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MATCONVNET: compiled with '-R2018a' and linked with '-R2017b'. #1200

sirinferhat opened this issue Jan 22, 2019 · 17 comments

MATCONVNET: compiled with '-R2018a' and linked with '-R2017b'. #1200

sirinferhat opened this issue Jan 22, 2019 · 17 comments


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Hi everyone,
When i run vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true) in matconvnet's matlab directory, i got the error below.
i have been working on it for hours searching , i uninstall VisualStudio2017 community 15.0 version, and install Visual Studio 2015 community update 3 but nothing changed so far.
I will be very grateful if you can help.

nvcc warning : The -std=c++11 flag is not supported with the configured host compiler. Flag will be ignored.
nvcc warning : The -std=c++11 flag is not supported with the configured host compiler. Flag will be ignored.

Error using mex
'C:\matconvnet-1.0-beta25\matlab\mex\vl_nnconv.mexw64' compiled with '-R2018a' and linked with
'-R2017b'. For more information, see MEX file compiled with one API and linked with another.

Error in vl_compilenn>mex_link (line 627)
mex(args{:}) ;

Error in vl_compilenn (line 500)
mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ;

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vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true)
C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2316): warning C4244: '=': conversion from '__int64' to 'int', possible loss of data
C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2335): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::_Copy_unchecked1<_InIt,_OutIt>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt,std::_General_ptr_iterator_tag)' being compiled
_OutIt=int *,
_InIt=__int64 *
C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2354): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::_Copy_unchecked<_InIt,_Iter>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt)' being compiled
_OutIt=int *,
_InIt=__int64 ,
_Iter=int *
C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2364): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::_Copy_no_deprecate1<__int64
,_OutIt>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt,std::random_access_iterator_tag,std::random_access_iterator_tag)' being compiled
_OutIt=int *,
_InIt=__int64 *
C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/../VC/INCLUDE\xutility(2373): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::_Copy_no_deprecate<_InIt,_OutIt>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt)' being compiled
_OutIt=int *,
c:\matconvnet-1.0-beta25\matlab\src\bits\ note: see reference to function template instantiation '_OutIt std::copy<std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<__int64>>>,int>(_InIt,_InIt,_OutIt)' being compiled
_OutIt=int *,
C:/matconvnet-1.0-beta25/matlab/src/bits/ warning C4068: unknown pragma
C:/matconvnet-1.0-beta25/matlab/src/bits/ warning C4068: unknown pragma
Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'.
MEX completed successfully.
Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'.
MEX completed successfully.
Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'.
MEX completed successfully.
Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'.
MEX completed successfully.
Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015'.
MEX completed successfully.
SSSE3 instruction set not enabled. Using slower image conversion routines.
SSSE3 instruction set not enabled. Using slower image conversion routines.
Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (C)'.
Error using mex
'C:\matconvnet-1.0-beta25\matlab\mex\vl_nnconv.mexw64' compiled with '-R2018a' and linked with
'-R2017b'. For more information, see MEX file compiled with one API and linked with another.

Error in vl_compilenn>mex_link (line 627)
mex(args{:}) ;

Error in vl_compilenn (line 500)
mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ;

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Hi there im getting the same error. any luck in fixing this?

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Hey! Getting the same error here as well. Have you managed to figure it out yet?

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ngcthuong commented May 8, 2019


I changed to this to fix this error in vl_comilenn file. Force the code to compile with R2018a, and also remove largeArrayDims command

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Nicholas-Schaub commented May 13, 2019

I fixed this issue a long time ago to support older and newer version of Matlab. Rather than show the individual lines of code that I modified, I'm going to just paste the whole code below. Basically, Matlab 2018a are using different libraries and the compiler needs to know that. I work with computers that have various versions of Matlab on them, so I had to have a solution that would allow people to compile MatConvNet on old and new versions. You should completely replace all of the code in vl_compilenn.m with what I have here, then it will compile regardless of what version of Matlab you are running.

function vl_compilenn(varargin)
%VL_COMPILENN Compile the MatConvNet toolbox.
%   The `vl_compilenn()` function compiles the MEX files in the
%   MatConvNet toolbox. See below for the requirements for compiling
%   CPU and GPU code, respectively.
%   `vl_compilenn('OPTION', ARG, ...)` accepts the following options:
%   `EnableGpu`:: `false`
%      Set to true in order to enable GPU support.
%   `Verbose`:: 0
%      Set the verbosity level (0, 1 or 2).
%   `Continue`:: false
%      Avoid recreating a file if it was already compiled. This uses
%      a crude form of dependency checking, so it may occasionally be
%      necessary to rebuild MatConvNet without this option.
%   `Debug`:: `false`
%      Set to true to compile the binaries with debugging
%      information.
%   `CudaMethod`:: Linux & Mac OS X: `mex`; Windows: `nvcc`
%      Choose the method used to compile the CUDA code. There are two
%      methods:
%      * The **`mex`** method uses the MATLAB MEXCUDA command. This
%        is, in principle, the preferred method as it uses the
%        MATLAB-sanctioned compiler options.
%      * The **`nvcc`** method calls the NVIDIA CUDA compiler `nvcc`
%        directly to compile CUDA source code into object files.
%        This method allows to use a CUDA toolkit version that is not
%        the one that officially supported by a particular MATALB
%        version (see below). It is also the default method for
%        compilation under Windows and with CuDNN.
%   `CudaRoot`:: guessed automatically
%      This option specifies the path to the CUDA toolkit to use for
%      compilation.
%   `EnableImreadJpeg`:: `true`
%      Set this option to `true` to compile `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `EnableDouble`:: `true`
%      Set this option to `true` to compile the support for DOUBLE
%      data types.
%   `ImageLibrary`:: `libjpeg` (Linux), `gdiplus` (Windows), `quartz` (Mac)
%      The image library to use for `vl_impreadjpeg`.
%   `ImageLibraryCompileFlags`:: platform dependent
%      A cell-array of additional flags to use when compiling
%      `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `ImageLibraryLinkFlags`:: platform dependent
%      A cell-array of additional flags to use when linking
%      `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `EnableCudnn`:: `false`
%      Set to `true` to compile CuDNN support. See CuDNN
%      documentation for the Hardware/CUDA version requirements.
%   `CudnnRoot`:: `'local/'`
%      Directory containing the unpacked binaries and header files of
%      the CuDNN library.
%   `MexConfig`:: none
%      Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file
%      fot the `mex` compiler.
%   `MexCudaConfig`:: none
%      Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file
%      fot the `mexcuda` compiler.
%   `preCompileFn`:: none
%      Applies a custom modifier function just before compilation
%      to modify various compilation options. The
%      function's signature is:
%      [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = f(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ;
%      where the arguments are a struct with the present options, a list of
%      MEX files, a list of LIB files, and compilation flags, respectively.
%   ## Compiling the CPU code
%   By default, the `EnableGpu` option is switched to off, such that
%   the GPU code support is not compiled in.
%   Generally, you only need a 64bit C/C++ compiler (usually Xcode, GCC or
%   Visual Studio for Mac, Linux, and Windows respectively). The
%   compiler can be setup in MATLAB using the
%      mex -setup
%   command.
%   ## Compiling the GPU code
%   In order to compile the GPU code, set the `EnableGpu` option to
%   `true`. For this to work you will need:
%   * To satisfy all the requirements to compile the CPU code (see
%     above).
%   * A NVIDIA GPU with at least *compute capability 2.0*.
%   * The *MATALB Parallel Computing Toolbox*. This can be purchased
%     from Mathworks (type `ver` in MATLAB to see if this toolbox is
%     already comprised in your MATLAB installation; it often is).
%   * A copy of the *CUDA Devkit*, which can be downloaded for free
%     from NVIDIA. Note that each MATLAB version requires a
%     particular CUDA Devkit version:
%     | MATLAB version | Release | CUDA Devkit  |
%     |----------------|---------|--------------|
%     | 9.2            | 2017a   | 8.0          |
%     | 9.1            | 2016b   | 7.5          |
%     | 9.0            | 2016a   | 7.5          |
%     | 8.6            | 2015b   | 7.0          |
%     Different versions of CUDA may work using the hack described
%     above (i.e. setting the `CudaMethod` to `nvcc`).
%   The following configurations or anything more recent (subject to
%   versionconstraints between MATLAB, CUDA, and the compiler) should
%   work:
%   * Windows 10 x64, MATLAB R2015b, Visual C++ 2015, CUDA
%     Toolkit 8.0. Visual C++ 2013 and lower is not supported due to lack
%     C++11 support.
%   * macOS X 10.12, MATLAB R2016a, Xcode 7.3.1, CUDA
%     Toolkit 7.5-8.0.
%   * GNU/Linux, MATALB R2015b, gcc/g++ 4.8.5+, CUDA Toolkit 7.5-8.0.
%   Many older versions of these components are also likely to
%   work.
%   Compilation on Windows with MinGW compiler (the default mex compiler in
%   Matlab) is not supported. For Windows, please reconfigure mex to use
%   Visual Studio C/C++ compiler.
%   Furthermore your GPU card must have ComputeCapability >= 2.0 (see
%   output of `gpuDevice()`) in order to be able to run the GPU code.
%   To change the compute capabilities, for `mex` `CudaMethod` edit
%   the particular config file.  For the 'nvcc' method, compute
%   capability is guessed based on the GPUDEVICE output. You can
%   override it by setting the 'CudaArch' parameter (e.g. in case of
%   multiple GPUs with various architectures).
%   See also: [Compliling MatConvNet](../,
%   [Compiling MEX files containing CUDA
%   code](,
%   `vl_setup()`, `vl_imreadjpeg()`.

% Copyright (C) 2014-17 Karel Lenc and Andrea Vedaldi.
% This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under
% the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file).

