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Dotfiles for *nix systems. Use at your own risks.


# To link a module
stow module_name
# To unlink a module
stow -D module_name

Note that if some files/folders is/are deleted, you will need to delete the link manually. Similarly, if some is/are added, rerun the link command.


cli neovim gui niri / sway wayfire deprecated


CLI tool configurations.

  • bat - cat
  • dust - du
  • eza - ls
  • htop - top
  • fish - Shell
  • pfetch - System info viewer
  • mpd - Music server
  • ncmpcpp - Music player
  • cava - Audio visualizer
  • bin scripts


GUI application configurations that is shared across all WMs or DEs.

  • alacritty - Terminal emulator
  • anyrun - Application launcher
  • dunst - Notification daemon
  • swaylock - Screen locker
  • zathura - PDF viewer
  • fontconfig
  • qt5ct
  • qt6ct
  • gtk-3.0
  • electron flags
  • mimeapps
  • macOS cursors


It's separated from cli module because the Neovim configuration is quite massive.

  • neovim - Text editor


  • niri - Window manager
  • waybar - Screen bar
  • sysbar - Screen OSD

sway (unmaintained)

  • sway - Window manager

wayfire (unmaintained)

  • wayfire - Window manager

deprecated (unmaintained)

  • foot - Terminal emulator