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282 lines (216 loc) · 8.66 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (216 loc) · 8.66 KB

roulletor: route collector

npm.badge codecov.badge actions.release.badge semantic-release.badge MIT

Collect and generate route data from a file-based router such as svelte-kit's

Table of Contents

Show / hide


npm install -D roullector
yarn add --dev roullector
pnpm install -D roullector


This package was initially built and tested for svelte-kit. But I expect it to work in other cases using the configurable options. Examples used in this docs will use svelte-kit common route setup.


If you have a directory that contains some routes like below...

directory: show / hide
  ├── __components/
  |       ├── Navbar.svelte
  |       └── Footer.svelte
  ├── __layout.svelte
  ├── __error.svelte
  ├── me.svelte
  ├── sign-in.svelte
  ├── sign-up.svelte
  ├── index.svelte
  └── admin/
      ├── __components/
      |     ├── Admin.layout.svelte
      |     ├── types.ts
      └── users/
          ├── [id]/
          |     ├── __layout.svelte
          |     ├── index.svelte
          |     ├── types.ts
          |     └── posts/
          |           ├── [post_id].svelte
          |           ├── s-[slug].svelte
          |           └── l-[short-link]-l.svelte
          └── index.svelte

...and a npm script that run roullector with default options,...

package.json: show/hide
// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "codegen:routing": "roullector collect"

...the following files will be generated:

Generated: show / hide
// src/generated/routing/routes.json
  "admin": {
    "users": {
      "$id": {
        "index": "/admin/users/[id]",
        "posts": {
          "$postId": "/admin/users/[id]/posts/[post_id]",
          "l$shortLink$L": "/admin/users/[id]/posts/l-[short-link]-l",
          "s$slug": "/admin/users/[id]/posts/s-[slug]",
          "__dir": "/admin/users/[id]/posts"
      "index": "/admin/users"
    "__dir": "/admin"
  "index": "/",
  "me": "/me",
  "signIn": "/sign-in",
  "signUp": "/sign-up"
// src/generated/routing/index.ts
export { default as AppRoutes } from './routes.json';
 * build a complete path with injected arguments
 * @param path {string} based path
 * @param args {string[]} arguments to inject
export function route(path: string, ...args: string[]): string {
  const params = path.match(/\[[a-zA-Z_-]+\]/g) ?? [];
  for (const i in params) {
    path = path.replace(params[i], args[i]);
  return path;

Notice that index.ts will import json, you need to configure your tsconfig.json to enable resolveJsonModule:

tsconfig.json: show / hide
// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "resolveJsonModule": true

You can then use the route helper to construct a complete path with typescript support built-in. For example:

path contruct: show / hide
import { AppRoutes } from '$generated/routing'; // or use relative path

const path = route(AppRoutes.admin.users.$id.posts.s$slug, 'user-id-123', 'slug');
// path = '/admin/users/user-id-123/posts/s-slug'

// ... later
// navigate(path);


Run npx roullector collect help to for configurable options in command-line mode

Table of Options
name default description cli equivalent
inDir 'src/routes' input directory path to collect route data from -i, --inDir
extensions ['.svelte'] file extensions to accept -e, --extensions (comma-separated)
ignorePatterns [/^_/] patterns to ignore filenames -x, --ignorePatterns (comma-separated)
output true write generated files to disk?, if false will print to console --no-output
outDir 'src/generated/routing' output directory -o, --outDir
depth Infinity depth of directory traversal -d, --depth
dirkey __dir key to save path for directories with no index file -k, --dirkey
keyTransform [dollarArgify(), camelCasify()] how to transform route key in mapping -t, --keyTransform (allows multiple)
utils true generate utils for building path? --no-utils
typescript true generate files in typescript? --no-typescript
verbose false print more info during operation (for cli only) --verbose


  • in command-line mode, keyTransform
    • only accepts these choices: dollarArg | camelCase | none,
    • if you want to specify multiple transforms, provide multiple argument: --keyTransform=dollarArg --keyTransform=camelCase,
    • The rationale for the current default is to enable reference the mapping without having to do something like AppRoutes['a-kebab-case']['[id'].
    • To opt out completely, do --keyTransform=none.
    • See implementation for more details.
  • for boolean options (default to true), the cli equivalent is --no-<option>, meaning only add the flag if you want to negate the option.

Library Usage

show / hide
import { collect, defaultCollectOptions } from `roullector`;

console.log('These are default options:', defaultCollectOptions);

let { json, route } = collect(); // use default options
// json = './src/generated/routing/routes.json'
// route = './src/generated/routing/index.ts'

({ json, route } = collect({ output: false; }); // helpful for testing
// json = generated route mapping content
// route = generated index source


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