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21 lines (17 loc) · 857 Bytes

4.2. Firebase Hosting with Firebase Cloud Function for Dynamic

File metadata and controls

21 lines (17 loc) · 857 Bytes

Firebase Hosting with Cloud Functions for Dynamic Files

Initilize the Firebase Web project accourding to Firebase console.

Step:1 Setup Firebase Hosting
  1. Create a New Project in Firebase Console.
  2. Install NodeJS.
  3. Install Firebase CLI Tools.
  4. Create a new Directory in your Local Machine.
  5. Open Terminal/CMD/Powershell in your dir.
  6. Now type firebase login command in your Terminal/CMD/Powershell.
  7. Type firebase init.
  8. Select the project by using the arrow keys.
  9. Then Select the Firebase Hosting by using Spacebar and arrow key.
  10. Click No for Single page web app.
  11. Type Public.
  12. Some by default file will be created successfully.
  13. To depoly the application in Firebae, you need to use firebase deploy command.
Step: 2 Firebase Cloud Functions