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Algebraic Data Types

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Algebraic Data Types, Categorically

Algebraic Theories

You can look them up, or look up Lawvere theory. An algebraic theory T consists of, in its simplest form, of one data type and a collection of operation symbols of finite arity. In addition, an algebraic theory may have axioms of the form expression1 = expression2. Note also that here we talk exclusively about finitary theories: each operation arity is a natural number. This eliminates arity problems like the one in Bauer's "What is algebraic..." paper.

The theory of monoids is an example: it has a nullary operation Zero and a binary operation Op, with axioms for Op's associativity and Zero being a neutral element for Op.

A model of an algebraic theory in a CCC(cartesian-closed category) C is an object X and an arrow Xn → X, defined for each operation of arity n. If the theory has axioms, these axioms should hold in the model (that is, a certain square should be commutative). We can represent such a model as just one arrow PT[X] → X where PT[X] is a union of Xn → X for each operation of arity n, that is, essentially, a polynomial; e.g. for monoids (forgetting its axioms, that is, for magmas), the functor PT[X] is 1+X2.

If a theory T does not have axioms, it's also known as language. It is the language of legitimate expressions of the theory, and it can be expressed in BNF. When we talk about types, we may not need axioms (probably, not sure, axioms introduce dependent types).

Multisorted Algebraic Theories

A slightly more complicated kind of algebraic theory is the one where there's more than one data type (aka 'sort'). In this case operations have signatures that specify argument types and the result types.

As an example, take vector spaces over ℝ - we have operations on ℝ, operations (addition) for vectors, and multiplication of vectors by numbers; there are also some axioms.

Or you can take a theory of matrices, where we have a distinct type of matrix for each pair of dimensions, n and m, and operations of addition and multiplications defined accordingly.

Modeling a multisorted algebra is a little bit trickier. Say, we do it in sets. We need a set for each data type, and we need, for each operation, a function from the Cartesian product of sets of the appropriate argument types to the set of result type. E.g. for matrices, for the operation of multiplying n×m matrices with m×k matrices, we need a map Mn,m(ℝ) × Mm,k(ℝ) → Mn,k(ℝ).


Keep in mind that there lurks an algebraic theory somewhere behind all those "types".

Suppose we are in a CCC C, as may functional programmers imagine themselves in. In the terms of such category, I'm trying to express the notions of ADT and GADT.

First, a couple of definitions.

Algebras over a Functor

Given a functor F in a category, an algebra over F is an object X with an arrow F[X]→X - or just such an arrow, since X is its codomain. The category of F-algebras is denoted as CF. Arrows in CF are known as "structured morphisms" in Haskell.

Polynomial Functor

Any functor P[X] that takes an object X and maps it to a polynomial object, P[X] = Σ ci× Xi.

As you see, an algebraic theory (with no axioms) T, when modeled in a category C, gives us a polynomial functor PT, built out of T's signatures, and also an arrow from PT[X] to X. That is, a model of T is an algebra over the functor PT. We can also go check whether PT is a monad, but that's a different story.

Fixed point of a functor F

Fixed point of F is an object X such that F[X] ≅ X. There may be more than one fixed point. The smallest one is an initial object in CF; the biggest one is a terminal object in the category of F-coalgebras, CF (the category of arrows of the form X→F[X]).

It's pretty obvious how an initial object I in the category of algebras over F is a fixed point of F (hint: look how algebras F[I]→I and F[F[I]]→F[I] can be mapped to each other).

Catamorphism for a given algebra F[X]→X is the unique arrow of algebras ("structured morphism" in Haskell) from I to X.

Now, for a given theory T, in the category of algebras over PT there can exist an initial object PT[I] → I, that is, the one that has a unique algebra morphism f: I → X to any algebra PT[X] → X. How can it be produced? Since PT is a polynomial, we can view such a solution as a root of a polynomial equation PT[X] ≅ X. If we are talking about models in the category of sets, we are looking for a minimal solution of PT[X] ≅ X. It can be build constructively; and it's called an "algebraic data type". Such an algebra, if we ignore axioms, is a tree.

Algebraic Data Type (ADT) aka Recursive Data Type

Given an algebraic theory T (with no axioms), the corresponding ADT (in Sets) is defined like this:

These types are the following:

  • a "simple value" for each nullary operation of T
  • an operation tag followed by a tuple of ADT values, for each operation of the theory.

By this definition, any "constant" (given by a nullary operation) belong to the type, and any expression built from expressions of our type using operations symbols, also belongs to the type. "Recursive" means that we can go ahead and build more complex expressions out of simpler ones.

This definition gives us an initial algebra in Sets for the theory T, or, in other words, a minimal fixed point X = PT[X]**. Intuitively, it is clear that we are talking about AST for expressions in theory T. These trees are exactly instances of an ADT for this theory.

E.g., given a theory with a nullary operation a0 and a set of unary operations A, the functor X → 1+A×X is polynomial (it corresponds to a theory with one nullary operation and a set A of unary operations; its fixpoint, X = 1+A×X, is an ADT that represents the type of strings of alphabet A, or, if you like, the type of lists of values from set A.

Another example, magma with a unit. A magma theory consists of one binary operation, call it m. Accordingly an algebra for magma theory is a set X with an operation X×X → X. If we don't require a unit element, that is, a point 1 → X, an initial algebra for magma theory is an empty set. If we add a point, we have a different story. Even better if we add a set A of points. Then an algebra for such theory will be a set X with an operation A + X×X → X. In such theory, a minimal fixpoint for such an operation (that is, an initial algebra) is a binary tree with values of A at leaves. You can view such trees as just expressions of the form m(m(a,b),m(m(b,m(c)),m(d,a)), where a,b,c etc are elements of A, that is, constants of the theory Magma + A.

