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Angular2 Skeleton - online libs

Node, Express, TypeScript, Gulp, BrowserSync, Angular2 application skeleton.

Provided for developing Angular2 applications using Typescript served over node-express server.


Must have node and npm installed

How to use

No need to install npm packages because we are using

Install typescript definitions using:

$ typings install

Start application with

$ gulp

Application will be initialy compiled and started. By default the server is listening on port 3036. Client application (Angular2) can be accessed through your web browser on the following url localhost:3036/angular. If everything is ok you should see the message Proba. displayed in your browser.

Under the hood

Server application in typescript and transpiled application are located in ./server folder. Build application using gulp build system.

Server application is node-express web server initialy configured to listen for requests on localhost:3036. All request are redirected to SPA Angular2 application.

BrowserSync is proxing from localhost:3000.

Client application in typescript and transpiled application are located in ./client/app folder.

Folder ./client/app/ contains following TypeScript files


taken from the official Angular2 web page quickstart


  • changed server_app.ts:
  1. _renderPage method to
private _renderPage(req: express.Request, res: express.Response){ 
        res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../client'+req.params[0]));
  1. no more /www path configured from server


  • switched to commonjs modules in client application (changed tsconfig.json).
  1. Changes in template app.component.html : With system modules we define:
  moduleId: __moduleName,
  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html'

With commonjs modules we define

     selector: 'my-app',
     templateUrl: './app.component.html'

because is provided by the commonjs module. Now relative paths are operational.


  • created gulp tasks clean_docs and make_docs to clean dir and copy necessary files to docs folder for github pages
  • removed docs3 from tracking but leave locally