% Get MatConvNet root directory
root = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))) ;
addpath(fullfile(root, 'matlab')) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                        Parse options
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.continue         = false;
opts.enableGpu        = false;
opts.enableImreadJpeg = true;
opts.enableCudnn      = false;
opts.enableDouble     = true;
opts.imageLibrary = [] ;
opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags = {} ;
opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = [] ;
opts.verbose          = 0;
opts.debug            = false;
opts.cudaMethod       = [] ;
opts.cudaRoot         = [] ;
opts.cudaArch         = [] ;
opts.defCudaArch      = [...
  '-gencode=arch=compute_20,code=\"sm_20,compute_20\" '...
opts.mexConfig        = '' ;
opts.mexCudaConfig    = '' ;
opts.cudnnRoot        = 'local/cudnn' ;
opts.preCompileFn       = [] ;
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin);

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                     Files to compile
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

arch = computer('arch') ;
if isempty(opts.imageLibrary)
  switch arch
    case 'glnxa64', opts.imageLibrary = 'libjpeg' ;
    case 'maci64', opts.imageLibrary = 'quartz' ;
    case 'win64', opts.imageLibrary = 'gdiplus' ;
if isempty(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)
  switch opts.imageLibrary
    case 'libjpeg', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-ljpeg'} ;
    case 'quartz', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-framework Cocoa -framework ImageIO'} ;
    case 'gdiplus', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'gdiplus.lib'} ;

lib_src = {} ;
mex_src = {} ;

% Files that are compiled as CPP or CU depending on whether GPU support
% is enabled.
if opts.enableGpu, ext = 'cu' ; else ext='cpp' ; end
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['data.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['datamex.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnconv.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnfullyconnected.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnsubsample.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnpooling.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalize.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbnorm.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbias.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnroipooling.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconv.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconvt.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnpool.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalize.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbnorm.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnroipool.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_taccummex.' ext]) ;
switch arch
  case {'glnxa64','maci64'}
    % not yet supported in windows
    mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_tmove.' ext]) ;

% CPU-specific files
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','im2row_cpu.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','copy_cpu.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','tinythread.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','imread.cpp') ;

% GPU-specific files
if opts.enableGpu
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','') ;
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','') ;

% cuDNN-specific files
if opts.enableCudnn

% Other files
if opts.enableImreadJpeg
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg.' ext]) ;
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg_old.' ext]) ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', 'bits', 'impl', ['imread_' opts.imageLibrary '.cpp']) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                   Setup CUDA toolkit
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

if opts.enableGpu
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: * CUDA configuration *\n', mfilename) ;

  % Find the CUDA Devkit
  if isempty(opts.cudaRoot), opts.cudaRoot = search_cuda_devkit(opts) ; end
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using CUDA Devkit ''%s''.\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.cudaRoot) ;

  opts.nvccPath = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc') ;
  switch arch
    case 'win64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ;
    case 'maci64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib') ;
    case 'glnxa64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib64') ;

  % Set the nvcc method as default for Win platforms
  if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && isempty(opts.cudaMethod)
    opts.cudaMethod = 'nvcc';

  % Activate the CUDA Devkit
  cuver = activate_nvcc(opts.nvccPath) ;
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using NVCC ''%s'' (%d).\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.nvccPath, cuver) ;

  % Set the CUDA arch string (select GPU architecture)
  if isempty(opts.cudaArch), opts.cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts) ; end
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: NVCC architecture string: ''%s''.\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.cudaArch) ;

if opts.enableCudnn
  opts.cudnnIncludeDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'include') ;
  switch arch
    case 'win64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ;
    case 'maci64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib') ;
    case 'glnxa64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib64') ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                     Compiler options
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Build directories
flags.src_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'src') ;
flags.mex_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'mex') ;
flags.bld_dir = fullfile(flags.mex_dir, '.build');
if ~exist(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl'), 'dir')
  mkdir(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl')) ;

% BASE: Base flags passed to `mex` and `nvcc` always.
flags.base = {} ;
if opts.enableGpu, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_GPU' ; end
if opts.enableDouble, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_DOUBLE' ; end
if opts.enableCudnn
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_CUDNN' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = ['-I"' opts.cudnnIncludeDir '"'] ;
if opts.verbose > 1, flags.base{end+1} = '-v' ; end
if opts.debug
  flags.base{end+1} = '-g' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DDEBUG' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-O' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DNDEBUG' ;

% MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling C++
% code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mex = {'-largeArrayDims'} ;
  flags.mex = {''};
flags.cxx = {} ;
flags.cxxoptim = {} ;
if ~isempty(opts.mexConfig), flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, {'-f', opts.mexConfig}) ; end

% MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling CUDA
% code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mexcuda = {'-largeArrayDims'} ;
  flags.mexcuda = {''};
flags.mexcuda_cxx = {} ;
flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim = {} ;
if ~isempty(opts.mexCudaConfig), flags.mexcuda = horzcat(flags.mexcuda, {'-f', opts.mexCudaConfig}) ; end

% MEX_LINK: Additional flags passed to `mex` for linking.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mexlink = {'-largeArrayDims','-lmwblas'} ;
  flags.mexlink = {'','-lmwblas'};
flags.mexlink_ldflags = {} ;
flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags = {} ;
flags.mexlink_linklibs = {} ;

% NVCC: Additional flags passed to `nvcc` for compiling CUDA code.
flags.nvcc = {'-D_FORCE_INLINES', '--std=c++11', ...
  sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','include')), ...
  sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(toolboxdir('distcomp'),'gpu','extern','include')), ...
  opts.cudaArch} ;

switch arch
  case {'maci64','glnxa64'}
    flags.cxx{end+1} = '--std=c++11' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-fPIC' ;
    if ~opts.debug
      flags.cxxoptim = horzcat(flags.cxxoptim,'-mssse3','-ffast-math') ;
      flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ;
      flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ;
  case 'win64'
    % Visual Studio 2015 does C++11 without futher switches

if opts.enableGpu
  flags.mexlink = horzcat(flags.mexlink, ...
    {['-L"' opts.cudaLibDir '"'], '-lcudart', '-lcublas'}) ;
  switch arch
    case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}
      flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lmwgpu' ;
    case 'win64'
      flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lgpu' ;
  if opts.enableCudnn
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = ['-L"' opts.cudnnLibDir '"'] ;
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lcudnn' ;

switch arch
  case {'maci64'}
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' ;
    [s,r] = system('xcrun -f clang++') ;
    if s == 0
      flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"',strtrim(r)) ;
    if opts.enableGpu
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ;
    if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ;

  case {'glnxa64'}
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ;
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lrt' ;
    if opts.enableGpu
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ;
    if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ;

  case {'win64'}
    % VisualC does not pass this even if available in the CPU architecture
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-D__SSSE3__' ;
    cl_path = fileparts(check_clpath()); % check whether cl.exe in path
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=/MD' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"', cl_path) ;

if opts.enableImreadJpeg
  flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags) ;
  flags.mexlink_linklibs = horzcat(flags.mexlink_linklibs, opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                          Command flags
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

if opts.verbose
  fprintf('%s: * Compiler and linker configurations *\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tintermediate build products directory: %s\n', mfilename, flags.bld_dir) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX files: %s/\n', mfilename, flags.mex_dir) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tBase options: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.base)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXX: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mex)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxx)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LINKLIBS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu && strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc')
  fprintf('%s: \tNVCC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.nvcc)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableImreadJpeg
  fprintf('%s: * Reading images *\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tvl_imreadjpeg enabled\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library: %s\n', mfilename, opts.imageLibrary) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library compile flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library link flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                              Compile
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Apply pre-compilation modifier function to adjust the flags and
% parameters. This can be used to add additional files to compile on the
% fly.
if ~isempty(opts.preCompileFn)
  [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = opts.preCompileFn(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ;

% Compile intermediate object files
srcs = horzcat(lib_src,mex_src) ;
for i = 1:numel(horzcat(lib_src, mex_src))
  [~,~,ext] = fileparts(srcs{i}) ; ext(1) = [] ;
  objfile = toobj(flags.bld_dir,srcs{i});
  if strcmp(ext,'cu')
    if strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc')
      nvcc_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
      mexcuda_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
    mex_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
  assert(exist(objfile, 'file') ~= 0, 'Compilation of %s failed.', objfile);

% Link MEX files
for i = 1:numel(mex_src)
  objs = toobj(flags.bld_dir, [mex_src(i), lib_src]) ;
  mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ;

% Reset path adding the mex subdirectory just created
vl_setupnn() ;

if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && opts.enableCudnn
  if opts.verbose(), fprintf('Copying CuDNN dll to mex folder.\n'); end
  copyfile(fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'bin', '*.dll'), flags.mex_dir);

% Save the last compile flags to the build dir
if isempty(opts.preCompileFn)
  save(fullfile(flags.bld_dir, 'last_compile_opts.mat'), '-struct', 'opts');

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                    Utility functions
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function check_compability(arch)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('C++');
if isempty(cc)
  error(['Mex is not configured.'...
    'Run "mex -setup" to configure your compiler. See ',...
    ' ', ...
    'for supported compilers for your platform.']);

