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File metadata and controls

219 lines (166 loc) · 7.25 KB

Proxy Pattern

  • The proxy pattern is a structural design pattern that provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.
  • A proxy is a wrapper or agent object that is being called by the client to access the real serving object behind the scenes.


  • It consists of subject, real subject and proxy.
  • Subject: An interface that will contain the method to be implemented by the real subject and proxy.
  • Real Subject: A class that will contain the actual implementation of the method.
  • Proxy: A class that will contain the reference to the real subject and will implement the same interface implemented by the real subject so that it can be used by the client.


Type 1: Proxy with bounded access


// Create Inputs
enum EnumNewsChannel { Acy, Uzt, Mko }

// Create Component
interface INewsChannel : IProxyComponent<EnumNewsChannel> { }

class NewsChannel : INewsChannel
    public void Process(EnumNewsChannel input) =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Broadcasting news from '{input}' channel");

// Create Proxy - with Bounded Access
interface INewsChannelProxy : INewsChannel, IProxyBoundedAccess<EnumNewsChannel> { }

class NewsChannelProxy : ProxyBoundedAccess<EnumNewsChannel>, INewsChannelProxy
    public NewsChannelProxy() :
        base(new NewsChannel(), new[] { Acy, Uzt }) { }

// Pattern execution
var newsChannel = new NewsChannelProxy();
newsChannel.Process(EnumNewsChannel.Mko); // throws exception, 'Mko' is out of bounds
// Output
Broadcasting news from 'Acy' channel
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: 'Mko' is out of bounds
   at GofPatterns.Structural.ProxyPattern.ProxyBoundedAccess`1.Process(TInput input) in ProxyBoundedAccess.cs
   at GofConsoleApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in Program.cs

Full example


Type 2: Proxy with bounded access and output


// Create Inputs
enum EnumUserType { Admin, Standard, Guest }

enum EnumOperationOption { Read, Create, Mkdir, Remove, Rmdir }

// Create Component
interface IUserInterface : IProxyComponent<EnumOperationOption, string> { }

class UserInterface : IUserInterface
    public string Process(EnumOperationOption input)
        return $"'{input}' executed successfully.";

// Create Proxy - with Bounded Access
interface IUserInterfaceProxy : IUserInterface, IProxyBoundedAccess<EnumOperationOption, string> { }

class UserInterfaceProxyAdmin : ProxyBoundedAccess<EnumOperationOption, string>, IUserInterfaceProxy
    public UserInterfaceProxyAdmin(IUserInterface userInterface) :
        base(userInterface, new[] { Read, Create, Mkdir, Remove, Rmdir }) { }

class UserInterfaceProxyStandard : ProxyBoundedAccess<EnumOperationOption, string>, IUserInterfaceProxy
    public UserInterfaceProxyStandard(IUserInterface userInterface) : 
        base(userInterface, new[] { Read, Create, Mkdir }) { }

class UserInterfaceProxyGuest : ProxyBoundedAccess<EnumOperationOption, string>, IUserInterfaceProxy
    public UserInterfaceProxyGuest(IUserInterface userInterface) :
        base(userInterface, new[] { Read }) { }

// Pattern execution
EnumUserType userType = EnumUserType.Standard;
IUserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface();

IUserInterfaceProxy proxyInterface = userType switch
    Admin => new UserInterfaceProxyAdmin(userInterface),
    Standard => new UserInterfaceProxyStandard(userInterface),
    _ => new UserInterfaceProxyGuest(userInterface)

// Output
'Create' executed successfully.
'Mkdir' executed successfully.
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: 'Remove' is out of bounds
   at GofPatterns.Structural.ProxyPattern.ProxyBoundedAccess`2.Process(TInput input) in ProxyBoundedAccess.cs
   at GofConsoleApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in Program.cs

Full example


Type 3: Proxy with cached output


// Create Inputs
enum EnumConfigEnv { Dev, Prod, Test }

// Create Output Component
class Config
    public EnumConfigEnv EnvType { get; init; }
    public string DatabaseConnection { get; init; } = string.Empty;

// Create Subject (also Real Subject here)
class ConfigProvider : IProxyComponent<EnumConfigEnv, Config>
    public Config Process(EnumConfigEnv input)
        Console.WriteLine($"Loading '{input}'.");

        return new Config
            EnvType = input,
            DatabaseConnection = input + "-DatabaseConnection"

// Pattern execution
var component = new ConfigProvider();
var proxy = new ProxyCachedOutput<EnumConfigEnv, Config>(component);

EnumConfigEnv type = EnumConfigEnv.Dev;
Console.WriteLine($"Loading '{type}'.");
Config conf = proxy.Process(type);
Console.WriteLine($"Env={conf.EnvType}, DatabaseConnection={conf.DatabaseConnection}");

type = EnumConfigEnv.Test;
Console.WriteLine($"Loading '{type}'.");
conf = proxy.Process(type);
Console.WriteLine($"Env={conf.EnvType}, DatabaseConnection={conf.DatabaseConnection}");

type = EnumConfigEnv.Dev;
Console.WriteLine($"Loading '{type}'.");
conf = proxy.Process(type); // 'Dev' was already in loaded and saved in cached, so  its picked up from cache.
Console.WriteLine($"Env={conf.EnvType}, DatabaseConnection={conf.DatabaseConnection}");

type = EnumConfigEnv.Prod;
Console.WriteLine($"Loading '{type}'.");
conf = proxy.Process(type);
Console.WriteLine($"Env={conf.EnvType}, DatabaseConnection={conf.DatabaseConnection}");
// Output
--- Loading 'Dev' ---
Env=Dev, DatabaseConnection=Dev-DatabaseConnection
--- Loading 'Test' ---
Env=Test, DatabaseConnection=Test-DatabaseConnection
Env=Dev, DatabaseConnection=Dev-DatabaseConnection
--- Loading 'Prod' ---
Env=Prod, DatabaseConnection=Prod-DatabaseConnection

Full example



  • It provides the protection to the original object from the outside world.
  • It adds the security to the original object of an application.
  • It provides the controlled access of the functionality to the original object.
  • It manages the life cycle of the object.
  • It can be used as a gateway to remote resources.
  • It can be used as a wrapper to add extra functionality.

Comparison with other patterns

  • Adapter provides a different interface to the wrapped object, Proxy provides it with the same interface, and Decorator provides it with an enhanced interface.
  • Decorator and Proxy have different purposes but similar structures. Both describe how to provide a level of indirection to another object, and the implementations keep a reference to the object to which they forward requests.
  • Decorator supports recursive composition, which isn't possible when you use Proxy or Adapter.
  • Decorator and Proxy are similar in structure, but they solve different problems.