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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started

Everyone has to start somewhere and if you’re new to VIVIDUS, this is where to begin.

Before you start

In order to use VIVIDUS effectively, you need to know what it is and understand some of its fundamental concepts. So before you start using VIVIDUS in earnest, we highly recommend you read "How to cook VIVIDUS?".


Install and configure Git

  1. Download and install Git client

  2. Configure your identity

Install Java

  1. Download and install Java 17.

  2. Configure JAVA_HOME environment variable to point your directory with installed JDK.

  3. Add new entry to PATH environment variable:

    • for Windows: %JAVA_HOME%/bin

    • for macOS / Linux: $JAVA_HOME/bin

Create tests project

  1. Login to GitHub (create a new account at first if you don’t have any).

  2. Generate your own project based on the starter project:

    • open generator

    • provide repository name for your test project

    • choose option to set visibility of your repository: Public or Private (Private is recommended from start, it can be changed in future)

  3. Clone your newly generated repository:

    git clone --recursive your_generated_project_url.git
  4. Go to the local directory with your cloned repository:

    cd your_repository_name
  5. Build the project:

    • macOS / Linux:

      ./gradlew build
    • Windows:

      gradlew build

Use IDE for the tests development



Import the project

  1. Generate Eclipse configuration files:

    • macOS / Linux:

      ./gradlew eclipse
    • Windows:

      gradlew eclipse
  2. Import the project to Eclipse

  3. Start creating your tests

Execute the tests via CLI

  1. Execute your tests via Gradle:

    • macOS / Linux:

      ./gradlew runStories
    • Windows:

      gradlew runStories

View the test execution report

At the end of any test run, VIVIDUS will give you a link to where the corresponding test report was published. It should look like this:

2022-05-23 13:38:15,523 [main] INFO - Allure report is successfully generated at /dir/to/where/the/results-are-published/.out/vividus-demo/reports/allure/index.html

It’s not allowed to open the report hosted on the local filesystem due to security restrictions. The following options could be considered.

Option 1 (Safe, but a bit complicated)

  1. Go into the directory:

    cd /dir/to/where/the/results-are-published/.out/vividus-demo/reports/allure
  2. Start a webserver of your choice, in the example below we are using a node webserver through port 3456:

        $ http-server -p 3456
  3. Launch a browser, type localhost:3456 into the URL. If you followed the instructions properly, you should see your report.

Option 2 (Relax browser security)

  1. Tune CORS option in the browser of your choice.

    Make sure this browser will be used to view test reports only, it’s not safe to surf the Internet with relaxed security rules.
  2. Go to the test report directory and open index.html in the configured browser.