switch arch
  case 'win64'
    clversion = str2double(cc.Version);
    if clversion < 14
      error('Unsupported VS C++ compiler, ver >=14.0 required (VS 2015).');
  case 'maci64'
  case 'glnxa64'
  otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture ''%s''.', arch) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function done = check_deps(opts, tgt, src)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
done = false ;
if ~iscell(src), src = {src} ; end
if ~opts.continue, return ; end
if ~exist(tgt,'file'), return ; end
ttime = dir(tgt) ; ttime = ttime.datenum ;
for i=1:numel(src)
  stime = dir(src{i}) ; stime = stime.datenum ;
  if stime > ttime, return ; end
fprintf('%s: ''%s'' already there, skipping.\n', mfilename, tgt) ;
done = true ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function objs = toobj(bld_dir, srcs)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
str = [filesep, 'src', filesep]; % NASTY. Do with regexp?
multiple = iscell(srcs) ;
if ~multiple, srcs = {srcs} ; end
objs = cell(1, numel(srcs));
for t = 1:numel(srcs)
  i = strfind(srcs{t},str);
  i = i(end); % last occurence of '/src/'
  objs{t} = fullfile(bld_dir, srcs{t}(i+numel(str):end)) ;
if ~multiple, objs = objs{1} ; end
objs = regexprep(objs,'.cpp$',['.' objext]) ;
objs = regexprep(objs,'.cu$',['.' objext]) ;
objs = regexprep(objs,'.c$',['.' objext]) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mex_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mex, ...
  {['CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxx)]}, ...
  {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)]}) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mex(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mexcuda_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
% Hacky fix: In glnxa64 MATLAB includes the -ansi option by default, which
% prevents -std=c++11 to work (an error?). This could be solved by editing the
% mex configuration file; for convenience, we take it out here by
% avoiding to append to the default flags.
glue = '$CXXFLAGS' ;
switch computer('arch')
  case {'glnxa64'}
    glue = '--compiler-options=-fexceptions,-fPIC,-fno-omit-frame-pointer,-pthread' ;
args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mexcuda, ...
  {['CXXFLAGS=' glue ' ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)]}, ...
  {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)]}) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mexcuda(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function nvcc_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
nvcc_path = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc');
nvcc_cmd = sprintf('"%s" -c -o "%s" "%s" %s ', ...
                   nvcc_path, tgt, src, ...
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: NVCC CC: %s\n', mfilename, nvcc_cmd) ;
status = system(nvcc_cmd);
if status, error('Command %s failed.', nvcc_cmd); end;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mex_link(opts, objs, mex_dir, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
args = horzcat({'-outdir', mex_dir}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mexlink, ...
  {['LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)]}, ...
  {['LDOPTIMFLAGS=$LDOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)]}, ...
  {['LINKLIBS=' strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs) ' $LINKLIBS']}, ...
  objs) ;
if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.4')
  args{end+1} = '-R2018a';
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mex(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function ext = objext()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get the extension for an 'object' file for the current computer
% architecture
switch computer('arch')
  case 'win64', ext = 'obj';
  case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}, ext = 'o' ;
  otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture %s.', computer) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cl_path = check_clpath()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Checks whether the cl.exe is in the path (needed for the nvcc). If
% not, tries to guess the location out of mex configuration.
cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('c++');
cl_path = fullfile(cc.Location, 'VC', 'bin', 'amd64');
[status, ~] = system('cl.exe -help');
if status == 1
  % Add cl.exe to system path so that nvcc can find it.
  warning('CL.EXE not found in PATH. Trying to guess out of mex setup.');
  prev_path = getenv('PATH');
  setenv('PATH', [prev_path ';' cl_path]);
  status = system('cl.exe');
  if status == 1
    setenv('PATH', prev_path);
    error('Unable to find cl.exe');
    fprintf('Location of cl.exe (%s) successfully added to your PATH.\n', ...

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function paths = which_nvcc()
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch computer('arch')
  case 'win64'
    [~, paths] = system('where nvcc.exe');
    paths = strtrim(paths);
    paths = paths(strfind(paths, '.exe'));
  case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}
    [~, paths] = system('which nvcc');
    paths = strtrim(paths) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function cuda_root = search_cuda_devkit(opts)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function tries to to locate a working copy of the CUDA Devkit.

opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: searching for the CUDA Devkit' ...
                    ' (use the option ''CudaRoot'' to override):\n'], mfilename);

% Propose a number of candidate paths for NVCC
paths = {getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH')} ;
paths = [paths, which_nvcc()] ;
for v = {'5.5', '6.0', '6.5', '7.0', '7.5', '8.0', '8.5', '9.0', '9.5', '10.0'}
  switch computer('arch')
    case 'glnxa64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ;
    case 'maci64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ;
    case 'win64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v%s\\bin\\nvcc.exe', char(v)) ;
paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc') ;

% Validate each candidate NVCC path
for i=1:numel(paths)
  nvcc(i).path = paths{i} ;
  [nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version] = validate_nvcc(paths{i}) ;
if opts.verbose
  fprintf('\t| %5s | %5s | %-70s |\n', 'valid', 'ver', 'NVCC path') ;
  for i=1:numel(paths)
    fprintf('\t| %5d | %5d | %-70s |\n', ...
            nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version, nvcc(i).path) ;

% Pick an entry
index = find([nvcc.isvalid]) ;
if isempty(index)
  error('Could not find a valid NVCC executable\n') ;
[~, newest] = max([nvcc(index).version]);
nvcc = nvcc(index(newest)) ;
cuda_root = fileparts(fileparts(nvcc.path)) ;

if opts.verbose
  fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: choosing NVCC compiler ''%s'' (version %d)\n', ...
          mfilename, nvcc.path, nvcc.version) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [valid, cuver]  = validate_nvcc(nvccPath)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[status, output] = system(sprintf('"%s" --version', nvccPath)) ;
valid = (status == 0) ;
if ~valid
  cuver = 0 ;
  return ;
match = regexp(output, 'V(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', 'match') ;
if isempty(match), valid = false ; return ; end
cuver = [1e4 1e2 1] * sscanf(match{1}, 'V%d.%d.%d') ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cuver = activate_nvcc(nvccPath)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Validate the NVCC compiler installation
[valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath) ;
if ~valid
  error('The NVCC compiler ''%s'' does not appear to be valid.', nvccPath) ;

% Make sure that NVCC is visible by MEX by setting the MW_NVCC_PATH
% environment variable to the NVCC compiler path
if ~strcmp(getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH'), nvccPath)
  warning('Setting the ''MW_NVCC_PATH'' environment variable to ''%s''', nvccPath) ;
  setenv('MW_NVCC_PATH', nvccPath) ;

% In some operating systems and MATLAB versions, NVCC must also be
% available in the command line search path. Make sure that this is%
% the case.
[valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ;
if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver
  warning('NVCC not found in the command line path or the one found does not matches ''%s''.', nvccPath);
  nvccDir = fileparts(nvccPath) ;
  prevPath = getenv('PATH') ;
  switch computer
    case 'PCWIN64', separator = ';' ;
    case {'GLNXA64', 'MACI64'}, separator = ':' ;
  setenv('PATH', [nvccDir separator prevPath]) ;
  [valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ;
  if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver
    setenv('PATH', prevPath) ;
    error('Unable to set the command line path to point to ''%s'' correctly.', nvccPath) ;
    fprintf('Location of NVCC (%s) added to your command search PATH.\n', nvccDir) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: determining GPU compute capability (use the ''CudaArch'' option to override)\n', mfilename);
  gpu_device = gpuDevice();
  arch = str2double(strrep(gpu_device.ComputeCapability, '.', ''));
  supparchs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(opts.nvccPath);
  [~, archi] = max(min(supparchs - arch, 0));
  arch_code = num2str(supparchs(archi));
  cudaArch = ...
      sprintf('-gencode=arch=compute_%s,code=\\\"sm_%s,compute_%s\\\" ', ...
              arch_code, arch_code, arch_code) ;
  opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: cannot determine the capabilities of the installed GPU and/or CUDA; ' ...
                      'falling back to default\n'], mfilename);
  cudaArch = opts.defCudaArch;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function archs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(nvccPath)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
switch computer('arch')
  case {'win64'}
    [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help',nvccPath));
    % fix possible output corruption (see manual)
    [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help < /dev/null',nvccPath)) ;
archs = regexp(hstring, '''sm_(\d{2})''', 'tokens');
archs = cellfun(@(a) str2double(a{1}), archs);
if status, error('NVCC command failed: %s', hstring); end;

Copy link

But appear :
gcc: error:... /matlab/src/bits/ No such file or directory

Copy link

Did you follow the compilation instructions? It looks like you didn't set up your search paths correctly

Copy link

thanks for your response.
The path is right. but no file--"" in that path, only nnnormalizelp.cpp and nnnormalizelp.m

Copy link

Nicholas-Schaub commented May 23, 2019

@Shiyong2019 It's in the MatConvNet repository. Not sure why it's missing on your machine.

Copy link

I used matconvnet-1.0-beta24

Copy link

I fixed this issue a long time ago to support older and newer version of Matlab. Rather than show the individual lines of code that I modified, I'm going to just paste the whole code below. Basically, Matlab 2018a are using different libraries and the compiler needs to know that. I work with computers that have various versions of Matlab on them, so I had to have a solution that would allow people to compile MatConvNet on old and new versions. You should completely replace all of the code in vl_compilenn.m with what I have here, then it will compile regardless of what version of Matlab you are running.

