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User Guide

1. To start using Narrows

1.1 With portal (recommended)

1.1.1 Configurations

Currently, we need one Secret, one setting and one Policy to be configured, then Narrows can work properly.


Create a secret for Harbor so that Narrows can talk to Harbor with the credentials.

For release 0.3, Harbor is mandatory for the image scanner and risk scanner, Narrows depends on the vulnerability report of the images.

The secret you created will be referred by the setting. If you have already had the K8s secret, you can skip creating one and move forward to next step.

Field Name Type Description
accessKey string The username of Harbor
accessSecret string The password of Harbor
Name string The secret's name
Namespace string The secret's namespace

Click on "Credential Name" and choose the secret you've created in the previous step. You also need to specify the endpoint of Harbor and schedule for Harbor for updating the CVE reports.

Required Fields
Field Name Field Type Description
Setting Name string The name of the data source
Credential Name string The name of the credential of data source
Credential Namespace string The namespace of the credential of data source
Provider string The provider of the data source, currently only support Harbor
Name string The name of the datasource setting, auto-generated and can't be modified
Endpoint URL(string) The endpoint of the data source
Schedule string The cron expression to be configured in Harbor to specify the CVE update interval
skipTLSVerify boolean Whether need to skip the TLS verify
Known Registry

This field is optional. If it is configured, replicate rules are set up in Harbor and images from the known registries can be automatically replicated to Harbor.

Currently, Harbor support 11 different image registries. Navigate to this page to check the details.

Field Name Field Type Description
provider string The provider of the registry
name string The name of the registry
endpoint URL(string) The endpoint of the registry
Credential Name string The name of the credential of KnownRegistry
Credential Namespace string The namespace of the credential of KnownRegistry
skipTLSVerify boolean Whether need to skip the TLS verify

This filed is optional. If it is configured. Narrows can use the external Redis you specified here to cache the security data from Harbor.

Field Name Field Type Description
address URL(string) The URL of the redis address
livingTime int64 LivingTime (seconds) specifies the living time of the cache data
skipTLSVerify boolean SkipTLSVerify indicates whether skip the TLS verification. Only active when 'redis' scheme is configured


Once the Setting is done, you can create an inspection policy according to your security requirements.

By defining the inspection policy, users can:

  1. Define the schedule for scanning.
  2. Choose which scanners are included.
  3. Define the baseline of the image scanner, which means that CVE above which baseline should be reported in image scanning reports.
  4. Choose the namespace or the workloads to be scanned by the label selector.
  5. Define the reports should be exported to which consumers, currently support OpenSearch and ElasticSearch.

We don't purge the obsolete data in release 0.3, users need to manager the lifecycle of the data in the consumers.

Inspection Setting
Field Name Field Type Description
Policy Name string The name of this policy
Work Namespace string The namespace for the scanners
Schedule string Configure schedule of the Conjobs-typed scanners
Scanners multiple configs The scanners to be included in the policy
ImagePullPolicy corev1.PullPolicy Image pull policy. Choose from Always, IfNotPresent and Never
Settings Name string Select the existing setting's name
OpenSearch multiple configs Enable this to leverage OpenSearch/ElasticSearch to store the time-series assessment reports
Inspection standard setting

Field Name Field Type Description
Baseline string The CVE issues above which baseline should be included in the image scanning reports
Namespace Labels Selector map The label of the to-be-scanned namespaces
Workload Labels Selector map The label of the to-be-scanned workloads

The action kind is about what to do if Narrows find vulnerable workloads, currently the only option is to quarantine the workload. Narrows will add tags for the vulnerable workloads, and create a network policy to block the ingress and egress of the workload.

Inspection result setting

When the vulnerabilities are resolved, the labels will be revoked so that the network policy will not take effect on the workload.

Field Name Field Type Description
Kind string Kind of action. Now the only choice is quarantine_vulnerable_workload

After the inspection policy created, Narrows Manager will start provision the scanners.

You can navigate to Assessments to check the security posture and risk trends of the cluster.

1.1.2 Assessments

We can navigate to Assessments to check the security posture and risk trends of the cluster.

We can view the reports of the scanners.

Image scanning reports

A time-series chart will be generated for the image scanning reports, such as:

By clicking the name of each report, you can view the details of the report.

If there is no CVE items whose severity is higher than the baseline you configured, then the report will show the number of vulnerable containers is zero. But you can still review all the CVE items equal or below the baseline in the Details section of the report.

Kubebench scanning reports

The Kubebench scanner is a set of daemon pods, each node will have a Kubebench scanner. It helps to find the security issue in the K8s configuration files of each node.

The checks lie in 5 different categories:

  1. Worker node security config
  2. Kubernetes policies
  3. Control plane security config
  4. Control plane config
  5. Etcd node config

Each category also contains several sub-categories, example:

Each sub-category contains the actual security check items:

The checks are based on the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark support

The Kubebench scanner is based on this opensource implementation, we integrate this scanner into Narrows. The config files are mounted from the host to the Kubebench scanner's cronjob pod, then those configuration files are checked.

When a Kubebench pod is up, the check will be conducted once. After that, the pod will start to watch the config files we mounted to the pod. If there is any modification event against the files, the check will be trigger for one more time.

The Kubebench scanner can detect the K8s verison and choose the corresponding baseline file. Check all the supported baseline files here

Risk scanning reports

This report lists all the pods along with pod name, namespace under which it is running, as well as the number of vulnerabilities contained in the pod.

