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Installing Arch Linux on laptop and how to make it usable

In this tutorial I'd like to cover all steps from installing Arch Linux OS to stable, secure, and working system with working Wi-Fi, windows manager (i3) etc.

All my current configs are in this repository. Feel free to inspire from them (as I did from others).


There are tons of step-by-step guides how to install Arch so I will not go to deep here. Just look to <nstallation guide. Anyway, short summary:

Primary installation


You have to prepare disc(s) where you'll install Arch Linux. One disc can be separated to more partitions. I recommend you to use two partitions for Arch Linux. One for system and second for user data (alias "home directory"). You can of course have one or more - as you wish. In this tutorial I will use 2 partition. It doesn't matter if there are next partitions with other systems (next Linux, Windows...). How big partitions should be? I recommend you 40GB-50GB for system and rest for home. The easiest way to partition is to use GParted. If you are using Linux, you can download from your distribution and make it from there. Of course, you'll not be able to resize, create etc. partitions on disc which is currently used. In that case, or if you don't have Linux, there is GParted life distribution - make a booting USB flash with that. In GParted you have to create two partitions with previously stated sizes and format them to file system "ext4". Piece of cake. For convenience it's fine to label them also (when you create partition, you can add label).

There might be problem with your BIOS - it don't have to has booting from USB flash as default. You need to change an order of priority in your BIOS (the "thing" before operating systems boots up). Google is your friend :) .

Installing Arch Linux

Now you have prepared disc for installation. Download last ISO of Arch Linux and make a booting USB flash with that. When you'll be done with that, insert USB flash to PC and run it. It should boot up to Arch Linux prompt (terminal, console). Now we need to connect to the internet. You can use command Wi-Fi-menu or just plug in ethernet cable. To check if you are connect, try ping If you get response, it's working. Now we need to join prepared partitions to currently running OS. Which are they? You can find it out by typing lsblk. There will be listed all partitions. You care about the two you partitioned earlier. You should recognize them thanks to the size. If you are not sure, you'll find it out in a minute. In my case, there is /dev/sda5 for system (40GB) and /dev/sda6 for home. Of course it might differ from yours, so substitute it to your case. Do * mount /dev/sda5 /mnt * check if it is empty ls /mnt. If you don't see anything (or there is only something like lost+found), it's our partition :). * Create directory for home mkdir /mnt/home * mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/home

Now we can physically install Arch Linux. Type pacstrap /mnt base and waits. It will download and install packages.

Post install

Now we need to tell system which partition is system disc and which home partition. This will help us a little: genfstab

Link some zone info


Change root settings

Now we will change root to new system - from the current one, which is the USB one, we will magically get to the new. This magic will happen by command: arch-chroot /mnt.

We need to install packages for connecting to the internet as we did on the start of installation. For that, we will need these packages (which are included on this USB version, but not on installation): pacman -S dialog wpa_actiond ifplugd wpa_suppicant sudo zsh That should be sufficient for making Wi-Fi or wired connection in our new system, when we finish work from here. There are also two useful packages sudo and zsh. I will cover them in next paragraph.

In Linux, there is always one user, which is equivalent to god. His name is "root". You are currently login as him. We will change a password for him. Type passwd and set new password. We also want to add regular user (think about it as a god who is creating humans). This can be done by: useradd -m -G wheel -s /usr/bin/zsh username, where username is as you wish. I will use "bob" in next chapters as default user. There are also some other switches in command. -m is for creating bob's sandbox for his files and -G to add him to the wheel group. Why? Remember installing sudo and mentioning root? It is better working as bob (being god all the time means a lot of responsibility), but sometimes has some superpowers as root has. Sudo will do it for as. sudo can grant you superusers privileges. More about it here. Now the wheel group. Every user, who is in wheel group, will have this ability to use sudo. Type: visudo and find this line: # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL and delete # character (for future reference, this means to "uncomment line"). It will look like this %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL. Save and exit (in vim just press escape and :x). Next switch in creating command was -s /usr/bin/zsh. This will just save your time in terminal (where you'll be a lot). Enough for now. We will make this also for root by chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh. Last thing - we need to set password for bob. Do it by typing passwd bob.