function vl_compilenn(varargin)
%VL_COMPILENN Compile the MatConvNet toolbox.
%   The `vl_compilenn()` function compiles the MEX files in the
%   MatConvNet toolbox. See below for the requirements for compiling
%   CPU and GPU code, respectively.
%   `vl_compilenn('OPTION', ARG, ...)` accepts the following options:
%   `EnableGpu`:: `false`
%      Set to true in order to enable GPU support.
%   `Verbose`:: 0
%      Set the verbosity level (0, 1 or 2).
%   `Continue`:: false
%      Avoid recreating a file if it was already compiled. This uses
%      a crude form of dependency checking, so it may occasionally be
%      necessary to rebuild MatConvNet without this option.
%   `Debug`:: `false`
%      Set to true to compile the binaries with debugging
%      information.
%   `CudaMethod`:: Linux & Mac OS X: `mex`; Windows: `nvcc`
%      Choose the method used to compile the CUDA code. There are two
%      methods:
%      * The **`mex`** method uses the MATLAB MEXCUDA command. This
%        is, in principle, the preferred method as it uses the
%        MATLAB-sanctioned compiler options.
%      * The **`nvcc`** method calls the NVIDIA CUDA compiler `nvcc`
%        directly to compile CUDA source code into object files.
%        This method allows to use a CUDA toolkit version that is not
%        the one that officially supported by a particular MATALB
%        version (see below). It is also the default method for
%        compilation under Windows and with CuDNN.
%   `CudaRoot`:: guessed automatically
%      This option specifies the path to the CUDA toolkit to use for
%      compilation.
%   `EnableImreadJpeg`:: `true`
%      Set this option to `true` to compile `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `EnableDouble`:: `true`
%      Set this option to `true` to compile the support for DOUBLE
%      data types.
%   `ImageLibrary`:: `libjpeg` (Linux), `gdiplus` (Windows), `quartz` (Mac)
%      The image library to use for `vl_impreadjpeg`.
%   `ImageLibraryCompileFlags`:: platform dependent
%      A cell-array of additional flags to use when compiling
%      `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `ImageLibraryLinkFlags`:: platform dependent
%      A cell-array of additional flags to use when linking
%      `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `EnableCudnn`:: `false`
%      Set to `true` to compile CuDNN support. See CuDNN
%      documentation for the Hardware/CUDA version requirements.
%   `CudnnRoot`:: `'local/'`
%      Directory containing the unpacked binaries and header files of
%      the CuDNN library.
%   `MexConfig`:: none
%      Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file
%      fot the `mex` compiler.
%   `MexCudaConfig`:: none
%      Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file
%      fot the `mexcuda` compiler.
%   `preCompileFn`:: none
%      Applies a custom modifier function just before compilation
%      to modify various compilation options. The
%      function's signature is:
%      [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = f(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ;
%      where the arguments are a struct with the present options, a list of
%      MEX files, a list of LIB files, and compilation flags, respectively.
%   ## Compiling the CPU code
%   By default, the `EnableGpu` option is switched to off, such that
%   the GPU code support is not compiled in.
%   Generally, you only need a 64bit C/C++ compiler (usually Xcode, GCC or
%   Visual Studio for Mac, Linux, and Windows respectively). The
%   compiler can be setup in MATLAB using the
%      mex -setup
%   command.
%   ## Compiling the GPU code
%   In order to compile the GPU code, set the `EnableGpu` option to
%   `true`. For this to work you will need:
%   * To satisfy all the requirements to compile the CPU code (see
%     above).
%   * A NVIDIA GPU with at least *compute capability 2.0*.
%   * The *MATALB Parallel Computing Toolbox*. This can be purchased
%     from Mathworks (type `ver` in MATLAB to see if this toolbox is
%     already comprised in your MATLAB installation; it often is).
%   * A copy of the *CUDA Devkit*, which can be downloaded for free
%     from NVIDIA. Note that each MATLAB version requires a
%     particular CUDA Devkit version:
%     | MATLAB version | Release | CUDA Devkit  |
%     |----------------|---------|--------------|
%     | 9.2            | 2017a   | 8.0          |
%     | 9.1            | 2016b   | 7.5          |
%     | 9.0            | 2016a   | 7.5          |
%     | 8.6            | 2015b   | 7.0          |
%     Different versions of CUDA may work using the hack described
%     above (i.e. setting the `CudaMethod` to `nvcc`).
%   The following configurations or anything more recent (subject to
%   versionconstraints between MATLAB, CUDA, and the compiler) should
%   work:
%   * Windows 10 x64, MATLAB R2015b, Visual C++ 2015, CUDA
%     Toolkit 8.0. Visual C++ 2013 and lower is not supported due to lack
%     C++11 support.
%   * macOS X 10.12, MATLAB R2016a, Xcode 7.3.1, CUDA
%     Toolkit 7.5-8.0.
%   * GNU/Linux, MATALB R2015b, gcc/g++ 4.8.5+, CUDA Toolkit 7.5-8.0.
%   Many older versions of these components are also likely to
%   work.
%   Compilation on Windows with MinGW compiler (the default mex compiler in
%   Matlab) is not supported. For Windows, please reconfigure mex to use
%   Visual Studio C/C++ compiler.
%   Furthermore your GPU card must have ComputeCapability >= 2.0 (see
%   output of `gpuDevice()`) in order to be able to run the GPU code.
%   To change the compute capabilities, for `mex` `CudaMethod` edit
%   the particular config file.  For the 'nvcc' method, compute
%   capability is guessed based on the GPUDEVICE output. You can
%   override it by setting the 'CudaArch' parameter (e.g. in case of
%   multiple GPUs with various architectures).
%   See also: [Compliling MatConvNet](../,
%   [Compiling MEX files containing CUDA
%   code](,
%   `vl_setup()`, `vl_imreadjpeg()`.

% Copyright (C) 2014-17 Karel Lenc and Andrea Vedaldi.
% This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under
% the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file).

% Get MatConvNet root directory
root = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))) ;
addpath(fullfile(root, 'matlab')) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                        Parse options
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.continue         = false;
opts.enableGpu        = false;
opts.enableImreadJpeg = true;
opts.enableCudnn      = false;
opts.enableDouble     = true;
opts.imageLibrary = [] ;
opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags = {} ;
opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = [] ;
opts.verbose          = 0;
opts.debug            = false;
opts.cudaMethod       = [] ;
opts.cudaRoot         = [] ;
opts.cudaArch         = [] ;
opts.defCudaArch      = [...
  '-gencode=arch=compute_20,code=\"sm_20,compute_20\" '...
opts.mexConfig        = '' ;
opts.mexCudaConfig    = '' ;
opts.cudnnRoot        = 'local/cudnn' ;
opts.preCompileFn       = [] ;
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin);

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                     Files to compile
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

arch = computer('arch') ;
if isempty(opts.imageLibrary)
  switch arch
    case 'glnxa64', opts.imageLibrary = 'libjpeg' ;
    case 'maci64', opts.imageLibrary = 'quartz' ;
    case 'win64', opts.imageLibrary = 'gdiplus' ;
if isempty(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)
  switch opts.imageLibrary
    case 'libjpeg', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-ljpeg'} ;
    case 'quartz', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-framework Cocoa -framework ImageIO'} ;
    case 'gdiplus', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'gdiplus.lib'} ;

lib_src = {} ;
mex_src = {} ;

% Files that are compiled as CPP or CU depending on whether GPU support
% is enabled.
if opts.enableGpu, ext = 'cu' ; else ext='cpp' ; end
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['data.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['datamex.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnconv.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnfullyconnected.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnsubsample.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnpooling.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalize.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbnorm.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbias.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnroipooling.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconv.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconvt.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnpool.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalize.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbnorm.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnroipool.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_taccummex.' ext]) ;
switch arch
  case {'glnxa64','maci64'}
    % not yet supported in windows
    mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_tmove.' ext]) ;

% CPU-specific files
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','im2row_cpu.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','copy_cpu.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','tinythread.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','imread.cpp') ;

% GPU-specific files
if opts.enableGpu
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','') ;
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','') ;

% cuDNN-specific files
if opts.enableCudnn

% Other files
if opts.enableImreadJpeg
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg.' ext]) ;
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg_old.' ext]) ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', 'bits', 'impl', ['imread_' opts.imageLibrary '.cpp']) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                   Setup CUDA toolkit
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

if opts.enableGpu
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: * CUDA configuration *\n', mfilename) ;

  % Find the CUDA Devkit
  if isempty(opts.cudaRoot), opts.cudaRoot = search_cuda_devkit(opts) ; end
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using CUDA Devkit ''%s''.\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.cudaRoot) ;

  opts.nvccPath = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc') ;
  switch arch
    case 'win64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ;
    case 'maci64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib') ;
    case 'glnxa64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib64') ;

  % Set the nvcc method as default for Win platforms
  if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && isempty(opts.cudaMethod)
    opts.cudaMethod = 'nvcc';

  % Activate the CUDA Devkit
  cuver = activate_nvcc(opts.nvccPath) ;
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using NVCC ''%s'' (%d).\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.nvccPath, cuver) ;

  % Set the CUDA arch string (select GPU architecture)
  if isempty(opts.cudaArch), opts.cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts) ; end
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: NVCC architecture string: ''%s''.\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.cudaArch) ;

if opts.enableCudnn
  opts.cudnnIncludeDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'include') ;
  switch arch
    case 'win64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ;
    case 'maci64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib') ;
    case 'glnxa64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib64') ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                     Compiler options
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Build directories
flags.src_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'src') ;
flags.mex_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'mex') ;
flags.bld_dir = fullfile(flags.mex_dir, '.build');
if ~exist(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl'), 'dir')
  mkdir(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl')) ;

% BASE: Base flags passed to `mex` and `nvcc` always.
flags.base = {} ;
if opts.enableGpu, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_GPU' ; end
if opts.enableDouble, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_DOUBLE' ; end
if opts.enableCudnn
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_CUDNN' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = ['-I"' opts.cudnnIncludeDir '"'] ;
if opts.verbose > 1, flags.base{end+1} = '-v' ; end
if opts.debug
  flags.base{end+1} = '-g' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DDEBUG' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-O' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DNDEBUG' ;

% MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling C++
% code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mex = {'-largeArrayDims'} ;
  flags.mex = {''};
flags.cxx = {} ;
flags.cxxoptim = {} ;
if ~isempty(opts.mexConfig), flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, {'-f', opts.mexConfig}) ; end

% MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling CUDA
% code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mexcuda = {'-largeArrayDims'} ;
  flags.mexcuda = {''};
flags.mexcuda_cxx = {} ;
flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim = {} ;
if ~isempty(opts.mexCudaConfig), flags.mexcuda = horzcat(flags.mexcuda, {'-f', opts.mexCudaConfig}) ; end

% MEX_LINK: Additional flags passed to `mex` for linking.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mexlink = {'-largeArrayDims','-lmwblas'} ;
  flags.mexlink = {'','-lmwblas'};
flags.mexlink_ldflags = {} ;
flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags = {} ;
flags.mexlink_linklibs = {} ;

