutorial, try modeling a different reaction that you work with!

Conceptualize the Model

Make Assumptions

A critical component of modeling is deciding what parts to describe mechanistically and what to approximate. For our scenario, we could model this reaction using molecular dynamics, but this would be computationally intensive and would not scale to larger simulations. Instead, we will assume Michaelis-Menten, sequential bisubstrate kinetics:

$$v = \frac{k_{cat}[HK][GLC][ATP]}{K_{GLC}K_{ATP} + K_{GLC}[ATP] + K_{ATP}[GLC] + [GLC][ATP]}$$

Let's also assume that diffusion is much faster than the reaction so that the concentrations of our enzyme and substrates are constant throughout the cell.


If you actually wanted to model a reaction like this, the convenience kinetics process can be configured to model any Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics.

Translate Model into Updates

Processes in Vivarium work by repeatedly changing the state of the model. A process makes these changes by computing an update based on the model's current state and a timestep t.

For the current example, each update will include the following:

  • A decrease in GLC:  − vt
  • A decrease in ATP:  − vt
  • An increase in G6P: vt
  • An increase in ADP: vt


In this example and most of the time in Vivarium, we work in terms of concentrations. We also normally use units of mM, but you can use different units so long as you are consistent.

Determine the Ports

We partition the overall simulation state into stores, which can be shared among processes. Each process declares ports, each of which will receive a store. When creating a process, you need to decide what ports to declare.

When someone else uses your process, they will create a composite of it and other processes. These processes will interact by sharing stores. While any number of your process's ports may be linked to the same store, a port cannot be split between stores. This means that you should put in separate ports any variables that a user might want in separate stores.

For example, ATP and ADP are turned over rapidly in the cell, so a user might want to isolate those variables from others that get updated more slowly. We will therefore create two ports:

  • nucleoside_phosphates: This port will store the ATP and ADP variables.
  • cytoplasm: This port will store the GLC, G6P, and HK variables.

Implement the Model

To implement the model, create a new Python file named in the vivarium/processes/ directory. Then we create a new class that inherits from :pyvivarium.core.process.Process:

from vivarium.core.process import Process

class GlucosePhosphorylation(Process):

The Constructor

In the constructor we can configure the process. We accept configurations as a dictionary called initial_parameters. For example, we can let the user configure the kinetic parameters kcat, KGLC, and KATP. We can also provide default values for these parameters.

The configurations (with any missing parameters filled in with defaults) and ports are passed to the superclass constructor to instantiate the process.

import copy

from vivarium.core.process import Process

class GlucosePhosphorylation(Process):

    defaults = {
        'k_cat': 2e-3,
        'K_ATP': 5e-2,
        'K_GLC': 4e-2,

    def __init__(self, initial_parameters=None):
        if initial_parameters == None:
            initial_parameters = {}
        parameters = copy.deepcopy(GlucosePhosphorylation.defaults)

It turns out that the :pyvivarium.core.process.Process constructor handles merging initial_parameters with the defaults automatically, so we don't actually have to include a constructor at all!

Even though we're just getting started on our process, let's try it out! At the bottom of the file, instantiate the process and take a look at some of its attributes:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parameters = {
        'k_cat': 1.5,
    my_process = GlucosePhosphorylation(parameters)

Then run your code by executing the whole file:

$ python

Notice that the k_cat parameter updated to the value we supplied and that k_ATP took on the default value.

Wait! Where did the parameters attribute come from? We never created that attribute, but :pyvivarium.core.process.Process made it from the parameters argument we passed to its constructor. We'll take advantage of this in the next step.

Generating Updates

Now we can write the next_update method, which generates updates for each port based on a provided simulation state and timestep.


The states parameter passed into the update function is a view of the overall state, so it must not be changed.

def next_update(self, timestep, states):
    # Get concentrations from state
    cytoplasm = states['cytoplasm']
    nucleoside_phosphates = states['nucleoside_phosphates']
    hk = cytoplasm['HK']
    glc = cytoplasm['GLC']
    atp = nucleoside_phosphates['ATP']

    # Get kinetic parameters
    k_cat = self.parameters['k_cat']
    k_atp = self.parameters['K_ATP']
    k_glc = self.parameters['K_GLC']

    # Compute reaction rate with michaelis-menten equation
    rate = k_cat * hk * glc * atp / (
        k_glc * k_atp + k_glc * atp + k_atp * glc + glc * atp)

    # Compute concentration changes from rate and timestep
    delta_glc = -rate * timestep
    delta_atp = -rate * timestep
    delta_g6p = rate * timestep
    delta_adp = rate * timestep