We need to tell to your PC what systems are installed and add you the ability to choose between them (windows, Linux(other distros)...). For that we will need one or two more packages pacman -S grub. If you have windows installed on other partitions, also install pacman -S os-prober. When you boot your PC there is APROXIMATELY this sequence: * BIOS - it then looks to the beginning of your disc for first part of GRUB * GRUB first stage - if it is found, GRUB takes control and then looks for other files with more informations and pass control to GRUB second stage * GRUB second stage - it gives you option to choose system you want to boot up and then kick it up * OS will boot up this is not precise, but sufficient for our purposes and to be honest, for 90% of what you need on daily basis (personally, I don't know more than this :) ). BIOS is installed from factory. So our work is to install GRUB stages. Resolve which disc you want to use - I recommend you to use the first one, which is usually called /dev/sda. If you have only one disc in PC, it is this one :) .

CAUTION - notice that I'm not speaking about partition, in which case I'd need to add number after sda. First stage of GRUB is somehow "partition" independent. OK, now install it: grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck /dev/sda again - now number after sda. Of course, change a to your case. Now we need to install second stage of GRUB. It will be to the current system partition, so run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg. Now you are ready to restart your PC. Do it by typing shutdown now, plug off USB flash and turn PC on again. If everything went well, you should be in white-black window with names of available systems. Choose Arch, of course. If not, just boot again from USB flash, mount system partitions with already installed system, arch-chroot inside it and try installing grub again or find what went wrong. Don't panic :).

Making system usable

Login in

You should be looking to the Arch Linux console with asking for username and password. You have two options now: sign in as bob or as a root. For now, I recommend you to join as a root because we will maintain the system for a while. But for future, always use regular user for common tasks and when you need root privileges., use sudo command. So, username is root and password is the one you specified in the past. If you forgot it, you can again boot up from USB flash, arch chroot and change it.

Setting connection

We will set up simple connection manager, which will auto connect to known Wi-Fi networks and auto connect if you plug in a ethernet cable. If you'll want to connect to new yet unknown Wi-Fi network, you will use Wi-Fi-menu.

So now connect to internet using Wi-Fi-menu. Now we will enable networking daemon (things which runs silently on the background) to start after boot. For that we'll need how is your Wi-Fi or ethernet device inside your laptop called. We can find it by typing ip addr. Output should be similar to this:

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp2s0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether e8:03:9a:97:b5:a7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: wlp1s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 88:53:2e:c1:e4:d1 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

you care about the two of them, which starts with wlp... and enp.... Let's say it's enp2s0 and wlp3s0.

Now we are ready to start autoconnect to known networks. Let's do that by systemctl enable netctl-auto@wlp3s0 and systemctl enable netctl-ifplugd@enp2s0. That's it. Now, if you wan't to connect to unknown Wi-Fi, just type (needs root) Wi-Fi-menu and when you want cable connection, just plug it in :) .

Graphic enviroment

Installing i3

As I sad before, we are going to use I3. Take a look at there webpage and guide. For make it run we will need to install these pacman -S i3 dmenu xorg xorg-xinit. It might ask you about some choices - just install anything. It isn't necessary to have all crap from Xorg, but to figure out which is and which isn't needed is just pain (wayland should solve this in near future). If it asks you about installing i3-status, approve it. Xorg is used for all advance displaing in linux. i3 needs it also. When you run a graphic enviroment anywhere on linux, it means that Xorg is runned and than there might be some windows managers etc. So now we just tell Xorg to run i3 after it's start. To do that, we will edit this file: vim ~/.xinitrc to this:

#! /bin/bash
exec i3

this should be sufficient. Since now, you can start i3 by typing startx (try it :) ). To quit from i3 back to console press Windows+Shift+E or Ctrl+Alt+Del. How to actually use i3 we will cover in next part.

We'd like to start i3 (startx) after logging in after boot. Open file /etc/profile and add there this:

# autostart systemd default session on tty1
if [[ "$(tty)" == '/dev/tty1' ]]; then
    exec startx

What this does? Next time you reboot your computer and you log in with your username and password, i3 will start :) . If you don't want to start i3 and you just need console (or i3 is broken), you can just change tty. Linux has by default 7 of them. In majority of distributions with DE (desktop enviroment) Xorg is running on seventh tty. In our case it will be the first one.

Configuring i3 status bar

i3status bar is just what is is - status bar. After install you need to edit it a bit. It's located in ~/.i3status. Usually it is necessary to adjust these: battery You have to find out number* of your battery. Type ``ls /sys/class/power_supply``. It should show something like ``ADP1 BAT1``. Number after ``BAT`` is you lucky number. Usually it's 1 or 0. **wireless and ethernet device name Here you need to replace wlan0 and eth0 with ones you have. To find it out again type ip addr. There should be something like wlp1s0 and enp2s0 (on older distros there is still wlan0 or eth0 - in that case keep it as is :) ) .