Generalized Algebraic Data Type (GADT)

For a "generalized" type, we extends our theory with more than one type. If you read a wiki page on GADT (in Haskell), they'll tell you, basically, that if you have just one "initial" type, it's not a GADT, it's an ADT. I think, if it's generalized, it should include, right? Let's think logically, if possible. On the other hand, in Haskell's GADT, there are prescriptions specifying types of arguments of expressions that belong to a given GADT - meaning that, in a sense, a GADT is less generalized than an ADT.

We can actually generalize ADT properly, introducing the same notion, but for a multisorted algebraic theory.

A multisorted algebra makes the task of representing expressions more difficult. We may have constants of a variety of types, e.g. Boolean and Integer. For a regular algebraic theory we don't involve any extra types. So, in ADT, if there are types, they can be viewed as parameters. But for multisorted algebras we need to provide some information about the types involved. E.g. Integer can be defined via Peano, as sn(0), and Boolean can be defined as two constants and three operations (called connectives in logic): ¬, ∧, ∨. Then, having some types predefined, we can build a type of mixed expressions, according to our multisorted algebraic theory.

So, keeping in mind a multisorted algebraic theory, we define a GADT like this:

These types are the following:

  • a collection of predefined ("base") types (this could be Bool, Int, Char... whatever types are defined as "base" in your type theory);
  • a value of a polynomial functor on GADT;
  • a fixed point of a GADT.

Similarly to the case of ADT, we have trees, but this time we need to attribute a type to the base value at each node.

For instance, for a vector space 𝕍 over , we have a theory that has 0 and 1 in ; multiplication and addition for , that is, **

Another example (see GADT in wiki is build out of Integer and Boolean types via comparator predicate ==. This operation takes two integers and produces a boolean value. Since we can also use logical connectives (which is a part of "logical theory") and some integer operations (defined by "the theory of integers"), we can build complex expressions that ensure we have correct type checking. But the basis of all this is just a multisorted algebraic theory.

From a categorical point of view, we need to find a solution for representing a model of a multisorted algebra as an algebra. The trick is the following. Suppose we have n sorts in our theory, S1,...,Sn. A model of such a theory would involve n types (or, in a category, n objects) X1,...,Xn, randomly participating in operations, e.g. the first operation is defined on X1 × X2, another on X3 × X5 × X8, etc. We can think of all these operations as being defined on one or more copies of X1 × X1 × ... × Xn, and taking values in X1 × X1 × ... × Xn. Let's denote this product as X; it's a compound type consisting of all "primitive" types.

How can we transform our multisorted algebra operations to operations over X? First, a nullary operation, () → Xi can be always represented as a constant unary operation Xi → Xi. Then, given a unary operation Xi → Xj, we can represent it as X → X by mapping i-th component of the product to Xj, and all others mapping to themselves. Similarly, a binary operation op: Xi×Xj → Xk can be represented as X×X → X by mapping the components participating in op using this operation, and more or less arbitrarily defining the operation on other components, by projecting the components. That is, we need to define X×X → Xm, and we define it like this: for m=k it is defined by the operation op: Xi×Xj → Xk, and for m≠k it is the projection of m-th component of X = X1 × X1 × ... × Xn.

This way we can represent multisorted algebras as regular algebras. E.g. for a vector space 𝕍 over we will have operations on and 𝕍 and multiplication ℝ×𝕍 → 𝕍. The corresponding single-sorted algebra is an object (a set) ℝ×𝕍 with operations ℝ×𝕍 × ℝ×𝕍 → ℝ×𝕍 that, for number addition and multiplication, ignore the vector arguments: plus(r1,v1,r2,v2) = (r1+r2, v1), mult(r1,v1,r2,v2) = (r1*r2, v1), and for vector addition we ignore the number arguments: vplus(r1,v1,r2,v2) = (r1, v1+v2). Multiplication of a vector by a number is defined as vmult(r1,v1,r2,v2) = (r1, r1*v1).

Having all this, we can easily build a functor for a given multisorted algebraic theory, and a category of algebras for such a functor. These algebras are (up to the unused components) will be a model of our theory.

Returning to the type-theoretical view, we have, as a representation, a global type T0, which is a product of all possible types, for starters. Then our functor gives us a way to build the type of expressions, which is a union of all possible expressions. Recursively we build a type of syntax trees, which is a fixed point (the smallest one) of our functor.

Also, from nlab: "A monad (T,μ,i) on the category Set of sets, is finitary (also called algebraic, although some people consider any monad to be an algebraic notion) if the underlying endofunctor T:Set→Set commutes with filtered colimits.

In other words, an algebraic monad is a monoid in the category of algebraic endofunctors on Set."

Same page, further down: "A finitary monad (T,μ,i) is completely determined by its value on all finite ordinals n∈ℕ0 considered as standard finite sets. T(n) is then the set of n-ary operations. The notion of algebraic monad is hence similar to the notion of a nonsymmetric operad in Set, but it is not equivalent, because of the possibility of duplicating or discarding inputs.

More precisely, each finitary monad T defines a Lawvere theory ThT, namely ThT=Freeopfin where Freefin is the category of free algebras T(n) on finite sets (as a full subcategory of AlgT). In fact, the two notions are equivalent: the assignment


defines an equivalence between the category of finitary monads on Set and the category of Lawvere theories. Moreover, the category of T-algebras is equivalent to the category of models of ThT. However, a technical advantage of Lawvere theories is that they can be interpreted in categories other than Set: a model of a Lawvere theory 𝒯 in a category with cartesian products C is just a product-preserving functor 𝒯→C."