% NVCC: Additional flags passed to `nvcc` for compiling CUDA code.
flags.nvcc = {'-D_FORCE_INLINES', '--std=c++11', ...
  sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','include')), ...
  sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(toolboxdir('distcomp'),'gpu','extern','include')), ...
  opts.cudaArch} ;

switch arch
  case {'maci64','glnxa64'}
    flags.cxx{end+1} = '--std=c++11' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-fPIC' ;
    if ~opts.debug
      flags.cxxoptim = horzcat(flags.cxxoptim,'-mssse3','-ffast-math') ;
      flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ;
      flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ;
  case 'win64'
    % Visual Studio 2015 does C++11 without futher switches

if opts.enableGpu
  flags.mexlink = horzcat(flags.mexlink, ...
    {['-L"' opts.cudaLibDir '"'], '-lcudart', '-lcublas'}) ;
  switch arch
    case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}
      flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lmwgpu' ;
    case 'win64'
      flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lgpu' ;
  if opts.enableCudnn
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = ['-L"' opts.cudnnLibDir '"'] ;
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lcudnn' ;

switch arch
  case {'maci64'}
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' ;
    [s,r] = system('xcrun -f clang++') ;
    if s == 0
      flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"',strtrim(r)) ;
    if opts.enableGpu
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ;
    if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ;

  case {'glnxa64'}
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ;
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lrt' ;
    if opts.enableGpu
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ;
    if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ;

  case {'win64'}
    % VisualC does not pass this even if available in the CPU architecture
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-D__SSSE3__' ;
    cl_path = fileparts(check_clpath()); % check whether cl.exe in path
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=/MD' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"', cl_path) ;

if opts.enableImreadJpeg
  flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags) ;
  flags.mexlink_linklibs = horzcat(flags.mexlink_linklibs, opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                          Command flags
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

if opts.verbose
  fprintf('%s: * Compiler and linker configurations *\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tintermediate build products directory: %s\n', mfilename, flags.bld_dir) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX files: %s/\n', mfilename, flags.mex_dir) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tBase options: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.base)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXX: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mex)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxx)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LINKLIBS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu && strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc')
  fprintf('%s: \tNVCC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.nvcc)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableImreadJpeg
  fprintf('%s: * Reading images *\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tvl_imreadjpeg enabled\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library: %s\n', mfilename, opts.imageLibrary) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library compile flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library link flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                              Compile
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Apply pre-compilation modifier function to adjust the flags and
% parameters. This can be used to add additional files to compile on the
% fly.
if ~isempty(opts.preCompileFn)
  [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = opts.preCompileFn(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ;

% Compile intermediate object files
srcs = horzcat(lib_src,mex_src) ;
for i = 1:numel(horzcat(lib_src, mex_src))
  [~,~,ext] = fileparts(srcs{i}) ; ext(1) = [] ;
  objfile = toobj(flags.bld_dir,srcs{i});
  if strcmp(ext,'cu')
    if strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc')
      nvcc_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
      mexcuda_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
    mex_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
  assert(exist(objfile, 'file') ~= 0, 'Compilation of %s failed.', objfile);

% Link MEX files
for i = 1:numel(mex_src)
  objs = toobj(flags.bld_dir, [mex_src(i), lib_src]) ;
  mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ;

% Reset path adding the mex subdirectory just created
vl_setupnn() ;

if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && opts.enableCudnn
  if opts.verbose(), fprintf('Copying CuDNN dll to mex folder.\n'); end
  copyfile(fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'bin', '*.dll'), flags.mex_dir);

% Save the last compile flags to the build dir
if isempty(opts.preCompileFn)
  save(fullfile(flags.bld_dir, 'last_compile_opts.mat'), '-struct', 'opts');

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                    Utility functions
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function check_compability(arch)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('C++');
if isempty(cc)
  error(['Mex is not configured.'...
    'Run "mex -setup" to configure your compiler. See ',...
    ' ', ...
    'for supported compilers for your platform.']);

switch arch
  case 'win64'
    clversion = str2double(cc.Version);
    if clversion < 14
      error('Unsupported VS C++ compiler, ver >=14.0 required (VS 2015).');
  case 'maci64'
  case 'glnxa64'
  otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture ''%s''.', arch) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function done = check_deps(opts, tgt, src)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
done = false ;
if ~iscell(src), src = {src} ; end
if ~opts.continue, return ; end
if ~exist(tgt,'file'), return ; end
ttime = dir(tgt) ; ttime = ttime.datenum ;
for i=1:numel(src)
  stime = dir(src{i}) ; stime = stime.datenum ;
  if stime > ttime, return ; end
fprintf('%s: ''%s'' already there, skipping.\n', mfilename, tgt) ;
done = true ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function objs = toobj(bld_dir, srcs)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
str = [filesep, 'src', filesep]; % NASTY. Do with regexp?
multiple = iscell(srcs) ;
if ~multiple, srcs = {srcs} ; end
objs = cell(1, numel(srcs));
for t = 1:numel(srcs)
  i = strfind(srcs{t},str);
  i = i(end); % last occurence of '/src/'
  objs{t} = fullfile(bld_dir, srcs{t}(i+numel(str):end)) ;
if ~multiple, objs = objs{1} ; end
objs = regexprep(objs,'.cpp$',['.' objext]) ;
objs = regexprep(objs,'.cu$',['.' objext]) ;
objs = regexprep(objs,'.c$',['.' objext]) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mex_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mex, ...
  {['CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxx)]}, ...
  {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)]}) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mex(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mexcuda_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
% Hacky fix: In glnxa64 MATLAB includes the -ansi option by default, which
% prevents -std=c++11 to work (an error?). This could be solved by editing the
% mex configuration file; for convenience, we take it out here by
% avoiding to append to the default flags.
glue = '$CXXFLAGS' ;
switch computer('arch')
  case {'glnxa64'}
    glue = '--compiler-options=-fexceptions,-fPIC,-fno-omit-frame-pointer,-pthread' ;
args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mexcuda, ...
  {['CXXFLAGS=' glue ' ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)]}, ...
  {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)]}) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mexcuda(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function nvcc_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
nvcc_path = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc');
nvcc_cmd = sprintf('"%s" -c -o "%s" "%s" %s ', ...
                   nvcc_path, tgt, src, ...
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: NVCC CC: %s\n', mfilename, nvcc_cmd) ;
status = system(nvcc_cmd);
if status, error('Command %s failed.', nvcc_cmd); end;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mex_link(opts, objs, mex_dir, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
args = horzcat({'-outdir', mex_dir}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mexlink, ...
  {['LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)]}, ...
  {['LDOPTIMFLAGS=$LDOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)]}, ...
  {['LINKLIBS=' strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs) ' $LINKLIBS']}, ...
  objs) ;
if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.4')
  args{end+1} = '-R2018a';
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mex(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function ext = objext()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get the extension for an 'object' file for the current computer
% architecture
switch computer('arch')
  case 'win64', ext = 'obj';
  case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}, ext = 'o' ;
  otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture %s.', computer) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cl_path = check_clpath()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Checks whether the cl.exe is in the path (needed for the nvcc). If
% not, tries to guess the location out of mex configuration.
cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('c++');
cl_path = fullfile(cc.Location, 'VC', 'bin', 'amd64');
[status, ~] = system('cl.exe -help');
if status == 1
  % Add cl.exe to system path so that nvcc can find it.
  warning('CL.EXE not found in PATH. Trying to guess out of mex setup.');
  prev_path = getenv('PATH');
  setenv('PATH', [prev_path ';' cl_path]);
  status = system('cl.exe');
  if status == 1
    setenv('PATH', prev_path);
    error('Unable to find cl.exe');
    fprintf('Location of cl.exe (%s) successfully added to your PATH.\n', ...

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function paths = which_nvcc()
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch computer('arch')
  case 'win64'
    [~, paths] = system('where nvcc.exe');
    paths = strtrim(paths);
    paths = paths(strfind(paths, '.exe'));
  case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}
    [~, paths] = system('which nvcc');
    paths = strtrim(paths) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function cuda_root = search_cuda_devkit(opts)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function tries to to locate a working copy of the CUDA Devkit.

opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: searching for the CUDA Devkit' ...
                    ' (use the option ''CudaRoot'' to override):\n'], mfilename);

% Propose a number of candidate paths for NVCC
paths = {getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH')} ;
paths = [paths, which_nvcc()] ;
for v = {'5.5', '6.0', '6.5', '7.0', '7.5', '8.0', '8.5', '9.0', '9.5', '10.0'}
  switch computer('arch')
    case 'glnxa64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ;
    case 'maci64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ;
    case 'win64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v%s\\bin\\nvcc.exe', char(v)) ;
paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc') ;

% Validate each candidate NVCC path
for i=1:numel(paths)
  nvcc(i).path = paths{i} ;
  [nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version] = validate_nvcc(paths{i}) ;
if opts.verbose
  fprintf('\t| %5s | %5s | %-70s |\n', 'valid', 'ver', 'NVCC path') ;
  for i=1:numel(paths)
    fprintf('\t| %5d | %5d | %-70s |\n', ...
            nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version, nvcc(i).path) ;

% Pick an entry
index = find([nvcc.isvalid]) ;
if isempty(index)
  error('Could not find a valid NVCC executable\n') ;
[~, newest] = max([nvcc(index).version]);
nvcc = nvcc(index(newest)) ;
cuda_root = fileparts(fileparts(nvcc.path)) ;

if opts.verbose
  fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: choosing NVCC compiler ''%s'' (version %d)\n', ...
          mfilename, nvcc.path, nvcc.version) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [valid, cuver]  = validate_nvcc(nvccPath)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[status, output] = system(sprintf('"%s" --version', nvccPath)) ;
valid = (status == 0) ;
if ~valid
  cuver = 0 ;
  return ;
match = regexp(output, 'V(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', 'match') ;
if isempty(match), valid = false ; return ; end
cuver = [1e4 1e2 1] * sscanf(match{1}, 'V%d.%d.%d') ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cuver = activate_nvcc(nvccPath)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Validate the NVCC compiler installation
[valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath) ;
if ~valid
  error('The NVCC compiler ''%s'' does not appear to be valid.', nvccPath) ;

% Make sure that NVCC is visible by MEX by setting the MW_NVCC_PATH
% environment variable to the NVCC compiler path
if ~strcmp(getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH'), nvccPath)
  warning('Setting the ''MW_NVCC_PATH'' environment variable to ''%s''', nvccPath) ;
  setenv('MW_NVCC_PATH', nvccPath) ;

