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To have butterfingers is to be clumsy.

To give a backhanded compliment is to make an unflattering remark.

To twiddle your thumbs is to be bored.

To finger something or someone is to steal or to tell on someone.

To hand it to someone is to say someone is right.

To thumb a ride is to hitchhike.

To have two left feet is to be clumsy.

To be wrapped around someone's little finger is to be under someone's control or influence.

To stick your neck out is to take a chance.

Forces loyal to ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi continue to put up fierce resistance in the Libyan cities of Sirte and Bani Walid. Sean Carberry reports that anti-Gaddafi fighters are struggling to advance on the two cities today.

ddafi loyalists launched a counterattack this morning against revolutionary fighters trying to advance on Bani Walid. The situation there has been a virtual stalemate for several days. Gaddafi troops have staked out strategic positions in the hills and buildings of the town and continue to fend off advances by the new government forces. Revolutionary fighters are having slightly more success in Sirte where they have been able to inch forward, but they are suffering heavy losses in the intense fighting. Despite public statements of optimism by interim government officials, the intensity of the pro-Gaddafi resistance is raising concern that the fighting could drag on for some time. Sean Carberry, NPR News, Tripoli.

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell also on NBC's Meet the Press says a new tax on the wealthy is not a wise move. "We don't want to stagnate this economy by raising taxes."

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is telling his version of what happened in a New York hotel room. The former head of the International Monetary Fund interviewed on French television today says his sexual encounter with a hotel maid did not involve violence, constraint or aggression. But he says it was a moral failing on his part and one he infinitely regrets. New York prosecutors dropped all criminal charges against him, citing concerns about the credibility of the maid.

The 1940s airplane that crashed Friday in Reno, Nevada, appeared to lose a piece of its tail, before slamming into a crowded tarmac.

Bootleg alcohol, software, or recordings are made and sold illegally.

The ambitious Rat is the first animal in the Chinese Zodiac. The Rat enjoys being the first to try something new. Rats are visual people who are always taking in their surroundings. They are energetic and bubbly, and enjoy social events. You can go to a Rat for advice, but don't expect them to come to you when they need help. Rats rarely share their personal problems. They are creative individuals who excel in positions that allow them to call their own shots. Rats make good musicians, administrators, and writers. They know how to make money, but they tend to spend it quickly. The possessive Rat is not good at sharing his favourite things or people.

The Ox represents the second position in the Chinese Zodiac. Oxen are hard workers and good listeners. Unlike the Rat that comes before them, they enjoy routine. Oxen have trouble saying no to overtime work. They don't have trouble turning down social invites. The Ox is happier puttering around at home. Comfort is more important than luxury to an Ox. They can't stand laziness in others. When the Ox is annoyed you will know it. He is quick-tempered and often considered a poor communicator.

The Tiger holds the third position in the Chinese Zodiac. Brave and calm, Tigers work hard to protect people they love. They enjoy wearing the badge of honour. Tigers are affectionate, but unpredictable. It is not unlike a Tiger to pick up everything and move away for the sake of adventure. If a tiger is suspicious of your intentions, he may pounce on you. Tigers are hard workers, but they aren’t overly concerned about money or status. A Tiger is more interested in being the leader. She is happiest when others around her listen attentively. Your Tiger friend may need help making decisions. They have deep thoughts, but don’t always come to the best conclusions.

The Rooster occupies the tenth position in the Chinese zodiac. Roosters are conservative people who are always dressed for success. People who are born in the Year of the Rooster tend to have excellent organizational skills. A Rooster is only happy when he is in the limelight. They are outspoken, and often boast about their own achievements. Roosters are good at managing money. When you meet a Rooster, she will either love you or hate you. Roosters have big dreams, and won't appreciate you if you try to burst their bubble.

The Emmy Awards will be handed out tonight in Los Angeles and one burning question is, "Will Mad Men continue to dominate?" AMC's 1960s Madison Avenue saga has earned three straight Emmys as best drama series. But this year it's up against Boardwalk Empire, HBO's tale of prohibition in the 1920s. The leading men from both shows are also in a showdown for best actor in a drama series. The show will be hosted by Glee's Jane Lynch.