Installing terminal

My choice of terminal with i3 is urxvt. Let's install it: pacman -S rxvt-unicode rxvt-unicode-terminfo. terminfo is just for some compatibility issues with sshing and screen.

Now configure it by opening ~/.Xdefaults. Add this:

! urxvt

URxvt*geometry:                115x40
!URxvt*font: xft:Liberation Mono:pixelsize=14:antialias=false:hinting=true
URxvt*font: xft:Inconsolata:pixelsize=17:antialias=true:hinting=true
URxvt*boldFont: xft:Inconsolata:bold:pixelsize=17:antialias=false:hinting=true
!URxvt*boldFont: xft:Liberation Mono:bold:pixelsize=14:antialias=false:hinting=true
URxvt*depth:                24
URxvt*borderless: 1
URxvt*scrollBar:            false
URxvt*saveLines:  2000
URxvt.transparent:      true
URxvt*.shading: 10

! Meta modifier for keybindings
!URxvt.modifier: super

!! perl extensions
URxvt.perl-ext:             default,url-select,clipboard

! url-select (part of urxvt-perls package)
URxvt.keysym.M-u:           perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.url-select.autocopy:  true
URxvt.url-select.button:    2
URxvt.url-select.launcher:  chromium
URxvt.url-select.underline: true

! Nastavuje kopirovani
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: perl:clipboard:paste
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-C:   perl:clipboard:copy

! disable the stupid ctrl+shift 'feature'
URxvt.iso14755: false
URxvt.iso14755_52: false

!urxvt color scheme:

URxvt*background: #2B2B2B
URxvt*foreground: #DEDEDE

URxvt*colorUL: #86a2b0

! black
URxvt*color0  : #2E3436
URxvt*color8  : #555753
! red
URxvt*color1  : #CC0000
URxvt*color9  : #EF2929
! green
URxvt*color2  : #4E9A06
URxvt*color10 : #8AE234
! yellow
URxvt*color3  : #C4A000
URxvt*color11 : #FCE94F
! blue
URxvt*color4  : #3465A4
URxvt*color12 : #729FCF
! magenta
URxvt*color5  : #75507B
URxvt*color13 : #AD7FA8
! cyan
URxvt*color6  : #06989A
URxvt*color14 : #34E2E2
! white
URxvt*color7  : #D3D7CF
URxvt*color15 : #EEEEEC

now you have nice looking terminal for i3. You can start i3 by startx and press Windows+d to open something like run promt. There you can type program you'd like to run and press entre. Open urxvt for now :) .

Install yaourt and AUR

Archlinux has several official repositories and also unofficial AUR. It's not trivial to install packages from there and there are helpers for that, such as yaourt, which is equivalent to pacman for oficial repos.

In AUR are usefull packages as Oracle Java implementation, proprietary software, software which is used rarely etc.

To install yaourt do this: * pacman -S base-devel wget * wget * wget * tar xvf package-query.tar.gz * cd package-query * makepkg -s * pacman -U package-query* * tar xvf yaourt.tar.gz * cd yaourt * makepkg -s * pacman -U yaourt*

That's it. We have installed yaourt and package-query from AUR and you see that it is not hard, but seems a bit...

...ehh - long. Now, to install something from AUR, for example copy-agent, just type: yaourt -S copy-agent. It will do all this for you :) . Why this is not allowed by default? It might be danger to install something from AUR, since everyone can add there something. So be aware of that!

Some other usefull packages to make system usefull

Office suite My choice of office suite (alternative to MS Office) is Libre office. pacman -S libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress. (I will not type pacman -S since now when I'll talk about installing) PDF viewer I like lightweigt and fast viewer called zathura. Install zathura zathura-pdf-poppler Text editor Even I use vim for 90% of my work, sometimes is usefull to has simple graphic text editor. I'd recommend geany. Partitioning Just gparted. Great tool. FTP client filezilla Graphics For low level use imagemagick. For something normal use gpicview. Instead of photoshop use gimp. Analyzing processes etc. * htop - processes * iotop - writes to disk LaTex All you in most cases need is texlive-core. The rest is optional and install it only if you need it.

For editor I'd recommend texmaker for beginners and texworks for the rest.

tree Try it in terminal :) . Show structure of current folder. To limit level type tree -L <n>. torrents transmission-gtk

Console-based browser lynx - it can be handy when you need web-browser and can't run graphical enviroment. Console based file manager ranger - vim like bindings, tabs, written in python and fast file manager? YES! media player vlc should be sufficient.


