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File metadata and controls

307 lines (197 loc) · 8.9 KB

Differential Expression Statistics

opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7, cache = TRUE)
opts_knit$set(base.url = "")

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Normally, I extract the design from the file names, but in this case, the file names are just SRA identifiers, so this is done manually:

design <- data.frame(file = c("SRR070570", "SRR070571", "SRR070572", 
    "SRR070573"), treatment = c("wildtype", "wildtype", "mutant", "mutant"), 
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Read in Count Data and Do EDA

d <- read.table("results/raw-counts.txt", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
## SRR070570 SRR070571 SRR070572 SRR070573 
##  11728960  11585090  13162350  12267736 

MDS Plot

An MDS plot is a great diagnostic - both on raw counts and normalized and variance stabilized counts.

mdsPlot <- function(counts, conds, useVST = FALSE) {
    if (useVST) {
        cds <- newCountDataSet(counts, conds)
        cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds)
        cds <- estimateDispersions(cds, method = "blind")
        counts <- getVarianceStabilizedData(cds)
    d <- dist(t(counts)) <- cmdscale(d, eig = TRUE, k = 2)
    mds.d <- data.frame(x1 =$points[, 1], x2 =$points[, 2], 
        labels = colnames(counts))
    mds.d$treatment <- as.factor(conds)
    ggplot(mds.d) + geom_text(aes(x = x1, y = x2, label = labels, colour = treatment))

mdsPlot(d, design$treatment[match(colnames(d), design$file)]) + opts(title = "MDS on Raw Counts")

plot of chunk mdsplot

mdsPlot(d, design$treatment[match(colnames(d), design$file)], useVST = TRUE) + 
    opts(title = "MDS on Normalized and VST Counts")

plot of chunk mdsplot

What do we look for in MDS plots? Well, as with many diagnostic plots it takes practice and is subjective. Personally, I like to see that:

  • Samples are linearly seperable (or close) by treatment. If not, it's likely (again, this is subjective) that there is either too much biological heterogeniety which leads to high variability across replicates. If all samples clumped, or replicates per treatment all over in the MDS plot, this could cause problems in variance estimation and lead to few differentially expressed genes being found (or those that are found are unreliable). Either more biology replicates are needed, or further experimental controls are needed (or both!).

  • Replicates are somewhat clustered (especially if there are over four). Don't over interpret the absolute distances in MDS plots: remember, things are scaled to fit the plot window well, which can make small actual distances look larger. Consider relative and pairwise distances.

In this plot, we see there is more distance between wild type replicates than mutant replicates.


There are many RNA-seq normalization strategies. The most common (sadly, but that's just my opinion) is RPKM: reads per kilobase of exon per million mapped reads. This is a normalization scheme that attempts to control for varying transcript lengths (longer transcripts, more reads) and differences in library sizes. One can think of this as using a global scaling factor: total mapped reads (or in our example, the column sums).

The problem with this approach is that some genes are extremely expressed and drive total lane counts. We also know from the mean-variance relationship of count data that highly expressed genes also have the highest variance (worsened by overdispersion!), so tiny (likely) differences in the expression of these highly expressed genes across replicates can lead to drastic changes in total lane counts and thus the scaling factor.

To illustrate this, let's look at the top 2% of highly expressed genes in SRR070570:

q98 <- quantile(d$SRR070570, probs = 0.98)
sum(d$SRR070570[d$SRR070570 >= q98])/sum(d$SRR070570)
## [1] 0.899

So the top 2% of gene's counts make up nearly 90% of total lane counts.

Other approaches try to be more robust. DESeq's approach is to use the geometric mean across samples to build a reference distribution. Then the median of the genewise ratios of counts to the reference distribution is used as a per-lane scaling factor. This is used directly in fitting process.