% In some operating systems and MATLAB versions, NVCC must also be
% available in the command line search path. Make sure that this is%
% the case.
[valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ;
if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver
  warning('NVCC not found in the command line path or the one found does not matches ''%s''.', nvccPath);
  nvccDir = fileparts(nvccPath) ;
  prevPath = getenv('PATH') ;
  switch computer
    case 'PCWIN64', separator = ';' ;
    case {'GLNXA64', 'MACI64'}, separator = ':' ;
  setenv('PATH', [nvccDir separator prevPath]) ;
  [valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ;
  if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver
    setenv('PATH', prevPath) ;
    error('Unable to set the command line path to point to ''%s'' correctly.', nvccPath) ;
    fprintf('Location of NVCC (%s) added to your command search PATH.\n', nvccDir) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: determining GPU compute capability (use the ''CudaArch'' option to override)\n', mfilename);
  gpu_device = gpuDevice();
  arch = str2double(strrep(gpu_device.ComputeCapability, '.', ''));
  supparchs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(opts.nvccPath);
  [~, archi] = max(min(supparchs - arch, 0));
  arch_code = num2str(supparchs(archi));
  cudaArch = ...
      sprintf('-gencode=arch=compute_%s,code=\\\"sm_%s,compute_%s\\\" ', ...
              arch_code, arch_code, arch_code) ;
  opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: cannot determine the capabilities of the installed GPU and/or CUDA; ' ...
                      'falling back to default\n'], mfilename);
  cudaArch = opts.defCudaArch;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function archs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(nvccPath)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
switch computer('arch')
  case {'win64'}
    [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help',nvccPath));
    % fix possible output corruption (see manual)
    [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help < /dev/null',nvccPath)) ;
archs = regexp(hstring, '''sm_(\d{2})''', 'tokens');
archs = cellfun(@(a) str2double(a{1}), archs);
if status, error('NVCC command failed: %s', hstring); end;

Used your code but then got the reversed problem: compiled with R2017a but linked to R2018a.

I'm using CUDA_10.0, cudnn_7.3.0, Matlab R2019a, matconvnet-1.0-beta25

Copy link

huameichen0523 commented Oct 30, 2019

I used matconvnet-1.0-beta25, visual studio community 2017, MATLAB 2019a, CUDA 10.0, and cudnn64_7.dll

After fixing the following issues, it worked fine.

  1. Followed ngcthuong's solution.

  2. In nvcc_compile, changed nvcc_cmd to
    sprintf('"%s" -c "%s" %s -o "%s" ', nvcc_path, src, strjoin(horzcat(flags.base,flags.nvcc)),tgt);

  3. Make sure cl.exe can be correctly found.

Copy link


I changed to this to fix this error in vl_comilenn file. Force the code to compile with R2018a, and also remove largeArrayDims command

I tried to compile with that points in matlab 2019b but I got this error:
Unknown MEX argument '-R2019b'.

Copy link


Do not use your matlab version. You must use '-R2018a' because it is the mex api version. See the mex docs.

Copy link

neoaashish commented Mar 23, 2020


I changed to this to fix this error in vl_comilenn file. Force the code to compile with R2018a, and also remove largeArrayDims command


I changed to this to fix this error in vl_comilenn file. Force the code to compile with R2018a, and also remove largeArrayDims command

I get the following error. Could you please help with this. It is getting frustrating.


Copy link

I fixed this issue a long time ago to support older and newer version of Matlab. Rather than show the individual lines of code that I modified, I'm going to just paste the whole code below. Basically, Matlab 2018a are using different libraries and the compiler needs to know that. I work with computers that have various versions of Matlab on them, so I had to have a solution that would allow people to compile MatConvNet on old and new versions. You should completely replace all of the code in vl_compilenn.m with what I have here, then it will compile regardless of what version of Matlab you are running.

function vl_compilenn(varargin)
%VL_COMPILENN Compile the MatConvNet toolbox.
%   The `vl_compilenn()` function compiles the MEX files in the
%   MatConvNet toolbox. See below for the requirements for compiling
%   CPU and GPU code, respectively.
%   `vl_compilenn('OPTION', ARG, ...)` accepts the following options:
%   `EnableGpu`:: `false`
%      Set to true in order to enable GPU support.
%   `Verbose`:: 0
%      Set the verbosity level (0, 1 or 2).
%   `Continue`:: false
%      Avoid recreating a file if it was already compiled. This uses
%      a crude form of dependency checking, so it may occasionally be
%      necessary to rebuild MatConvNet without this option.
%   `Debug`:: `false`
%      Set to true to compile the binaries with debugging
%      information.
%   `CudaMethod`:: Linux & Mac OS X: `mex`; Windows: `nvcc`
%      Choose the method used to compile the CUDA code. There are two
%      methods:
%      * The **`mex`** method uses the MATLAB MEXCUDA command. This
%        is, in principle, the preferred method as it uses the
%        MATLAB-sanctioned compiler options.
%      * The **`nvcc`** method calls the NVIDIA CUDA compiler `nvcc`
%        directly to compile CUDA source code into object files.
%        This method allows to use a CUDA toolkit version that is not
%        the one that officially supported by a particular MATALB
%        version (see below). It is also the default method for
%        compilation under Windows and with CuDNN.
%   `CudaRoot`:: guessed automatically
%      This option specifies the path to the CUDA toolkit to use for
%      compilation.
%   `EnableImreadJpeg`:: `true`
%      Set this option to `true` to compile `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `EnableDouble`:: `true`
%      Set this option to `true` to compile the support for DOUBLE
%      data types.
%   `ImageLibrary`:: `libjpeg` (Linux), `gdiplus` (Windows), `quartz` (Mac)
%      The image library to use for `vl_impreadjpeg`.
%   `ImageLibraryCompileFlags`:: platform dependent
%      A cell-array of additional flags to use when compiling
%      `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `ImageLibraryLinkFlags`:: platform dependent
%      A cell-array of additional flags to use when linking
%      `vl_imreadjpeg`.
%   `EnableCudnn`:: `false`
%      Set to `true` to compile CuDNN support. See CuDNN
%      documentation for the Hardware/CUDA version requirements.
%   `CudnnRoot`:: `'local/'`
%      Directory containing the unpacked binaries and header files of
%      the CuDNN library.
%   `MexConfig`:: none
%      Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file
%      fot the `mex` compiler.
%   `MexCudaConfig`:: none
%      Use this option to specify a custom `.xml` configuration file
%      fot the `mexcuda` compiler.
%   `preCompileFn`:: none
%      Applies a custom modifier function just before compilation
%      to modify various compilation options. The
%      function's signature is:
%      [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = f(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ;
%      where the arguments are a struct with the present options, a list of
%      MEX files, a list of LIB files, and compilation flags, respectively.
%   ## Compiling the CPU code
%   By default, the `EnableGpu` option is switched to off, such that
%   the GPU code support is not compiled in.
%   Generally, you only need a 64bit C/C++ compiler (usually Xcode, GCC or
%   Visual Studio for Mac, Linux, and Windows respectively). The
%   compiler can be setup in MATLAB using the
%      mex -setup
%   command.
%   ## Compiling the GPU code
%   In order to compile the GPU code, set the `EnableGpu` option to
%   `true`. For this to work you will need:
%   * To satisfy all the requirements to compile the CPU code (see
%     above).
%   * A NVIDIA GPU with at least *compute capability 2.0*.
%   * The *MATALB Parallel Computing Toolbox*. This can be purchased
%     from Mathworks (type `ver` in MATLAB to see if this toolbox is
%     already comprised in your MATLAB installation; it often is).
%   * A copy of the *CUDA Devkit*, which can be downloaded for free
%     from NVIDIA. Note that each MATLAB version requires a
%     particular CUDA Devkit version:
%     | MATLAB version | Release | CUDA Devkit  |
%     |----------------|---------|--------------|
%     | 9.2            | 2017a   | 8.0          |
%     | 9.1            | 2016b   | 7.5          |
%     | 9.0            | 2016a   | 7.5          |
%     | 8.6            | 2015b   | 7.0          |
%     Different versions of CUDA may work using the hack described
%     above (i.e. setting the `CudaMethod` to `nvcc`).
%   The following configurations or anything more recent (subject to
%   versionconstraints between MATLAB, CUDA, and the compiler) should
%   work:
%   * Windows 10 x64, MATLAB R2015b, Visual C++ 2015, CUDA
%     Toolkit 8.0. Visual C++ 2013 and lower is not supported due to lack
%     C++11 support.
%   * macOS X 10.12, MATLAB R2016a, Xcode 7.3.1, CUDA
%     Toolkit 7.5-8.0.
%   * GNU/Linux, MATALB R2015b, gcc/g++ 4.8.5+, CUDA Toolkit 7.5-8.0.
%   Many older versions of these components are also likely to
%   work.
%   Compilation on Windows with MinGW compiler (the default mex compiler in
%   Matlab) is not supported. For Windows, please reconfigure mex to use
%   Visual Studio C/C++ compiler.
%   Furthermore your GPU card must have ComputeCapability >= 2.0 (see
%   output of `gpuDevice()`) in order to be able to run the GPU code.
%   To change the compute capabilities, for `mex` `CudaMethod` edit
%   the particular config file.  For the 'nvcc' method, compute
%   capability is guessed based on the GPUDEVICE output. You can
%   override it by setting the 'CudaArch' parameter (e.g. in case of
%   multiple GPUs with various architectures).
%   See also: [Compliling MatConvNet](../,
%   [Compiling MEX files containing CUDA
%   code](,
%   `vl_setup()`, `vl_imreadjpeg()`.

% Copyright (C) 2014-17 Karel Lenc and Andrea Vedaldi.
% This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under
% the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file).

