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Terraform provider for VMware Cloud Director Availability

The official Terraform provider for VMware Cloud Director Availability.

The VMware Cloud Director Availability provider can be used to perform initial configuration of either of the two appliance roles:

  • Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance
  • vCenter Replication Management Appliance

The initial configuration includes changing the initial password of the root user of the appliance, adding external Replicator Service instances and configuring the Tunnel Service.

Since VCDA Terraform Provider v2.0.0, the provider supports one-step pairing of either a Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance to an already configured Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance, or vCenter Replication Management Appliance to an already configured vCenter Replication Management Appliance.


  • Verify that you download and install Terraform. For information about Terraform, see What is Terraform?
  • Verify that to build the provider plugin you download and install Go 1.19.

Building the Provider

Note: The following instructions apply only to Mac OS or Linux OS.

To work on the provider, you must first download and install Go on your local computer. For more information, see the requirements before proceeding.

First, clone the repository to the $GOPATH/src/ path or to a directory of your choice:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone

After the clone completes, navigate into the provider directory and build the provider by using either of the following two commands:

  • By using the Makefile command:

    This command places the executable in the $GOPATH/bin directory.

    make build

    To find where your $GOPATH directory is located, run:

    go env GOPATH
  • Alternatively, perform a manual build:

    This command places the executable in your current directory.

    cd $GOPATH/src/
    go get
    go build -o terraform-provider-vcda

    After the build completes, if your terraform running directory does not match your $GOPATH environment, first you must copy the terraform-provider-vcda executable into your running directory. Then re-run terraform init to make the terraform aware of your local provider executable.

Using the Provider

To use a released provider in your Terraform environment, run the terraform init command and Terraform automatically installs the provider. For information about specifying a specific provider version when installing released providers, see the Terraform documentation on provider versioning.

Alternatively, to use a custom-built provider in your Terraform environment, for example the provider binary from the build instructions above, follow the instructions to install it as a plugin. After placing the custom-built provider into your plugins directory, to initialize it run terraform init.

For information about either installation method and for documentation about the provider-specific configuration options, see the VMware Cloud Director Availability provider's website.

Automated Installation (Recommended)

To download and initialize the Terraform providers, including the VMware Cloud Director Availability provider, use the terraform init command. In your .tf file, once you specify the provider block for the VMware Cloud Director Availability provider, terraform init detects the need for the provider and downloads it to your environment. To list the versions of the installed providers in your environment, run the terraform version command.

Manual Installation

NOTE: Unless you require a pre-release version or you are Developing the provider, you must use the officially released version of the provider, as per the above Using the Provider section.

After building the provider as per the Building the Provider section, perform the following:

Move the terraform-provider-vcda binary into the OS-specific directory on your system by using the following commands. If the directory does not exist, create it under the .terraform.d/plugins directory - this is where Terraform searches for the executable file.

  • Linux:

    $ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
    $ mv terraform-provider-vcda ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
  • Mac OS (Intel x86-64):

    $ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
    $ mv terraform-provider-vcda ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
  • Mac OS (M1/M2 ARM64):

    $ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
    $ mv terraform-provider-vcda ~/.terraform.d/plugins/

Then navigate to a directory where the terraform scripts/files are located.

Ensure that the vcda provider path matches the above plugin path in your terraform modules:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    vcda = {
      source  = ""
      version = ">=1.0"

After placing the custom-built provider into your plugins directory, to initialize it run terraform init. For information about the custom provider plugins, see Install it as a plugin.

Developing the Provider

NOTE: To ensure that no work is being duplicated, before you start working on a feature, check the Issue Tracker and the existing Pull Requests. For further clarification, you can also ask in a new issue.

For more information, see the Building the Provider section and for instructions about manually loading the provider for development, see the Manual Installation section.

For information about how to execute acceptance tests, see the Testing the Provider section. Depending on your changeset, add new acceptance tests or modify the existing ones. Ensure that all Acceptance tests pass.

Testing the Provider

Set the required environment variables in scripts/ based on your infrastructure settings.

Before running acceptance tests, load the environment variables:

source ./scripts/

Running Acceptance tests:

All Acceptance tests

make testacc TESTS="''"

Provider tests

make testacc TESTS=/provider

Cloud tests

make testacc TESTS=/cloud

Manager tests

make testacc TESTS=/manager

Pairing tests

make testacc TESTS=/pair

Data sources tests

make testacc TESTS=/datasource

Note: Acceptance tests create real resources and modify the existing infrastructure.


Copyright 2023 VMware, Inc.

The Terraform provider for VMware Cloud Director Availability is available under MPL2.0 license.