An MA-plot can be used (with caution - this is not a microarray analysis!) to look at how things are distributed.

makeMAData <- function(d, conds,, {
    samples.a <- d[, conds ==]
    samples.b <- d[, conds ==]
    lfc <- log2(rowMeans(samples.a)/rowMeans(samples.b)) <- rowMeans(samples.a) == 0 | rowMeans(samples.b) == 0
    lfc[] <- (log2(rowMeans(samples.a + 1)/rowMeans(samples.b + 1)))[]
    mean.exp <- rowMeans(d)
    mean.exp[] <- 0.5
    ma.d <- data.frame(lfc, mean.exp, adjusted =
ma.d <- makeMAData(d, design$treatment[match(colnames(d), design$file)], 
    "mutant", "wildtype")
p <- ggplot(ma.d) + geom_point(aes(x = mean.exp, y = lfc, color = adjusted), 
    size = 0.8) + scale_x_log10("mean expression") + scale_y_continuous("log2 fold change (mutant/wildtype)")
p <- p + geom_smooth(aes(x = mean.exp, y = lfc), se = FALSE)
## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is >=1000, so using
## gam with formula: y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"). Use 'method = x' to change the
## smoothing method.

plot of chunk ma-plot

We usually operator under the null hypothesis that most genes are not differentially expressed (although, depending on what you're comparing, this belief should be updated), so we would expect the blue lowess curve to be close to the y=0 line.

We can see how much DESeq's normalization procedure would change things by running the first few steps of a DE analysis and outputing normalized counts:

cds <- newCountDataSet(d, design$treatment[match(colnames(d), design$file)])
cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds)
norm.counts <- counts(cds, normalized = TRUE)
ma.d$title <- "Before Normalization"
ma.d.norm <- makeMAData(norm.counts, design$treatment[match(colnames(norm.counts), 
    design$file)], "mutant", "wildtype")
ma.d.norm$title <- "After Normalization"

ma.d.all <- rbind(ma.d, ma.d.norm)

p <- ggplot(ma.d.all) + geom_point(aes(x = mean.exp, y = lfc, color = adjusted), 
    size = 0.8) + scale_x_log10("mean expression") + scale_y_continuous("log2 fold change (mutant/wildtype)")
p <- p + geom_smooth(aes(x = mean.exp, y = lfc), se = FALSE)
p + facet_wrap(~title)
## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is >=1000, so using
## gam with formula: y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"). Use 'method = x' to change the
## smoothing method.
## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is >=1000, so using
## gam with formula: y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"). Use 'method = x' to change the
## smoothing method.

plot of chunk deseq-norm

We can see (at least according to DESeq's normalization scheme) that not much normalization was needed.

Mean and Variance

Count data is often modeled using the Poisson distribution, which is a distribution with one parameter, equal to the mean and variance. The assumption that the mean equals the variance is often not valid: there is what is known as overdispersion, or variance > mean. This is usually the case when replicates are really more accurately draws from a mixture model (often the case when you have heterogeneous biological individuals). Technical replicates often do satisfy the Poisson model (since the source of error is not heterogeneity, but rather techincal noise).

mean.wt <- rowMeans(d[, design$file[design$treatment == "wildtype"]])
mean.mut <- rowMeans(d[, design$file[design$treatment == "mutant"]])
var.wt <- apply(d[, design$file[design$treatment == "wildtype"]], 
    1, var)
var.mut <- apply(d[, design$file[design$treatment == "mutant"]], 
    1, var)

mv.d <- data.frame(mean = c(mean.wt, mean.mut), variance = c(var.wt, 
    var.mut), sample = as.vector(Rle(c("wildtype", "mutant"), c(nrow(d), nrow(d)))))

ggplot(mv.d) + geom_point(aes(x = mean, y = variance, color = sample), 
    size = 1) + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10() + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, 
    color = "blue")

plot of chunk mean-var

Differential Expressio Analysis

We can conduct an initial differential expression analysis with estimateDispersions and nbinomTest:

cds <- estimateDispersions(cds)
res <- nbinomTest(cds, "mutant", "wildtype")