% Get MatConvNet root directory
root = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))) ;
addpath(fullfile(root, 'matlab')) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                        Parse options
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.continue         = false;
opts.enableGpu        = false;
opts.enableImreadJpeg = true;
opts.enableCudnn      = false;
opts.enableDouble     = true;
opts.imageLibrary = [] ;
opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags = {} ;
opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = [] ;
opts.verbose          = 0;
opts.debug            = false;
opts.cudaMethod       = [] ;
opts.cudaRoot         = [] ;
opts.cudaArch         = [] ;
opts.defCudaArch      = [...
  '-gencode=arch=compute_20,code=\"sm_20,compute_20\" '...
opts.mexConfig        = '' ;
opts.mexCudaConfig    = '' ;
opts.cudnnRoot        = 'local/cudnn' ;
opts.preCompileFn       = [] ;
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin);

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                     Files to compile
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

arch = computer('arch') ;
if isempty(opts.imageLibrary)
  switch arch
    case 'glnxa64', opts.imageLibrary = 'libjpeg' ;
    case 'maci64', opts.imageLibrary = 'quartz' ;
    case 'win64', opts.imageLibrary = 'gdiplus' ;
if isempty(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)
  switch opts.imageLibrary
    case 'libjpeg', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-ljpeg'} ;
    case 'quartz', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'-framework Cocoa -framework ImageIO'} ;
    case 'gdiplus', opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags = {'gdiplus.lib'} ;

lib_src = {} ;
mex_src = {} ;

% Files that are compiled as CPP or CU depending on whether GPU support
% is enabled.
if opts.enableGpu, ext = 'cu' ; else ext='cpp' ; end
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['data.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['datamex.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnconv.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnfullyconnected.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnsubsample.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnpooling.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalize.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbnorm.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbias.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits',['nnroipooling.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconv.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnconvt.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnpool.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalize.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnnormalizelp.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbnorm.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnbilinearsampler.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_nnroipool.' ext]) ;
mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_taccummex.' ext]) ;
switch arch
  case {'glnxa64','maci64'}
    % not yet supported in windows
    mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src',['vl_tmove.' ext]) ;

% CPU-specific files
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','im2row_cpu.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','copy_cpu.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','tinythread.cpp') ;
lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','imread.cpp') ;

% GPU-specific files
if opts.enableGpu
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','impl','') ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','bits','') ;
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src','') ;

% cuDNN-specific files
if opts.enableCudnn

% Other files
if opts.enableImreadJpeg
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg.' ext]) ;
  mex_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', ['vl_imreadjpeg_old.' ext]) ;
  lib_src{end+1} = fullfile(root,'matlab','src', 'bits', 'impl', ['imread_' opts.imageLibrary '.cpp']) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                   Setup CUDA toolkit
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

if opts.enableGpu
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: * CUDA configuration *\n', mfilename) ;

  % Find the CUDA Devkit
  if isempty(opts.cudaRoot), opts.cudaRoot = search_cuda_devkit(opts) ; end
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using CUDA Devkit ''%s''.\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.cudaRoot) ;

  opts.nvccPath = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc') ;
  switch arch
    case 'win64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ;
    case 'maci64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib') ;
    case 'glnxa64', opts.cudaLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'lib64') ;

  % Set the nvcc method as default for Win platforms
  if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && isempty(opts.cudaMethod)
    opts.cudaMethod = 'nvcc';

  % Activate the CUDA Devkit
  cuver = activate_nvcc(opts.nvccPath) ;
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: using NVCC ''%s'' (%d).\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.nvccPath, cuver) ;

  % Set the CUDA arch string (select GPU architecture)
  if isempty(opts.cudaArch), opts.cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts) ; end
  opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: NVCC architecture string: ''%s''.\n', ...
                          mfilename, opts.cudaArch) ;

if opts.enableCudnn
  opts.cudnnIncludeDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'include') ;
  switch arch
    case 'win64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib', 'x64') ;
    case 'maci64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib') ;
    case 'glnxa64', opts.cudnnLibDir = fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'lib64') ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                     Compiler options
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Build directories
flags.src_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'src') ;
flags.mex_dir = fullfile(root, 'matlab', 'mex') ;
flags.bld_dir = fullfile(flags.mex_dir, '.build');
if ~exist(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl'), 'dir')
  mkdir(fullfile(flags.bld_dir,'bits','impl')) ;

% BASE: Base flags passed to `mex` and `nvcc` always.
flags.base = {} ;
if opts.enableGpu, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_GPU' ; end
if opts.enableDouble, flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_DOUBLE' ; end
if opts.enableCudnn
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DENABLE_CUDNN' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = ['-I"' opts.cudnnIncludeDir '"'] ;
if opts.verbose > 1, flags.base{end+1} = '-v' ; end
if opts.debug
  flags.base{end+1} = '-g' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DDEBUG' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-O' ;
  flags.base{end+1} = '-DNDEBUG' ;

% MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling C++
% code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mex = {'-largeArrayDims'} ;
  flags.mex = {''};
flags.cxx = {} ;
flags.cxxoptim = {} ;
if ~isempty(opts.mexConfig), flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, {'-f', opts.mexConfig}) ; end

% MEX: Additional flags passed to `mex` for compiling CUDA
% code. CXX and CXXOPTIOM are passed directly to the encapsualted compiler.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mexcuda = {'-largeArrayDims'} ;
  flags.mexcuda = {''};
flags.mexcuda_cxx = {} ;
flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim = {} ;
if ~isempty(opts.mexCudaConfig), flags.mexcuda = horzcat(flags.mexcuda, {'-f', opts.mexCudaConfig}) ; end

% MEX_LINK: Additional flags passed to `mex` for linking.
if verLessThan('matlab','9,4')
  flags.mexlink = {'-largeArrayDims','-lmwblas'} ;
  flags.mexlink = {'','-lmwblas'};
flags.mexlink_ldflags = {} ;
flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags = {} ;
flags.mexlink_linklibs = {} ;

% NVCC: Additional flags passed to `nvcc` for compiling CUDA code.
flags.nvcc = {'-D_FORCE_INLINES', '--std=c++11', ...
  sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','include')), ...
  sprintf('-I"%s"',fullfile(toolboxdir('distcomp'),'gpu','extern','include')), ...
  opts.cudaArch} ;

switch arch
  case {'maci64','glnxa64'}
    flags.cxx{end+1} = '--std=c++11' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-fPIC' ;
    if ~opts.debug
      flags.cxxoptim = horzcat(flags.cxxoptim,'-mssse3','-ffast-math') ;
      flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ;
      flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mssse3,-ffast-math' ;
  case 'win64'
    % Visual Studio 2015 does C++11 without futher switches

if opts.enableGpu
  flags.mexlink = horzcat(flags.mexlink, ...
    {['-L"' opts.cudaLibDir '"'], '-lcudart', '-lcublas'}) ;
  switch arch
    case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}
      flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lmwgpu' ;
    case 'win64'
      flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lgpu' ;
  if opts.enableCudnn
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = ['-L"' opts.cudnnLibDir '"'] ;
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lcudnn' ;

switch arch
  case {'maci64'}
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' ;
    [s,r] = system('xcrun -f clang++') ;
    if s == 0
      flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"',strtrim(r)) ;
    if opts.enableGpu
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ;
    if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ;

  case {'glnxa64'}
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-cxx' ;
    flags.mexlink{end+1} = '-lrt' ;
    if opts.enableGpu
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudaLibDir) ;
    if opts.enableGpu && opts.enableCudnn
      flags.mexlink_ldflags{end+1} = sprintf('-Wl,-rpath -Wl,"%s"', opts.cudnnLibDir) ;

  case {'win64'}
    % VisualC does not pass this even if available in the CPU architecture
    flags.mex{end+1} = '-D__SSSE3__' ;
    cl_path = fileparts(check_clpath()); % check whether cl.exe in path
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = '--compiler-options=/MD' ;
    flags.nvcc{end+1} = sprintf('--compiler-bindir="%s"', cl_path) ;

if opts.enableImreadJpeg
  flags.mex = horzcat(flags.mex, opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags) ;
  flags.mexlink_linklibs = horzcat(flags.mexlink_linklibs, opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                          Command flags
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

if opts.verbose
  fprintf('%s: * Compiler and linker configurations *\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tintermediate build products directory: %s\n', mfilename, flags.bld_dir) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX files: %s/\n', mfilename, flags.mex_dir) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tBase options: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.base)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXX: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mex)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxx)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LDOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX LINK LINKLIBS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tMEX CUDA CXXOPTIMFLAGS: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableGpu && strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc')
  fprintf('%s: \tNVCC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(flags.nvcc)) ;
if opts.verbose && opts.enableImreadJpeg
  fprintf('%s: * Reading images *\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \tvl_imreadjpeg enabled\n', mfilename) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library: %s\n', mfilename, opts.imageLibrary) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library compile flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryCompileFlags)) ;
  fprintf('%s: \timage library link flags: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(opts.imageLibraryLinkFlags)) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                              Compile
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Apply pre-compilation modifier function to adjust the flags and
% parameters. This can be used to add additional files to compile on the
% fly.
if ~isempty(opts.preCompileFn)
  [opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags] = opts.preCompileFn(opts, mex_src, lib_src, flags) ;

% Compile intermediate object files
srcs = horzcat(lib_src,mex_src) ;
for i = 1:numel(horzcat(lib_src, mex_src))
  [~,~,ext] = fileparts(srcs{i}) ; ext(1) = [] ;
  objfile = toobj(flags.bld_dir,srcs{i});
  if strcmp(ext,'cu')
    if strcmp(opts.cudaMethod,'nvcc')
      nvcc_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
      mexcuda_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
    mex_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;
  assert(exist(objfile, 'file') ~= 0, 'Compilation of %s failed.', objfile);

% Link MEX files
for i = 1:numel(mex_src)
  objs = toobj(flags.bld_dir, [mex_src(i), lib_src]) ;
  mex_link(opts, objs, flags.mex_dir, flags) ;

% Reset path adding the mex subdirectory just created
vl_setupnn() ;

if strcmp(arch, 'win64') && opts.enableCudnn
  if opts.verbose(), fprintf('Copying CuDNN dll to mex folder.\n'); end
  copyfile(fullfile(opts.cudnnRoot, 'bin', '*.dll'), flags.mex_dir);

% Save the last compile flags to the build dir
if isempty(opts.preCompileFn)
  save(fullfile(flags.bld_dir, 'last_compile_opts.mat'), '-struct', 'opts');

