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Display Entities


An example for custom blocks using Display ENtities


Thsi is a demo from another user, here: and their implimentation so go give them some love, i could not form it for some reason so i redid it in gradle and followed their structure :)

The master branch is for the latest version of minecraft.


Building BlockEntities is not as Straightforward as Iris, though you will need to setup a few things if your system has never been used for java development.

Build Steps

So this is fairly similar to Iris, but a bit modified.

IDE Builds (for development & Compilation)

You NEED TO BE USING Intelij To build this project, or anything that can support the plugin Manifold

Preface: if you need help compiling ask for support in the discord, we give help regardless if you want to donate to us on spigot or compile it here :) we just want to be sure that you are able to use and enjoy the software regardless of circumstance.

  1. Install Java JDK 17

  2. Set the JDK installation path to JAVA_HOME as an environment variable.

    • Windows
      1. Start > Type env and press Enter
      2. Advanced > Environment Variables
      3. Under System Variables, click New...
      4. Variable Name: JAVA_HOME
      5. Variable Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1 (verify this exists after installing java don't just copy the example text)
    • MacOS
      1. Run /usr/libexec/java_home -V and look for Java 17
      2. Run sudo nano ~/.zshenv
      3. Add export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) as a new line
      4. Use CTRL + X, then Press Y, Then ENTER
      5. Quit & Reopen Terminal and verify with echo $JAVA_HOME. It should print a directory
  3. Setup Gradle

Gradle Setup
  • Run gradlew setup any time you get dependency issues with craftbukkit
  • Configure ITJ Gradle to use JDK 17 (in settings, search for gradle)
  • Resync the project & run your newly created task (under the development folder in gradle tasks!)
  2. If this is your first time building BlockEntities for MC 1.19+ run gradlew setup inside the root BlockEntities project folder. Otherwise, skip this step. Grab a coffee, this may take up to 5 minutes depending on your cpu & internet connection.
  3. Once the project has setup, run gradlew blockentities
  4. The BlockEntities jar will be placed in BlockEntities/build/BlockEntities-XXX-XXX.jar Enjoy! Consider supporting us by buying it on spigot!


Helping out in any way you can is appreciated, and you will be listed here for your contributions :)



Custom blocks using Block Entities






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