In release 0.3 the risk scanner will report 3 kinds of risks:

serious vulnerabilities

The report includes the vulnerabilities at least with medium severity. Risk scanner will give a 3-scaled score for the risks. With Medium as 1, High as 2 and Critical as 3.

The risk scanner will decode the CVE vector of each serious vulnerabilities and find below 2 kinds of further risks.

network exposure risks

When the vulnerability's CVSS v3.1 vector indicates that this vulnerability could bring more risks when the workload is exposed to the network, the risk scanner will add a new vulnerability item to indicate that. Example:

resource Pod:mariadb-6df76645bf-hvdbj:kube-fate:bade5b13-1538-43e8-8649-7a27e385d74f is
exposed to network while it has vulneratbility CVE-2016-20013(severity: 2) with network exposure

The score scale of this kind of risk is 5. With None as 0, Low as 2, Medium as 3, High as 4 and Critical as 5.

The scale for this kind of issue is larger than the serious vulnerabilities because the risks become higher after network exposure.

privilege risks

When the vulnerability's CVSS v3.1 vector indicates that this vulnerability could bring more risks when the workload has a lower required privilege to be accessed. Then the risk scanner will add a new vulnerability item to report this potential risk.

The score scale for this kind of risk is the same with the network exposure risks.

We can also check the time-series trend of the vulnerabilities in the container.
Pkgload scanning reports(WIP)

This report lists all the risky packages loaded in memory by running processes in the contianer along with runtime information(host process name, pid, user...etc.) and k8s information(pod name, namespace, node name...etc.)

1.1.3 Insight

In release 0.3, insight is all about the image scanning results, Kubebench scanning results and risk scanning results are not included in the Insight section.

The security administrator can examine the CVE issues in 3 perspectives:

  • Cluster
  • Namespace
  • Workload

You can check the total number of workloads that passed or violates the baseline within the cluster CNSI was installed. You can check the distribution of the vulnerable workloads across the namespaces within the cluster in this perspective.


You can check the total number of workloads that passed or violates the baseline within a certain namespace. You can check the distribution of the vulnerable workloads across different types of workload within the namespace.


You can also directly check all the workloads scanned by image scanner, and check their results:

1.2 With CLI

1.2.1 Settings

Firstly you need to create the settings of Cloud Native Security Inspector.

Create yaml files such as below examples.

apiVersion: v1
  accessKey: YWRtaW4=
  accessSecret: SGFyYm9yMTIzNDU=
kind: Secret
  name: harbor
  namespace: default
    type: harbor
type: Opaque

kind: Setting
  name: sample-setting
      name: harbor
      namespace: default
    provider: Harbor
    name: source-harbor
    scanSchedule: "0 0 0 * * *"
    skipTLSVerify: false

  - provider: docker-registry
    name: the-dockerhub
      name: dockerhub-secret
      namespace: default
    skipTLSVerify: true

You should define an Opaque secret that has accessKey and accessSecret fields in the data property, the value of accessKey is the base64 encoded harbor username and the value of accessSecret is the base64 encoded harbor password.

We added in Secret:

    type: harbor

Because we embed VAC (VMware Application Catalog View), we need to distinguish the secret of harbor and VAC, so that we can use the secret later.

knowRegistries field is optional when your cluster workloads images are managed in the data source harbor, otherwise, you need to configure your private registries here used for harbor replication. You can update the yaml file like above to define the dockerhub as the data source:

Using below command to check the status of the setting, make sure the "STATUS" is "Healthy"

$ kubectl get settings -A

NAME             ENDPOINT                STATUS    AGE
sample-setting   Healthy   97s

1.2.2 Policy

Then users need to create inspection policies to define their security requirements, example yaml:

kind: InspectionPolicy
  name: inspectionpolicy-sample
  settingsName: sample-setting
  enabled: true
  workNamespace: narrows-workspace
  schedule: "*/5 * * * *"
    historyLimit: 4
    suspend: false
    concurrencyRule: "Forbid"
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        hostport: "https://opensearch-cluster-master.opensearch:9200"
        username: "admin"
        password: "admin"
        checkCert: false
        mutualTLS: false
      matchLabels: prometheus
      - kind: "vulnerability"
        baseline: "High"
        version: "v1.1"
        scheme: "application/; version=1.1"
      - kind: "quarantine_vulnerable_workload"

After the policy is created, scanners will be provisioned to scan the workloads, based on the given label selector defined in the policy. Actions

If the actions field is not specified, no action will be performed on violation workloads. The following actions are supported by policies.


For now, Narrows only supports quarantine_vulnerable_workload type action.

When violation is detected on workloads, Narrows will create a network policy with "deny-all" rules for the namespace if not exist. The violation pods will be labeled "CNSI" and "risk' to match the pod selector on network policy and the pods will be quarantined.

When the violation pods turns good, the labels will be removed from the pods. And the quarantine will be revoked.


More actions will be supported in the future.

2. Troubleshooting

2.1 Build portal from scratch

If you encounter the problem of installing npm dependencies during the portal building process, please modify the npm reference source in Dockerfile.portal

$ npm --registry install

2.2 Cannot find the report on OpenSearch

Check your OpenSearch is deployed in which namespace, and make sure the OpenSearch endpoint is correctly configured in the policy.