    # Compile changes into an update
    update = {
        'cytoplasm': {
            'GLC': delta_glc,
            'G6P': delta_g6p,
            # We exclude HK because it doesn't change
        'nucleoside_phosphates': {
            'ATP': delta_atp,
            'ADP': delta_adp,

    return update

Now let's test this update function by seeing how it changes a state we provide. Replace the testing code we added to the bottom of the file with this:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parameters = {
        'k_cat': 1.5,
    my_process = GlucosePhosphorylation(parameters)
    state = {
        'cytoplasm': {
            'GLC': 1.0,
            'G6P': 0.0,
            'HK': 0.1,
        'nucleoside_phosphates': {
            'ATP': 2.0,
            'ADP': 0.0,
    update = my_process.next_update(3.0, state)

With these parameters, we can calculate the reaction rate:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} v & = \frac{ k_{cat}[HK][GLC][ATP] }{ K_{GLC}K_{ATP} + K_{GLC}[ATP] + K_{ATP}[GLC] + [GLC][ATP] } \\\ & = \frac{ (1.5)(0.1)(1)(2) }{ (0.04)(0.05) + (0.04)(2) + (0.05)(1) + (1)(2) } \\\ & = 0.14 \\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation} \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, we expect the change in concentration of G6P to be:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \Delta_{[GLC]} & = v t \\\ & = (0.14)(3) \\\ & = 0.42 \\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation} \end{aligned}$$

Let's see if our process models this reaction as we expect:

$ python

Hooray! This is what we expected.

Ports Schema

Our process works, but we had to manually set the state. We also haven't shown yet how to apply the update we generate to the simulation state. Luckily for us, these steps will be handled automatically by Vivarium. We just need to create a ports_schema method that provides a schema. A schema is a nested dictionary that describes each variable the process will interact with. Each variable is defined by a dictionary of schema keys that specify its default value, how it should be updated, and other properties.

For this example, our updates are expressed as deltas that should be added to the old value of the variable. This is the default, so the schema can leave out the updater specification. Still, we'll specify one of the updaters for demonstration.

def ports_schema(self):
    return {
        'cytoplasm': {
            'GLC': {
                # accumulate means to add the updates
                '_updater': 'accumulate',
                '_default': 1.0,
                '_properties': {
                    'mw': 1.0 * units.g / units.mol,
                '_emit': True,
            # accumulate is the default, so we don't need to specify
            # updaters for the rest of the variables
            'G6P': {
                '_default': 0.0,
                '_properties': {
                    'mw': 1.0 * units.g / units.mol,
                '_emit': True,
            'HK': {
                '_default': 0.1,
                '_properties': {
                    'mw': 1.0 * units.g / units.mol,
        'nucleoside_phosphates': {
            'ATP': {
                '_default': 2.0,
                '_emit': True,
            'ADP': {
                '_default': 0.0,
                '_emit': True,

By convention, we usually put the ports_schema method before the next_update method.

Now, we can run a simulation using Vivarium's Engine :pyvivarium.core.engine.Engine like this:

from vivarium.core.engine import Engine
from vivarium.plots.simulation_output import plot_simulation_output


if __name__ == '__main__':
    parameters = {
        'k_cat': 1.5,
    my_process = GlucosePhosphorylation(parameters)

    # make a composite
    my_composite = my_process.generate()

    # run a simulation
    sim = Engine(composite=my_composite)
    total_time = 10

    # get the timeseries
    timeseries = sim.emitter.get_timeseries()
    plot_simulation_output(timeseries, {}, './')

We use :pyvivarium.plots.simulation_output.plot_simulation_output to plot the output from our simulation. In simulation.png you should see an output plot like this:



If a process is erroneously reporting negative values, try decreasing the timestep.

Oops, it looks like the cytoplasmic GLC concentration dropped below zero around time 8! This happens when the timestep is too long and so our approximation doesn't adjust fast enough to dropping concentrations. To fix this, let's change the timestep to 0.1.


You may be wondering, "What unit is the timestep in?" The answer is that it doesn't matter! We just need the parameters and timestep to use the same unit of time.

Here's the parameters dictionary with the updated timestep:

parameters = {
    'k_cat': 1.5,
    'time_step': 0.1,

Now if we run the file again, we should get a simulation.png like this:


You can download the completed process file here <../../vivarium/processes/>.

Great job; you've written a new process! Now consider writing one to model a mechanism you are familiar with.