Install ttf-dejavu ttf-inconsolata.

Nice look of GTK2 apps

You maybe noticed that apps looks bit awfull. For configuration like this exists great tool called lxappearance. Install also simple greybird theme from AUR - so we'll need to use yaourt: yaourt -S xfce-theme-greybird.

Now just open lxappearance (by typing Win+d and lxappearance) and set greybird as default theme.

Multiple monitors

arandr (xrandr)

For multiple monitor configuration I love app called arandr. Install it :) . Now just run it and you should be able to configure layouts, positions, resolutions etc. as you wish. You can even save your layout.

arandr is just a frontend gui for xrandr. It means that clicking with mouse is converted into shell command, which is send to xrandr. Command for setting HDMI1 connected monitor to right next to notebook monitor is as follows: xrandr --output HDMI1 --right-of LVDS1 --preferred --primary --output LVDS1 --preferred. This knowledge will be usefull in next chapter.

Automatically detect (dis)connected monitor and change layout

There is low level thing called udev which cares about everything what you connect to your PC. We will tell it to run a script, which has script for xrandr.

Create this file /etc/udev/rules.d/95-monitor-hotplug.rules and add this:

#Rule for executing commands when an external screen is plugged in.
KERNEL=="card0", SUBSYSTEM=="drm", ENV{DISPLAY}=":0", ENV{XAUTHORITY}="/home/dan/.Xauthority", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/"

Now we need create /usr/local/bin/ with this content:

#! /usr/bin/bash
# Sets right perspective when monitor is plugged in
# Needed by udev rule /etc/udev/rules.d/95-hotplug-monitor
export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=/home/USERNAME/.Xauthority

function connect(){
    xrandr --output HDMI1 --right-of LVDS1 --preferred --primary --output LVDS1 --preferred

function disconnect(){
      xrandr --output HDMI1 --off

xrandr | grep "HDMI1 connected" &> /dev/null && connect || disconnect

CAUTION This script is set for my layout, where LVDS1 is my laptop display and second monitor is connected by HDM1 (and is on the right of LVDS). You need to adjust it to your case.

If you connect your monitor before boot, there might not be "change" which would cause this script to run. To solve it add this line in front of exec i3 to ~/.xinitrc.

/usr/local/bin/ &


Use bluez and bluez-utils. Configuration and usage is on the Arch wiki. But be aware of the fact that bluez and generally bluetooth on linux is TERRIBLY document. bluez hasn't it's own documentation and all you can get is old mailing list. UAAAAA!!!

Some other tunnies

Nicer look of Java aplications and colors in manual pages and less open .zshenv and add:

export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on'
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim

# Coloring less command
export LESS=-R
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf '\e[0m')
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf '\e[0m')
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf '\e[0m')
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf '\e[1;32m')
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf '\e[1;34m')
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf '\e[1;32m')
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf '\e[1;44;1m')

bash/zsh competition Maybe you've find out that if you type start of some command, zsh will help you to finish it if you hit TAB key. It's not supported for all commands, so add it at least for some of them. Install vim-systemd.

Automounting discs, mounting and umounting as normal user

We will use devmon, which is part of udevil package. Add this line to ~/.i3/config:

exec --no-startup-id "devmon --no-gui"

this will run this daemon which will take care about it for us.

To unmount most recently mounted disc type devmon -c. To umount all removable devices type devmon -r. To mount connected disc type devmon --mount /dev/sdb1 (change of course sdb1. Use devmon -h for help.

Writing to NTFS discs

To have possibility to write to NTFS formated drives is good to install ntfs-3g. Next on Arch wiki :) .

Power control and power consumption

For laptops there is great tool called tlp. powertop can be also handy, but don't trust it too much...


TODO - same as RPI


To allow sound, install alsa-firmware alsa-utils alsa-plugins pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio. It usually works out of the box, but is necessary run pulseaudio. Add this to ~/.i3/config: exec --no-startup-id "pulseaudio --start

For graphical control of sound use pavucontrol.

For displaying current volume on i3status, add this to ~/.i3status:

order += "volume master"

volume master {
        format = "V: %volume"
        device = "default"
        mixer = "Master"
        mixer_idx = 0

Using spare memory for browser cache

If you have spare memory (RAM), it's bad :D . Use it for something. It's a pitty it isn't used for something useful - like adding cache from browser to it.

What does it mean? Broswer are storing tons of data to cache for faster loading next time. It's waering out the disc (to much writes) and it's slow. To do this, follow these links: chromium firefox