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%                                                    Utility functions
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function check_compability(arch)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('C++');
if isempty(cc)
  error(['Mex is not configured.'...
    'Run "mex -setup" to configure your compiler. See ',...
    ' ', ...
    'for supported compilers for your platform.']);

switch arch
  case 'win64'
    clversion = str2double(cc.Version);
    if clversion < 14
      error('Unsupported VS C++ compiler, ver >=14.0 required (VS 2015).');
  case 'maci64'
  case 'glnxa64'
  otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture ''%s''.', arch) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function done = check_deps(opts, tgt, src)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
done = false ;
if ~iscell(src), src = {src} ; end
if ~opts.continue, return ; end
if ~exist(tgt,'file'), return ; end
ttime = dir(tgt) ; ttime = ttime.datenum ;
for i=1:numel(src)
  stime = dir(src{i}) ; stime = stime.datenum ;
  if stime > ttime, return ; end
fprintf('%s: ''%s'' already there, skipping.\n', mfilename, tgt) ;
done = true ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function objs = toobj(bld_dir, srcs)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
str = [filesep, 'src', filesep]; % NASTY. Do with regexp?
multiple = iscell(srcs) ;
if ~multiple, srcs = {srcs} ; end
objs = cell(1, numel(srcs));
for t = 1:numel(srcs)
  i = strfind(srcs{t},str);
  i = i(end); % last occurence of '/src/'
  objs{t} = fullfile(bld_dir, srcs{t}(i+numel(str):end)) ;
if ~multiple, objs = objs{1} ; end
objs = regexprep(objs,'.cpp$',['.' objext]) ;
objs = regexprep(objs,'.cu$',['.' objext]) ;
objs = regexprep(objs,'.c$',['.' objext]) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mex_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mex, ...
  {['CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxx)]}, ...
  {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.cxxoptim)]}) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CC: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mex(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mexcuda_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
% Hacky fix: In glnxa64 MATLAB includes the -ansi option by default, which
% prevents -std=c++11 to work (an error?). This could be solved by editing the
% mex configuration file; for convenience, we take it out here by
% avoiding to append to the default flags.
glue = '$CXXFLAGS' ;
switch computer('arch')
  case {'glnxa64'}
    glue = '--compiler-options=-fexceptions,-fPIC,-fno-omit-frame-pointer,-pthread' ;
args = horzcat({'-c', '-outdir', fileparts(tgt), src}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mexcuda, ...
  {['CXXFLAGS=' glue ' ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxx)]}, ...
  {['CXXOPTIMFLAGS=$CXXOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexcuda_cxxoptim)]}) ;
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX CUDA: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mexcuda(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function nvcc_compile(opts, src, tgt, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
if check_deps(opts, tgt, src), return ; end
nvcc_path = fullfile(opts.cudaRoot, 'bin', 'nvcc');
nvcc_cmd = sprintf('"%s" -c -o "%s" "%s" %s ', ...
                   nvcc_path, tgt, src, ...
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: NVCC CC: %s\n', mfilename, nvcc_cmd) ;
status = system(nvcc_cmd);
if status, error('Command %s failed.', nvcc_cmd); end;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function mex_link(opts, objs, mex_dir, flags)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
args = horzcat({'-outdir', mex_dir}, ...
  flags.base, flags.mexlink, ...
  {['LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldflags)]}, ...
  {['LDOPTIMFLAGS=$LDOPTIMFLAGS ' strjoin(flags.mexlink_ldoptimflags)]}, ...
  {['LINKLIBS=' strjoin(flags.mexlink_linklibs) ' $LINKLIBS']}, ...
  objs) ;
if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.4')
  args{end+1} = '-R2018a';
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s: MEX LINK: %s\n', mfilename, strjoin(args)) ;
mex(args{:}) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function ext = objext()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get the extension for an 'object' file for the current computer
% architecture
switch computer('arch')
  case 'win64', ext = 'obj';
  case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}, ext = 'o' ;
  otherwise, error('Unsupported architecture %s.', computer) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cl_path = check_clpath()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Checks whether the cl.exe is in the path (needed for the nvcc). If
% not, tries to guess the location out of mex configuration.
cc = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('c++');
cl_path = fullfile(cc.Location, 'VC', 'bin', 'amd64');
[status, ~] = system('cl.exe -help');
if status == 1
  % Add cl.exe to system path so that nvcc can find it.
  warning('CL.EXE not found in PATH. Trying to guess out of mex setup.');
  prev_path = getenv('PATH');
  setenv('PATH', [prev_path ';' cl_path]);
  status = system('cl.exe');
  if status == 1
    setenv('PATH', prev_path);
    error('Unable to find cl.exe');
    fprintf('Location of cl.exe (%s) successfully added to your PATH.\n', ...

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function paths = which_nvcc()
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch computer('arch')
  case 'win64'
    [~, paths] = system('where nvcc.exe');
    paths = strtrim(paths);
    paths = paths(strfind(paths, '.exe'));
  case {'maci64', 'glnxa64'}
    [~, paths] = system('which nvcc');
    paths = strtrim(paths) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function cuda_root = search_cuda_devkit(opts)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function tries to to locate a working copy of the CUDA Devkit.

opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: searching for the CUDA Devkit' ...
                    ' (use the option ''CudaRoot'' to override):\n'], mfilename);

% Propose a number of candidate paths for NVCC
paths = {getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH')} ;
paths = [paths, which_nvcc()] ;
for v = {'5.5', '6.0', '6.5', '7.0', '7.5', '8.0', '8.5', '9.0', '9.5', '10.0'}
  switch computer('arch')
    case 'glnxa64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ;
    case 'maci64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-%s/bin/nvcc', char(v)) ;
    case 'win64'
      paths{end+1} = sprintf('C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v%s\\bin\\nvcc.exe', char(v)) ;
paths{end+1} = sprintf('/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc') ;

% Validate each candidate NVCC path
for i=1:numel(paths)
  nvcc(i).path = paths{i} ;
  [nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version] = validate_nvcc(paths{i}) ;
if opts.verbose
  fprintf('\t| %5s | %5s | %-70s |\n', 'valid', 'ver', 'NVCC path') ;
  for i=1:numel(paths)
    fprintf('\t| %5d | %5d | %-70s |\n', ...
            nvcc(i).isvalid, nvcc(i).version, nvcc(i).path) ;

% Pick an entry
index = find([nvcc.isvalid]) ;
if isempty(index)
  error('Could not find a valid NVCC executable\n') ;
[~, newest] = max([nvcc(index).version]);
nvcc = nvcc(index(newest)) ;
cuda_root = fileparts(fileparts(nvcc.path)) ;

if opts.verbose
  fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: choosing NVCC compiler ''%s'' (version %d)\n', ...
          mfilename, nvcc.path, nvcc.version) ;

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [valid, cuver]  = validate_nvcc(nvccPath)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[status, output] = system(sprintf('"%s" --version', nvccPath)) ;
valid = (status == 0) ;
if ~valid
  cuver = 0 ;
  return ;
match = regexp(output, 'V(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', 'match') ;
if isempty(match), valid = false ; return ; end
cuver = [1e4 1e2 1] * sscanf(match{1}, 'V%d.%d.%d') ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cuver = activate_nvcc(nvccPath)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

% Validate the NVCC compiler installation
[valid, cuver] = validate_nvcc(nvccPath) ;
if ~valid
  error('The NVCC compiler ''%s'' does not appear to be valid.', nvccPath) ;

% Make sure that NVCC is visible by MEX by setting the MW_NVCC_PATH
% environment variable to the NVCC compiler path
if ~strcmp(getenv('MW_NVCC_PATH'), nvccPath)
  warning('Setting the ''MW_NVCC_PATH'' environment variable to ''%s''', nvccPath) ;
  setenv('MW_NVCC_PATH', nvccPath) ;

% In some operating systems and MATLAB versions, NVCC must also be
% available in the command line search path. Make sure that this is%
% the case.
[valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ;
if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver
  warning('NVCC not found in the command line path or the one found does not matches ''%s''.', nvccPath);
  nvccDir = fileparts(nvccPath) ;
  prevPath = getenv('PATH') ;
  switch computer
    case 'PCWIN64', separator = ';' ;
    case {'GLNXA64', 'MACI64'}, separator = ':' ;
  setenv('PATH', [nvccDir separator prevPath]) ;
  [valid_, cuver_] = validate_nvcc('nvcc') ;
  if ~valid_ || cuver_ ~= cuver
    setenv('PATH', prevPath) ;
    error('Unable to set the command line path to point to ''%s'' correctly.', nvccPath) ;
    fprintf('Location of NVCC (%s) added to your command search PATH.\n', nvccDir) ;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function cudaArch = get_cuda_arch(opts)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
opts.verbose && fprintf('%s:\tCUDA: determining GPU compute capability (use the ''CudaArch'' option to override)\n', mfilename);
  gpu_device = gpuDevice();
  arch = str2double(strrep(gpu_device.ComputeCapability, '.', ''));
  supparchs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(opts.nvccPath);
  [~, archi] = max(min(supparchs - arch, 0));
  arch_code = num2str(supparchs(archi));
  cudaArch = ...
      sprintf('-gencode=arch=compute_%s,code=\\\"sm_%s,compute_%s\\\" ', ...
              arch_code, arch_code, arch_code) ;
  opts.verbose && fprintf(['%s:\tCUDA: cannot determine the capabilities of the installed GPU and/or CUDA; ' ...
                      'falling back to default\n'], mfilename);
  cudaArch = opts.defCudaArch;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function archs = get_nvcc_supported_archs(nvccPath)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
switch computer('arch')
  case {'win64'}
    [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help',nvccPath));
    % fix possible output corruption (see manual)
    [status, hstring] = system(sprintf('"%s" --help < /dev/null',nvccPath)) ;
archs = regexp(hstring, '''sm_(\d{2})''', 'tokens');
archs = cellfun(@(a) str2double(a{1}), archs);
if status, error('NVCC command failed: %s', hstring); end;

It's effective, and your code and links is helpful to me to configure MatConvNet.

Copy link

vl_compilenn('enableGPU', true)
Error using vl_compilenn>search_cuda_devkit (line 727)
Could not find a valid NVCC executable\n

Error in vl_compilenn (line 279)
if isempty(opts.cudaRoot), opts.cudaRoot = search_cuda_devkit(opts) ; end

how to solve this issue

please help me its an emergency....!!1

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